Showing God’s Love through Action is the next step in our evolution. The most recent “Frequency Forecast for July” shows great movement in terms of energy shifts, transformation, and integration of higher frequencies making their grounded way into our 3rd dimensional hearts and reality. Often most of us are oblivious to these changes that are happening in the unseen, unknown world, but it does not mean it is not happening. Therefore, when I “tune in and tap in” to the spirit world for these forecasts, I am also asking the question; What does this mean for us in the Human world? What is this going to look like for us? When the spiritual realm said that on July 13th, a high 12th dimensional frequency would be activating our heart chakra, my first thought was not, wow, that is going to be super cool! My first thought was, wow, that is an extremely high frequency for this 3rd dimensional world and how are we going to handle it? Will we be able to handle it and what might we experience? This blog posts will attempt to describe and answer those deeper questions, sharing with you, what experiences we can expect to have and see show up in our lives.

My experience of reading over 15,000 human energy fields has shown me a pattern and that pattern is most of us live within the frequencies of the 2nd to 8th dimensional plane. The earth, in all its beauty, glory and sacredness, is a high frequency planet showing us just how easily those higher frequencies can live harmoniously in the 3rd dimensional world of physical matter. We at the human level have been grounding and anchoring the higher frequency of our soul into the 3rd dimension since the beginning of humans on the earth. More recently, the frequencies of the earthly universe have been rising at an accelerated pace, preparing us all for this current elevation in consciousness. Therefore, as humans, the more we can ground our human energy field into this 3rd dimension consistently no matter how high the tide rises, or the waves of change crash into our lives, the more resilient as humans we will find ourselves.
When spirit asked me, us, to prepare for this 12th dimensional activation frequency of the heart, I imagined all kinds of things, because I know the 12th dimension is the place of the Angelic realm. Click here to read, Should you follow your head or your heart blog posts that I wrote about in February 2021.
I imagined this dimension that would express love beyond the beyond and we would be reaching out to each other as brothers and sisters overnight! In the 25 + years of observing high frequency blasts, my own experience told me that actually we just might experience the opposite. As our own energy blocks in our heart chakra is knocked loose, cracked open, and spins to that 12th dimensional frequency, it can blow out the pipes of our own psyche! Just like when a high frequency of light came to earth in the form of the blue light, we experienced a global pandemic within 2 months following that explosive new vibration. I must say, I was a little concerned that we would not be able to handle this new vibe. My multiple questions brought through some beautiful answers. I am happy to share them with you here. However, as I often mention, it is important that you tune in to your own inner instincts to see and sense if this information resonates with you and if it does add it to your own wisdom and if it does not then toss it out. My wisdom tells me there is no real true answer to one question, yet the answers are a blend of our collective consciousness.
An angelic heart, 12th dimensional heart, shows Gods love through action. A 12th dimensional heart is one that is called to be in service. An angelic 12th dimensional heart is unwavering, honors free will, is pure with no attachments, and is in service to the greater good. Imagine the angelic realm filled with Archangels and other angels, in pure service to helping us to keep our eyes upwards and onwards to what is our greatest potential and helping us to achieve that when we ask. Some of us are naturally born into a heart of service. Some of you come into families who are in service to the greater good. Others know that we can not expand in our spiritual evolution moving forward unless we are in relationship with the greater good. When I was a small girl, I remember going to the elderly neighbors home to ask if I could wash her dishes. When I was a teenager, I volunteered to help serve at the homeless shelter. Try and remember back to your own childhood and remember times when you were “called” to help someone in need. I do believe that children naturally express a 12th dimensional service heart with a deep desire to want to make things better. In this current time frame from July 13th to August 23rd, we will know that the 12th dimension is being activated, not because we will feel warm, fuzzy, squishy love but we will know it as feeling “deeply called” to be in service.
Mother Teresa devoted her life to service by showing God’s love through action. If you read the book about her life, she in her letters to her spiritual advisor revealed that she sometimes struggled with questions of faith and even the existence of God. Additionally, she revealed that she often suffered with deep bouts of severe depression. Yet, she never wavered in her CALLING to be in service to the GREATER GOOD. Click here to read more about her story on the mental health justice website.

