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April’s Frequency Forecast!

The theme for this April’s frequency forecast is all about releasing the keys that lock you into this 3rd dimensional world. The astral world is shifting and merging these higher frequencies with our 3 D world to shift consciousness within us in a more embodied way. We all live in a multidimensional world, whether we are consciously awake to those other dimensions or not. The majority of our population is not directly aware of the other dimensions nor have the ability to “consciously” travel there. Yet every single soul on the planet, resides in many dimensions and are influenced by the consciousness available in those other realms. In our teaching programs, we share with our students the teachings on how to work with their higher self, their higher mind, focusing on the aspects of their soul that resides outside of the human existence. Your higher self is tapped into the unity consciousness of the universe and when in meditation, you can access higher wisdom and knowledge. We all have this ability.

Frequency Forecast

This line of existence in our 3rd dimensional world is a dimension you choose to work in to learn how to move energy and shape into physical form. We create, with our spiritual mind and shape into form our own physical bodies. Every thought you have, shapes your physical body form, physical health and the way you move your physical body. Your spirit then learns to work within the 3D earthly world to manifest, a family, a home, a car, a bank account and even an ATM machine to withdraw your money. Every solid form is a creation of thoughts formed by you and other humans. For you to travel to France, you must manifest the money for the trip, the time off from work and purchase a ticket to fly over to France. In spirit form in the other dimensions, you simply have the thought formed of going to France and suddenly in an instant you are there. This is just one simple example of the difference between our earthly plane and spiritual plane. However, there are many many other spiritual dimensions available to us.

I have always known since I was a young girl that there were 7 dimensions or 7 worlds or universes outside of this earth. According to Hindu teachings there are 14 dimensions, of which 7 are above and 7 are below our dimension. click here, to follow the link to Hindu cosmology – Wikipedia. All of this can become quite the complex system as I believe that within each of these dimensions is another 7 dimensions. So when it is said, we are multidimensional beings, that means that our physical body resides in the earthly dimension, yet our spirit can traverse many dimensions at the same time and bring that consciousness back to our earthly body to integrate. Have I totally flipped your mental boat yet? There is a point that I am leading you to and that point is this;

The Frequency Forecast for the month of April 2021 is telling me that some of those dimensions are merging together with other dimensions. In other words, some dimensions in the astral world are collapsing into each other and this merging, collapsing process can and will impact your spirit, therefore also impacting your body and life in general. Spirit wishes for me to explain it this way. In the world, we have neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities that are inhabited by businesses, homes, individuals and families. There are many examples in the past where civilizations ran out of water supply and needed to move where the water was, and completely abandoned where they were living. The Mayans are a great example of this. We are all awakening to another level of consciousness and in our search for higher meaning, we leave other dimensions we once resided in. Those spiritual beings that were in other dimensions may move up into the dimension you just left. However, there are some dimensions. that no longer fit in our expanding paradigm and without the light of our consciousness, become very thin, may collapse or may merge into the dimension above. Kind of like merging two companies for greater success of the whole.

Why is this important to know? We are multidimensional beings and some of our own dimensions that we reside in spiritually, no longer meet our needs, therefore, those levels collapse or merge. So when I asked spirit to show me what we can expect for this month of April 2021, I was shown an image of black rings around our heads, and around our throat chakra. Each black ring indicates limiting patterns, beliefs and ways of thinking that lock us into the past. I was then shown that on each black ring was a set of keys. For some you may have a few keys and others you may have 100’s of keys. As the vibrational frequency elevates in the month of April, those keys begin to pop off the ring and the initial limitations you held release their grasp and your aura expands rapidly. Consciously choosing to release each key on each black limiting ring will ease your transition into a greater conscious state to navigate our ever expanding universe.

April 1st – April 10th, is called the period of time where your key ring is rattling, jingling and getting your attention. You will physically, emotionally and mentally you can feel unsettled, uneasy, nervous, maybe even fearful or anxiety. Everything will feel a bit unsettled, but remember we have been building towards this for years now, so for most of you it will feel more like a sense of relief as the frequency rises. Self care, will be of utmost importance during this time, to assure your physical body that it is simply going through frequency changes. Click Here to read my blog on physical symptoms of rapid ascension. https://www.intuitivemind.org/2021/01/top-10-physical-symptoms-of-the-ascension-process/

April 11th – April 14th, there will be a time of anchoring the higher frequency into your body. This is essential to spiritualize your body to ease its journey into higher dimensional frequencies that will continue to come in waves over the next 3 years. You will want to get this part down to a science! Meaning, take this 4 day period of time and do some great physical self care things to comfort your body. Plan it in your calendar, to go for a walk in nature, take salt baths, get a massage, a healing, talk to your therapist, eat healthy, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and plan on going to bed early. Your dream world may feel absent at this time, but once your body has shaken off the old energies, your dreaming will become more active. Click here to read, my blog post on recalibrating for rapid ascension.

April 15th – 25th, you will be entering into a celestial time of being uploaded with an upgrade to your spiritual system, like our computers or phones go through updates, so our phones work better. It is the same for us as energy, we need to go through these upgrades to function better. Do you have a choice to upgrade or not? Absolutely!!! How many of you hesitate to update your phone until you see if their are going to be any glitches? Laughing! I certainly have, as well as I have waited until they upgraded the glitches to fix the glitches. However, remember your spirit has been going through upgrades since the beginning of time and your spirit knows what is right for you. But if you prefer NOT to go through the shifts this month, just state, I do not give permission for this. It is that simple. Your free will is honored.

Will you notice this 10 days of upgrading? Maybe and maybe not, but if you notice anything, it will be around the head, neck and shoulders. You may feel pressure on top of your head, this is more of your spirit able to come into your body because your body is being spiritualized. You may experience tension in your neck, or headaches. This is caused by energy blocks that slow down the flow of your own spirit into your body. Choose to let go of those keys on your key ring of limiting energy thought patterns. Of course getting a massage, seeing the chiropractor, acupuncture, and energy balancing will help your body integrate these ascension patterns of upgrades. Be excited about what just might be new gifts inside of you that are soon to be revealed.

April 26th into May, is another integration time for your body. Implement those self care things we talked about before. The entire year of 2021 is more change, integration and adaptation. We are a world going through growing pains, yet we are gifted with times of abundance, happiness and joy along the way. Each month, I will write about the frequency forecast so that we can have a “heads up” and put those self care pieces into place that will smooth out the ride of our soul. Visit our website, under products, click here to download our free meditations; https://www.intuitivemind.org/free-meditations/ As you run your own spiritual energy through your body it will help you to “kick loose” some of those stubborn energy blocks in the shape of keys on a key ring. Find your laughter, get out and walk in nature, and remember, we are always stronger together than we are apart!

Over all, in the world in April will be another surge of new discoveries, new ways of seeing old issues, and a greater coming together of our global community. There is a surge of vaccinations available in the United States and we will see a gifting of the vaccine to other countries, moving the focus of vaccination as a global issue, not just a USA issue. There will be a natural movement of abundance. Naturally finding your money seeming to last longer than normal.

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