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September Frequency Forecast

The ‘September Frequency Forecast’ is telling us, that it is time to get your relationship house in order because your relationships with everything are changing. When spirit is talking about relationships, it is even more than human relationships. Which includes your relationship with your pets, nature, your line of work, how you make decisions in life, how you relate to inner doubt, resistance, insecurities, and many other things. However, it is how we relate and are in relationships with other humans that are the biggest disrupters or enhancers of how nicely your life can flow. Relationships feel heavy when you view them from a human (3rd dimensional) perspective. Weighted as if anything you say or do could potentially have grave consequences. When viewing relationships from the spiritual (5th dimensional) perspective that same relationship can be so very different. In fact, when you can make that seep soul connection with someone else, you tend to not worry about the consequences of expression because it comes from a soul-connected space.

Here are some questions that I hear often in client reading sessions from a human (3D) fear-based question. Then I will share with you how spirit often responds.

HumanWill my relationship survive?
SpiritIf this is what you choose.

HumanWhen will I meet my soul mate?
Spirit You have had many soulmates in this lifetime.

Human My mate does not spiritually understand me.
Spirit When you understand yourself, then you will no longer wish for someone else to understand you.

HumanMy siblings leave me out of their get-togethers, my parents seem to love me less, and my boss tends to favor the employees who are quiet.
Spirit Let me invite you to understand the spiritual contracts and agreements you have with these individuals, and that they have with you. This may assist you to understand why you were incarnated with them.

Human I do not know how I can heal my relationship with the abuser in my life.
Spirit I am happy to begin moving mountains of obstacles out of your way towards your own healing. All you need to do is say the word and I’m on it.

These are just a few examples of the differences in the 3rd dimensional focus vs a 5th Dimensional focus. But here is the thing, to make that shift to a higher perspective can be hard work. It takes a desire to see things differently, cultivate change, practice overriding the mind’s leanings towards fear-based thinking, and a willingness to let go of what might need to be dropped for your ultimate happiness. Fear of the unknown is where we can all get hung up and stop ourselves from making changes. I get it, it is not easy, and making big decisions about your life should not be taken lightly. This September Frequency Forecast is illuminating how you relate to the world so you can ‘clearly see’ what needs to be seen in its highest truth.

Mass revelatory changes can trigger paradigm shifts in a big way. Does this sound frightening to you? Do you wonder if this is a good thing or a bad thing? Let’s give an example here; You were raised in a strict family home and taught to fear the outside world. Once you are out of the home, travel, meet new people and new cultures, and find them to not be scary at all. This can create a huge paradigm shift that will free you to let go of the fears you were taught to navigate life with. We can expect to experience many shifts in paradigm not only in this month of September but also over the next several years.

The double doors of awakening are just beginning to open in September and will continue through December. The light flooding into our earthly atmosphere is so blindingly bright that even the smallest crack in this opening triggers higher states of consciousness. What this means is, that you might feel as if you are not spiritual enough to experience these awakening shifts. That is just not true. High-level knowledge that has been out of our reach for thousands of years is making its debut. What this means is you will be able to problem solve and heal old problems because new knowledge helps you to see the issues totally differently. Read, stop stuffing your feelings blog post.

This 3-month opening that begins in this September Frequency Forecast will continue to shine a light on your relationship with your own spirit. Revealing the full scope of what you are potentially capable of. This may sound wonderful but the inner struggles with yourself may not feel so wonderful. When you are only looking at those discomforts from a human level (3D). Spirit reminds me often; If you could see the brilliant light that radiates from your physical body, you would celebrate that the old stuck energy is releasing. Everyone has the bright light of an illuminated soul. Yes, it might be covered with a few (or more) layers of crust, but your light can not diminish. So let it shine! If you have carried layers of old abuse, remember to work with a health care team (Doctor, Therapist, maybe medication) as you work through dissolving your old painful hurts that harmed your mental health. You are not in this alone, and as your spirit says…would you like me to move the mountains of obstacles so you can experience health and healing?

Spirit describes this September Frequency Forecast, as
the BIG SHOVE…or the BIG PUSH. I suggest that you allow the waters of change to calm before you make any ‘MAJOR’ life-changing decisions. It’s an URGE, that is awakening you, yet that URGE inside is shifting and changing your inner world, your inner playing field, and the game is not over yet. The game board inside of you is moving around repeatedly until your spirit and you can determine where you wish to see the board pieces settle themselves before acting on them. Basically, this means, you feel the need to make a move, but so much is still shifting that you just may not have a real clear direction yet. Working with clients who did what I call “ripped the band-aid” off of their lives for the most part did fine as it was long overdue for change. More often than not, the change was too quick for the human body and almost created more crises than you find worth it. So do your due diligence and be discerning before leaping off that life-changing cliff. Give yourself 1-3 months of thoughtful evaluation will ground your changes in ways that can bring a greater level of satisfaction in your choices.

