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Recalibrating for Rapid Ascension

Ascension means to rise, to ascend, to climb, and to soar! The year 2020 was a year of intense pressure on so many levels and ascension is not the word we might use to describe this past year. Maybe a bit more like wading through mud at times is more like it. The astrology that reports on the planetary alignments shares with us weekly, just how profound these alignments are in relationship to current events that show up in the news. We were still deep in the earth signs in 2020 and as grounding as earth is, it can feel very heavy and burdened. Repeated attempts to be light minded, light hearted, and expressing lighter emotions was challenging for even the most highly spiritually skilled individual. Now, 2021, we have moved into the air sign that will rule this year, allowing us to easily experience the lighter side of life, unchaining our burdens, and finding new hope for our future.

Many great spiritual teachers speak to this time as the great awakening, leading us towards a multidimensional existence that will change the way we see our world. Transitions taking us from the 3 dimension to the 5th dimension and what that might look like is becoming common language. These two different timelines 3D and 5D do provide two different experiences. In the 3rd Dimension, it can feel like wading through mud and the 5th dimension is lighter, and hope filled. As humans we jump from one timeline to the other and back again. Over time, each of us will settle onto the timeline we are best fits our learning nature.

What do I mean by our learning nature? If your lessons require that you learn through pain, emotional drama, confusion, worry, depression and anxiety, then trust that. Grab the lesson, turn it around as soon as you can, and ready yourself for higher levels of learning by implementing the spiritual perspective. If you are learning lessons in the 5th dimension, through meditation, higher values of behaviors, and managing your physical body expressions through shifting your stuff quickly then trust that as well. However, just because you have a lot of drama does not mean you are not awake spiritually, it simply means that is how you are learning and growing at this time. Basically, give yourself a break!!!

Recently, I scheduled a Facebook Live talk on the topic of Rapid Ascension and as soon as I posted the event, I felt a wall of fear come up. Ascension, collective unity consciousness, spiritual awakening, and entering into a time known as the time of no time. Meaning, we do not really know just what all of this might look like in our future. Your spirit can be very excited and enthusiastic about your future and yet your body can be very afraid. You as human live in both dimensions, both are beautiful, both must be appreciated for their lessons for us to be able to grow.

The Blue Light Ceremony took place on November 19, 2019 and a few months later we experienced a Global Pandemic. So as excited as many of us were to experience the blue light in awakening humanity, we were not prepared for how that actually looked in reality. The rapid rise in the earths frequency brought on by the surge of blue light, really shook life up for many of us. I do feel there is a connection between the two, however, I have no way to back up that claim. I was diagnosed with cancer, my body was afraid, yet my spirit was elated. This is the perspective of the two different dimensions of 3D vs 5D. We must learn to find highlights of each dimension.

In the quiet of the morning, I lit my candles, burned my sage to signal to the spirit world my gratitude and asking if we could have a conversation about what ascension means in a practical way? There was a flood of activity in the form of excitement in the room and here is what I heard. They said the word that best describes what is happening for each of us is “becoming”. So when I replaced the word ascension with the word becoming, my entire body calmed.

Ascending means to rise. This is not a rising up, but an expanding in the same way you would knead bread dough with yeast and you allow it to rest and rise before baking. The dough expands 360 degrees, not just rising up towards the ceiling. We as human energy fields are also rising, expanding and being activated into awakening, like yeast activates dough to rise. The point made was that everyone on the earth is rising, whether you are a seeker or you do not believe that you are a spirit, you are still impacted by the ascending frequency. Even the earth is rising and expanding in frequency and its growing pains come in the form of earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods. As humans we too are going through growing pains. Most recently, I read an article that time is speeding up, the earth is spinning faster, both indicators that the universe is also rising and ascending.

I was also reminded that 500 years ago, a seer/psychic could make accurate predictions into the future because the time to manifest was much slower. In our current experience the frequency is much faster, meaning every thought positive or negative can quickly manifest. We have less time to be careless with our thoughts before they can come true. Therefore, when we are in a grumpy mood, instant manifestation of our thoughts can tailspin us into anxiety and depression quickly. Be mindful of your thoughts!

We have been in an ascension / becoming process for years already. This is not new news for those who have been in the spiritual personal development field. The ascension, becoming process was at a slower frequency allowing us time to integrate. Now, the frequency elevation, is rising so rapidly we find ourselves barely able to take a breath before another wave of change floods our lives. As I mentioned in the blog, Top 10 Ascension symptoms, the number one thing you can do to physically assist your body to integrate the higher frequencies is to exercise. Followed with quiet time in prayer or meditation.

Winter Solstice in 2020 was beyond the beyond in astrological explosions into deep change. I suggest that you follow the astrology very closely. There are so many potent planetary combinations that knowing the dates of those alignments will assist you to know if what you are feeling is you or more global. Find an astrologer that really speaks to you. I began 2020 listening to 3 different astrologers. By the end of the year, 2 of the astrologers I listened to no longer fit my optimistic nature, so I gave myself permission to no longer follow them. Like finding a personal therapist or psychic, you want someone who uplifts your vibe. The world is stressful enough without adding to it by listening to someone who sparks fear. So listen to a variety of astrologers until you find your best match!

Spirit went further to express that this Rapid Ascension process is like climbing a mountain at very high altitudes. If you ascend quickly without proper preparation, you can fall ill to altitude sickness. You need more red blood cells to help you carry oxygen at those higher in altitudes. When mountain climbers prepare, they expose themselves to high altitudes to build up their resilience, returning to base camp to rest and then climb again. Spiritually, it is the same. You can build up your stamina by meditating everyday. If mountain climbers get sick, then they must go to a lower altitude returning to base camp until they feel well enough to climb again. Yet, you can train for years as a climber preparing for Mt Everest and a climber next to you barely trained and can quickly climb to the top with little to no effort. Spiritually again, it is the same way. You can be an avid meditator for decades and yet a new meditator can have access to deep wisdom and knowledge beyond their years. Trust your own inner instincts by listening to what your unique needs are.

Your spirit is excited about all the changes happening on the earth. In fact all of us on earth at this time is here, because our spirit wanted to be here to anchor the light into the earth as well as experience how transformation feels in a human body. However, our body loves our comfort zones. Our body loves routine and therefore can struggle to adapt to the rapid shifts in energy. It is your absolute number one job to support your body during this great time of change. However just like a child who would like to eat an entire gallon of ice-cream, a bottle of vodka, or lay in bed for days streaming Netflix, it is up to your adult higher self to set limits and boundaries for future maturing. While maintaining a routine for your body to feel safe.

Recalibrating our Rapid Ascension

Recalibrating your own vibration and frequency can assist you to adapt with greater ease and effortlessness. Your intention is the key to easily recalibrating. In my YouTube video I include a 10 minute voice guided meditation at the end of the talk so you can have an experience of attuning yourself to the new frequencies. Harmonizing is the word for 2021.

4 responses to “Recalibrating for Rapid Ascension”

  1. Thank you, good information. I have always wondered about the 4th. dimension, could not understand why no one spoke of it.
    I thought maybe we skipped it for some reason. So thank you for talking about the 4th. dimension.

    • Hello Virginia,

      You are very welcome. Yes, wondering what happened to the 4th dimension in all of these conversations is a question I think many of us had…..

  2. Wonderful message, Nancy. Really resonates with me. Miss you all, Gig Harbor & the Pacific Northwest. I’ve been in the other Washington–DC, since October 2020. Talk about rapidly accelerating change.

    • Wow, that is a hot bed of energy moving for sure! Thank you for touching base. Nancy

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