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March Frequency Forecast

This March Frequency Forecast just might come in like a lamb, but you can expect it to pack a powerful roar like a lion. This frequency forecast illuminates just how closely your spirit (5D) and Body (3D) are beginning to find ways to dance harmoniously with each other. Often in the recent past, when meditating I may feel the deep inner peace of my soul, while not experiencing as strong of a connection with my body. Other times, I am so connected to the physical, emotional, and mental triggers that cause depression, anxiety, and loneliness that I can forget my soul connection is always ready to offer great comfort. Can you relate to this scenario?

Yet, now as we all are in states of expanded consciousness higher than we have experienced before, suddenly, more frequencies are rising to the surface. Finding them no longer so subtle, as before. Have you been feeling like 2 or more people lately? Now I don’t mean emotionally up and down, fatigued or energized, or even introverted or extroverted. I am also not referring to what is known as dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) But more like suddenly you can feel all the different aspects of yourself? I sense that we can all relate to expressing yourself as a mother may be different than who you are as a medical assistant, president of the parent-teacher group at school, or marathon runner. Did you know that each different role you play in life draws upon different frequencies?

Well, this is a big part of our March Frequency Forecast. Have you ever wished that who you are on the inside you could easily express on the outside, or being confident on the outside, could be felt on the inside of yourself? You may find this surprising, but most people feel this same way. Over the next few weeks, this divided feeling inside of you promises to begin dissolving the walled-off areas so that all of you can begin communicating seamlessly together. As spirit was attempting to share with me, more in a way I could understand, I could feel other frequencies emerging. These were not new feelings, but more like, they have always been there subconsciously and now they are vibrating in a way that can be experienced in that conscious awakened state. Afterall we are awakening to seeing the truth around us aren’t we?

Let me share some examples of what I mean and hopefully, you will have a greater understanding and may even have your own examples to share in the comment section. Example # 1, I am a registered nurse, so whether I am in a hospital setting or placing a Band-Aid on the neighbor’s cut finger, I am in full body mode as a nurse. Example #2, I am a curious Sasquatch fan. I read Sasquatch books, watch Sasquatch Shows, and listen to Sasquatch podcasts. When I am in that curious Sasquatch taking in knowledge mode, I can’t even think about being a nurse, mother, grandmother, or Psychic Development Teacher. Something quite similar happens when I am making homemade pies. I am a different person, emitting a different blend of frequencies. Is this making more sense now, regarding what spirit is sharing with us?

The March Frequency Forecast is opening the doors of your psyche this month so that you can bring all the different aspects of who you are together. For most of humanity, it may not even be noticeable. For others, it might just feel downright freaky (in a good way). I am then clairvoyantly shown an image of a red line and a blue line, going across in front of me on my psychic screens. The Blue wavey line is at the top, and the red wavey line is underneath, independent of each other, that represents your spirit and body. Yet now those two frequencies are beginning to overlap, in some places. Then I asked spirit, what am I seeing here? What are you attempting to show me and how should I interpret this image?

Close your eyes for just a moment and imagine a blue line in your mind’s eye. This is your spiritual frequency. Now imagine your red line as it represents your physical human body frequency. Sometimes, we view our life strictly from a spiritual perspective, and other times, directly from a human (muggle) life perspective. When those lines weave throughout each other, those are the times when our spirit and body are working together. It turned out to be a great symbolic message, about how much closer our spirit and body are beginning to flow through each other for the best life outcomes. Here is a great article on different brain frequencies.

But wait, there is more to this March Frequency Forecast. Weaving along the red line were other colored lines. Each of those lines represents the different frequencies that are expressed as a color of your personality. So, if you have 3 colors then there are 3 different ways you can show up in life. If you have 12 colored lines, then spirit said this is an example of the 12 ways you can express through your life. Imagine, the more colored lines you have then potentially, the more scattered and fatigued you can feel along with not knowing who the true you just might be. Viewing through my mind’s eye, I asked to see these lines from the point of view of when I was twenty years old. I could see about 18 colored lines, weaving around the red line. Now at 65 years old, I can sense 3 additional colored lines. What did this tell me? Over my lifetime, just by living life, I have managed to integrate 15 different aspects of myself that had value then but no longer are of value now.