Wading through the muck on stilts remaining above the destruction of change will have its hard aspects starting on September 1st and will shift back into a calmer movement around September 16th.
Are you noticing you are no longer able to compromise your happiness for someone else’s needs? Or do you find you are no longer willing to dial back your confidence so someone else feels more secure in themselves? Your spirit’s influence is becoming more powerful than it could be before. Your spirit is forcing its way into the driver’s seat of your car. MOVE BACK, I can hear your spirit telling your mind, to get back into the back seat. No more sweet talking…Your spirit knows it must ready you for more refined frequencies, and the higher knowledge that comes with it. When your spirit really gives up the front seat of the car to your egoic mind, it is because your spirit wishes you to learn from that 3D perspective. No more, as your spirit is taking back the reigns to help guide you during this next expansive ride. Spirit tells me, there is no longer time to mess around with the small stuff. It’s now ‘GO TIME’.

September ‘VIRGO’ shares the stage of influence with ‘LIBRA’ this month of September.
This Virgo influences you to tap into that amazing mind potential of yours and quickly mentally understand all the changes before you. Libra is all about balance and harmony, making peace and everyone getting along. Here in the September Frequency Forecast, Virgo is likely to say, you can figure this out because you are brilliant and smart. Libra’s traits influence the need to step up and say no more BS when others challenge the balance. In the past Libra was not too keen on confrontation, but that too is growing within this new frequency. influences. Virgo and Libra are similar in that when they’re done, they’re done and will quickly wish to ‘immediately’ know what’s next.

This month is all about your relationships to everything, but the biggest is your relationship to yourself, your own spirit. You possibly will find yourself beginning a process of no longer losing sleep at night about what others might think of you. We often think that we do not want to care, but deep down inside it still hurts us when others judge us. Compromising your truth “Just stopped working” Now what are you going to do? How often do you turn over thoughts ideas and decisions, opinions, while putting it all through the filters of what will my mom or dad think? What will my spouse, my kids, friends, think before you allow yourself to make a decision? How many of those choices have you just put down because it was easier than experiencing the ‘kickback’ from others’ opinions? I know I most certainly have, in fact, I put so much of my life down for the sake of others that I too reached my point of ‘I’m done’. Then took charge of my life the way my spirit guided me. This month of September just might find you noticing where you have compromised your own truth. What is the cost of caring too much?

Suddenly all those, other people, filters crumble, collapse, and fall away. This September will begin illuminating just how challenging it can be to make a personal decision on your own that is NOT mirrored by someone else. You just might find that it is not as easy as you might think it is. You are no longer able to compromise yourself, meaning you are no longer able to give up what you wanted to do for the sake of ending the argument. Even more than that, you may find that you can’t even care because your spirit is so neutral during disagreements.

We think the world was crazy before. Just wait until the Democrats and Republicans find their squabbles can’t get the same rise from public opinion that they used to. That’s when we can expect the REAL CHANGE to happen. Whether you love or hate Trump, you still must admit, that man loves getting a rise and loves the attention. What will happen when listening to him speak is as bland as drinking a cup of milk? How might he navigate life when there is just no response mirroring back to him? I only mention Trump because he represents at a massive level, what you will experience at a micro level in your own life.

You are now beginning to shift from getting your needs met from outside relationships and moving towards your needs being met by your relationship with your inner wise soul self.
This does not mean you will abandon being in relationships with others. What it has the potential to look like is a greater balanced harmonious relationship that has the freedom to honor and respect each other’s differences. I would like to share a little story that shows me that my relationship perspective is changing. I was literally NEVER a dog person. If you had a dog, I may find it cute, but may not have a desire to pet it. I never desired a dog in my home, but Yvonne would have a houseful of dogs so I learned to live with them. Then a switch just flipped and suddenly, completely, crazy in love with dogs becoming my obsession. This literally just happened in the past few months. In turn, this has also ( I know sounds crazy) changed my relationships with people. How can 64 years of not being a dog person change overnight? These are exactly the types of shifts you can expect to begin this month of September.

The Fall Equinox Group Reading is upon us in September. Six months ago, I was told that the group reading in September would be essential to help the group make those relationship patterns shift back into balance and wholeness. Now, astrologists are all expressing just how big relationship shifts will be this month. I highly recommend that you jump into registering for the Group Reading to smooth your own relationship ride with your spirit. Creating a group unity gathering elevates the healing for us all. Follow the link and let your spirit take the steering wheel, guiding you towards knowing if this Equinox event is right for you at this time. Click here to see the registration page and description.

3 responses to “September Frequency Forecast”

  1. I love your blogs!!! They uplift my soul and teach me so much!! So Grateful for your wisdom and teachings!! Your teaching is so clear and practical!! I love your blogs!!!

    • Thank you Angela, for all your support. Nancy

  2. Valuable info. Lucky me I found your website by accident, and I am shocked why this accident did not happened earlier! I bookmarked it.

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