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October 2021 Frequency Forecast

This October 2021 Frequency Forecast it chocked full of transformation. Let’s just say, I am super over the moon excited about the enormous shifts we are going to experience in the month of October. For all of you astrology buffs out there, you are probably having a hay day when it comes to harvesting everything that the planets and stars are sharing about NOT ONLY this month but the remaining months of this 2021 year. For those of you who do not follow the astrology, then you just might want to reconsider doing so. There are thousands of astrologist out there and keep looking until you can find one who most speaks to your learning style. Why? Because we are witnessing planetary alignments that have not existed in our lifetime and in some cases hundreds of years. We are entering a time where no one seems to have the instruction manual.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? The good news is, the frequency on earth, AND in the galaxy is creating an expansive pressure to grow beyond your own limitations of what you THINK you can do. The bad news is, when feeling pushed, pressed, and compressed, you just might feel physically, emotionally, and mentally off kilter. There will be points along the way during October where you look around and wonder what the heck is happening to me, my family, friends, and my community. Click here to read my blog post on ascension symptoms to give you a greater understanding of what you are feeling and why you might be feeling it. Why is this good news if it has the potential to push us beyond our personal edges? Because beyond your personal edges is where the sacred magic is, a higher level of you personally being able to manifest your life quickly, gaining closer ground on achieving your dreams. Beyond those edges that say, I can’t is the expansive part of you that knows you can. READ HERE, my blog posts on the Top 10 ascension symptoms.

Diamonds and Coal

Spirit showed me the symbol of a pitch-black piece of coal undergoing an intense outer pressure, a force of light, compressing you into a diamond, brilliant with strength, brilliant with color, brilliant with breathtaking wonder. When light illuminates your dark, your shadow, you find yourself pulling away, shrinking back, and maybe even hiding. You might find yourself in the midst of critical inner self talk. This is the light reflecting off of your inner coal, and in that reflection, you may feel stirred up. Yet this time in October is challenging us to say no, I am not the coal, I am the diamond, I am the brilliant light, I am strong and resilient!

Here are more specific dates and what you might anticipate. These suggestions may not align with everyone!

October 1st – 9th, 2021

We can expect to experience the opening of an enormous multidimensional portal of light. When I say enormous, it is because it looks like such a bright flood light like the sun, challenging to look at. It will be as if the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is absent. You may never actually notice a light, the sky will probably not be brighter, but it may be more of a felt sense. Some of you may not experience anything and find yourself just going on about your day to day life. No matter your experience, there will still be a frequency shifting event. When the portal opens it allows a flood of high-level knowledge, in the forms of sacred geometric shapes, sacred codes and wave particles to infuse your energy field with the information needed to build you up for the next waves of conscious awakening expansion. So, what measures do you take to create ease for your body during this time? N A T U R E! Getting out in nature as much as you can. Ground your energy field by meditating on grounding. Trim the fat off of your schedule, to build in more rest time, sleep time, integration time and journaling, processing time. Allow your own spirits excitement, come through, while reassuring your body that you are supporting it through the shifts! Yes, choosing to be enthusiastic over feelings of anxiety, worry and pressure will assist you to shift your energy from focusing on the coal and focus only on your light. This Portal begins to start narrowing its opening around October 7th.

October 7th- 12th

The light portal slowly begins to close again, and that pressure of the focused light eases up. You just might begin to feel this shift. Continuing to meditate, be in the flow with your body with the addition of exercise, and listening to the inner guidance of your soul will assist you to ride that calm inner wave. The spiritual world can more easily breach the veil because the portal has changed into a more porous quality. Do not be surprised if some of you find communication with spirits easier than before. Spiritual contact from the angelic realms you might find more reachable than before. You might expect to feel the presence of your ancestors, guides and ascended masters in a way that feels more real, more permanent.

Portal Openings

October 13th-23rd

Time begins to squeeze, shrink, and compress to where it might feel as if you do not have enough time in the day to get everything done. It is because the time space continuum is changing and for you to make it work for you there will need to be some changes in relationship to time. The ability to jump time bands and pass-through portal type warp systems will become more available to us now during this time. I am not quite sure how this is done consciously, but we will probably experience it unconsciously for now. It will be a time to play and practice with time. Setting the intention to slow time, speed up time, make leaps through time. I would like to share a real time warp experience I had years ago. I was in a car with several people driving in one direction to my destination, and it took me 45 minutes to get there. We all attended a Kryon talk that included a talk and a channeled meditation. On the way home, the energy was high, we were all chatting away about how the talk had impacted each of us and what we experienced during the meditation. Next thing we knew, I was pulling into the driveway and walking into my house 20 minutes later. It was literally not possible, yet, I had made some weird warpy time leap that I could not logically explain and still can not to this day. All last week, I thought Monday was Sunday, and Tuesday was Monday. It was as if I had lost an entire day somewhere. Time scrambles happen because your brain wants to track time as it always has and yet, our relationship to time is rapidly changing.

October 24th – 30th

You can certainly expect to see more physical barriers between the 3D and 5D world continue to break down. You are becoming a spiritual being having a human experience. The spirit world may be exceptionally active during these 3 days to help you have the spiritual breakthroughs needed for this next time in our human, planetary and universal evolution. You will taste test your spirit being in the drivers seat, meaning, rather than sit and think about a decision, these few days you might find yourself listening a bit more to your spiritual guidance.
This end of the October month might be a little trippy for some of you who have this next experience. Being attached to physical relationships, jobs, bosses, friends, dramas, chaos, etc., will not have the same hooks that they had before. What might have rung your bell just last week just can’t touch you this week. You just might be trying to mentally figure it out. What is happening these latter days of October is you are experiencing a higher level of your spiritual influences. These spiritual influence override the physical triggers. This can throw you for a loop because you might know how to behave if you do not have those relationships around you to bump up against. No worries, you will get hooked and triggered again. It will not be totally gone but this is a week of time where you can begin to see just how it might look in your future of a spirit led life. I call this the spiritual taste test or appetizer.

October 31st – November 2
A cavernous opening to Samhain (Halloween) to acknowledge the light and the dark spirits, setting up barriers protections and celebrating your ancestors. Historically, there are cultures that have a ceremony similar cleans the area of mischievous spirits. Cleans the homes, environments, neighborhoods, and workplaces just like spring cleaning every year. However this is done energetically. Alters are set up, meals are made, candles are lit and prayers are acknowledged, along with song, dance, and joyful celebrations of the spirit world. Tricks and treats, are abound as culturally there was a play between the human and spiritual world. Masks and costumes were made to scare away the mischievous spirits and honor and call in the loved ones. This is a lost ancient art where we acknowledged there was a spiritual realm. Click to read about the history of Halloween.

November 1st and 2nd, are all souls day and all saints day. The cross cultural traditions seem to merge through out these days as ancient history knew this time of year has special spiritual meaning and significance. Click to read more about all Saints and all Souls day.

So carve those pumpkins, but more so carve out some time during this time, to honor the spirit realm, and build in protections and more than that enjoy learning more about yourself and what you know about the world you live in.

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