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November Frequency Forecast 2022

This November Frequency Forecast is in a chaotic rhythm, shifting backwards, forwards, up and down as it attempts to catch a common frequency thread to unite the group consciousness. This 2022 year is wrapping up this particular learning cycle as it prepares for our 2023 bundle of joy to arrive at our doorstep. Are you clear on what is happening in the world right now? Are you left scratching your head in confusion about what might happen next? I noticed in January it felt as if humanity was in the deep freeze, moving about the routine, yet not really engaged with life. Then, a slow thaw when I started to notice more direct eye contact, smiles, greetings, and moving as if dancing with the frequencies instead of rigidly moving through frequencies.

Going with the flow and just let go has been a large ritual in spiritual circles. Yet, when the flow is moving in dangerous, hurtful directions should you just let go and float on your back being carried by the hate filled currents? Other spiritual teachings state that life is an illusion, and we should not engage in the chaotic crises of our lives or the world. This too shall pass is another one, but are things in the world really passing right now? Although my nature is to remain neutral and focus on the frequency of events rather than the attachment to events, some recent news seemed to really strike a chord. When an eighty-year-old man is beat badly around the head with a hammer and a large part of humanity cheers and thinks it is funny. Just letting go, pretending it is all an illusion, and going with the flow just doesn’t set so well. This is the theme of November, as we attempt to integrate all aspects of ourselves, our communities, our country, and the world.

Spirit often tells me, ‘Move, or be moved.’ This again, is what November’s message is to all of us. When we sit as the silent observer and, do not change our ways, our belief filled thinking blocks our ability to move out of our own way. We then become moved by world events that are outside of our control. Do you feel like you are the mover, or do you feel you are stuck in an old way of thinking and will require world events to move you? This November frequency forecast can feel like sitting on a long 20-hour plane flight as you are starting to get wiggly in your seat, anxious to get off the plane to move in greater ways. Only you can name what you are feeling wiggly about and make the shifts necessary to settle your soul again.

Mark Twain once said that history never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme. The rhythm and rhyme might not be the same, but the thread that weaves our trauma history together just might need to be pulled out. Imagine being a surfer, floating out beyond the waves where the water is flat. Sitting on your surfboard as you catch your breath from all the hard work spent swimming towards your point of focus. From the back of the wave line, you and other surfers simply observe the rhythm of the wave as they build momentum before the wave races to the shore. Each surfer views the currents and waves from their own perspective, which is not right or wrong.

Suddenly all of you “see the big one, the right one, the perfect wave” and begin paddling quickly to ride its crest. This is November’s frequency forecast telling us we are just like those surfers. Chaos then calm as nature carries you on the back of your peak experience. What spirit wishes for you to know about this month of November, even if you miss that perfect wave, there is always another one coming your way.
Breaking down to break through, feeling pain before noticing you need relief, blinders on, so you are not so overwhelmed are all coping patterns that are beginning to disintegrate. Yes, the housing, banking and political systems have huge wide dividing cracks in them but what is emerging out of the middle is new systems, new ways of seeing potential and new ways of seeing yourself. Imagine at some point in your life you felt shattered into a thousand pieces, and you began to put the pieces of you together again. This November is showing an acceleration of this process. All aspects of who you are coming together as you identify those broken aspects of your life needing to either heal or finish breaking. November is a rubber meets the road time in our frequencies and you can do nothing to stop it, understand it, or figure it out through analysis. Dare I say go with the flow? No, instead, take action within the flow you are being directed by your own spirit to go and grow.

November 8th, Total Lunar Eclipse divinely happened on the same day as our political voting. This particular potent Lunar Eclipse will be impacting your drive to improve all of life circumstances. Astrology shows that all the frequencies in our basket also hold a lot of fixed planets. You do not need to be born under the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus to feel the heel digging into the dirt frequency. These frequencies may feel super stuck and stubborn, but do not be so fast to throw that towel in frustration! If you spend anytime pondering the amazing 1, 2, 3 punch of these 3 signs at this significant time it just might be helpful to tune into the frequency of curiosity instead. Why are the energies fixed at this time, why does this energy want to hang on and quickly want to place that nail in the wall. Throw in the frequency of the planet Saturn showering the earth so that we just hold steady while at the same time the planet Uranus wants us to leap forward and run towards faster movement. No wonder we feel like we are going mentally crazy. This is November has a strong ‘push-pull” frequency.

November 11th, 2022 (11-11-22) is opened beautifully to bring through frequency gifts to support us through the end of the year. Spirit tells us to no longer go after life with a vengeance. Do not go after spiritual awakening and enlightenment like your hair is on fire. Now in this month of November starting on the 11th, we can potentially experience a shift into a state of receiving our experiences instead. Spirit goes further to say, that the perfect example of this is ordering something on Amazon. Then Waiting for the delivery person, to drive up to your house and place the package on the doorstep. Hard earned moments achieved through blood, sweat and tears may no longer yield the results and outcomes they did before. The 11-11-22 portal is a giving – receiving portal. This is not a portal to expand and step through. This is not a multidimensional hopping portal. It is a gift portal and it has the potential to show you how strong your receiving muscle is. Letting go (there is that word again), of effort and making life more complex than it needs to be, will serve you well in November. The gifts from this portal will carry through until March of 2023.

November 15th shows a surge of creativity coming through and that creativity wants a job this month. Start lining up creative projects for the rest of the month to satisfy that creative itch. Spirit has constantly given us the message that we are in a creative renaissance. It is a time to reach deep into the rubble of life and create something beautiful out of it. Yet, with Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius fixed signs that wish to hold back can cause us to be rigid in our thinking, unbending, and stubborn in our ability to forgive. Read this article to see if your astrological sign is fixed, mutable, or cardinal and what it means. There goes that crazy making again, because we are in a holding and leaping pattern all at the same time. UGH! You may notice this most with time right now. The clock will show 5pm and then you look again and it is 6:30pm. This is that holding back but leaping forward pattern again.

November is ruled by the sign Scorpio. Scorpio wants us to jump into a no nonsense, no excuse deep healing. Do not be surprised to notice another layer of old pain coming to the surface. Just throw into the frequency mix, a holiday with family and that is enough to get those deep hard to reach places to come out of the dark and into the light. Power dynamics are playing out within your own psyche, your relationships, communities and the world stage right now. Yet, as bad as it all sounds, and it sounds bad, it just does not have the same emotional punch that it had several years ago. I have noticed what shocked me 3 years ago, barely gets a rise out of me now. We have survived so many ups and downs lately that we just know if we go down, we will come back up again.

Where I become the most concerned is in our marginalized communities who may not have stable areas in their life to “let down” and cope with stress. When families are already living a life complicated with low income, disabilities, or seniors on fixed incomes while inflation impacts the grocery bill going down may not so easily come back up again. We must continue to remember that mental health instability is on the rise as we search for new ways of providing ways to decrease stress. Click here to read more about the great work our non-profit called Soul Seeds is doing to alleviate the pressure of life through meditation. www.soulseeds.org

Celebrate your strength frequencies this month because you have more than earned them. Help others see their own strengths to harvest after their own lived hardships. Claim your household as Switzerland meaning a neutral zone of no fighting, judging or criticizing. The world has enough of that going on out there. Create your own place of peace around you as your model healthy unity consciousness.

REMEMBER… November 29th, is ‘Giving Tuesday’. We at Intuitive Mind would appreciate you considering giving to Soul Seeds on that day.

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