Years ago, I watched a documentary on Mother Teresa and there was a touching segment that has never left me. Mother Teresa heard there was an orphanage in Lebanon, caught in the middle of a raging war of bombs and gun fire. This orphanage housed disabled and mentally challenged children whose caretakers had run away as it was too dangerous to remain, and they could not transport the children out. Mother Teresa met with the Military and the Red Cross insisting they go in to save the children. The story itself is gut wrenching as they tried to negotiate a cease fire and safe passage. Mother Teresa true to her message of showing God’s love through action, climbed into the trucks with other nuns and insisted the men drive her into the war zone. Once there, the military felt overwhelmed at how many children there were. Mother Teresa, picked up one child, ran down the stairs, placed the child in the jeep and ran back upstairs to the orphanage and picked up another child, again, while the men stood bewildered. Eventually, they all moved into action and were able to get all the children to safety. At that time, no one could explain how the fighting had stopped, and all was quiet during the rescue except that God stopped the fighting. A pure service heart is showing God’s love through action, being called, listening to the call, answering the call and trusting that what is needed will be provided. Click here to purchase documentary.
Spirit reminded me that Jesus was born with that same service heart. He came to the earth, “called” to show God’s love through action, even when his life was threatened, he never wavered and took every opportunity to be the action of love he was called to be. Two thousand years later, his unwavering action and love can be witnessed in the hearts of those who continue to express this same Christ Calling. Buddha was born to a very wealthy family and had privileges beyond the average person. He was highly sheltered to be groomed to take over his families wealth. Buddha was “called” to go outside of the palace gates where he witnessed extreme poverty and suffering beyond those 4 walls. Buddha was called through his heart of service to teach others how to find peace in their hearts. Over two thousand years later his teachings are vibrant in the world as we see his work continue in the hearts of those called to show God’s love through action.
Today, you will know you are being “called” by this 12th dimensional frequency of heart when that pull of your heart leads you to offer service to others. As I typed that last statement, I looked at the clock and see the time is 4:44, the numerological symbology expressing that the angelic world is present. Your service can be simply making a cup of tea for your spouse, mowing the elderly neighbors grass, or phoning a friend that you know lives alone. Your calling to service may be to volunteer to take someone daily to their radiation appointments, volunteer at the food bank, or as my own 80-year-old mother does, organizes a group of people to bake 60-100 loaves of fresh homemade bread for food bank each week. A 12th dimensional heart is all about service, compelling service, cannot say no to your own heart service, and wake up each day to help others kind of service. Just like Mother Teresa, may not have always felt loving or compassionate but when she felt called, she listened, and made quick movement to take action, unwavering, relentless action.
I thought our heart chakra would be activated with this 12th dimensional frequency but was told that is NOT the way our hearts become inspired with this beautiful higher frequency. This 12th dimensional energy will come through our 3 golden divine rings that are located above our head in our crown chakra, where our own divine connection to our soul is located. This 12th dimensional frequency from the angelic realm will in turn touch your heart, activating your own calling to be in service. This 12th dimensional angelic love will fill you with love first, then overflowing within your own heart your heart will want to spill over into helping others. Spirit has shared that this high frequency will calm around August 23rd, allowing our hearts to bring that higher frequency and ground it into this 3rd dimensional realm where we can integrate this new way of moving through the world.
I founded Soul Seeds non-profit ( several years ago, as I was “called” to do. Our mission, HEALING WITH HUMANITY, is very appropriate for this time in our human evolution. We are still in the early stages of creating community connection. If called, we would love your support in helping us to spread our mission, our vision in spreading these meditation techniques to the larger communities. Look up to see what non-profit organizations are working within your own communities and pick up the phone to see how you can be in service. Your 12th dimensional service heart will let you know what speaks to you and your own soul seeds. click here, to visit Soul Seeds.
One response to “Show God’s Love Through Action!!!”
Loved this – acts of service