Then if squiggly lines of color weren’t enough to confuse this clairvoyant psychic I was shown ‘A scene of a SNOWSTORM’. Snow was cascading down all over these colorful lines. Between the colorful lines and the snowstorm, how in the world am I supposed to come up with the entire March Frequency Forecast? Bear with me a minute, because you are just about to watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat filled with symbolic interpretation.

Where the blue and red lines merge, is when your spirit and body are in complete harmony with each other. No other colors can interfere here when the spirit and body are in a harmonious state. Colors come in when your spirit is not totally in the driver’s seat of your life. What does this mean as a short answer? It means that for whatever reason you find that you are disassociated from your body, you will create different frequencies to express yourself. This is when you can see more colors swirling around the red wavy frequency line. Is this as clear as mud? Watch the March Frequency Forecast YouTube video to hear me attempt to explain it.

The March Frequency Forecast lets you know that you are amid a great merging of all of your personality frequency bits. Every aspect of who you are contains part of your essence. Now imagine all of your soul’s essence coming together, unifying into one pure purposeful expression of your most true authentic self. For me personally, I cannot begin to imagine what that just might look like. Can you? What I ‘KNOW’ is it feels right, and my spirit is excited but my human self wishes to hang on to what is familiar. I bet you can relate to that as well!

In March through June, you are going to experience flashes of the genuine you as a way to prepare you for the longer-term expression of who you are in the months to come. I am being told that it has the potential to be comical to you. So when the opportunity arises to feel a bit disoriented, you can remind yourself, just what is happening and what you can expect. NOTE*: This is the most complex theory from spirit that I have been asked to place into words. I appreciate your comments in the comment section about how you interpret what is being described. Please ask questions too!

This month we have an early Equinox (spring) on March 19th. Equinoxes are always known for sending out balancing harmonious frequencies. This one is no different. Except It will be male/female, balanced emotions, balancing work play, balancing your relationships, balanced communication. The list goes on. This has already started as I talked about the increase in masculine divinity to prepare to support the large surge of female energy. This surge of the feminine is told to be around the 15th of March. What is out of balance in the world, in your city, and your own life just might fall apart or come together quickly. Be flexible to the changes. The March Frequency weaving through the Spring Equinox is going to accelerate and supercharge this surge of female energy coming in as the boost in the male energy is ready. I am shown an image of an enormous rocket ship, ready for lift-off as it requires a strong stable support base in preparation for the fueled burst of rapid flight. March 19th, (Equinox) calls for us all to strap into those (invisible) 5-point leather seatbelt restraints and get ready for take-off.

These unique frequencies for both men and women just may experience an acceleration in individuating (energy separation) from their parents. Yes, even at 80 years old you may be sipping a cup of coffee and have the thought, I am not my mother, and I am not my father. Of course, we know you are not your parents but what spirit is referring to is releasing another layer of your parents’ beliefs, programming, and personality patterns of behavior that you ‘unconsciously’ adopted at some point in your life.

Photonic LIght Particles

Shortly following the frequency burst awakening consciousness on March 19th, there will be a symbolic snowstorm. Flashes of silver diamond-like sparkles begin to infuse the earth with a new frequency of wisdom and knowledge. This silver diamond essence coming in is giving us time to acclimate to this new frequency. Spirit showed me an example of testing for allergies, to know how you will integrate introducing a new medicine. There will be a larger infusion of diamond silver photonic light codes in April. This tells me that we just might want to take advantage of every opportunity to shift our energies in March to prepare. Read my blog post on ‘Healing Light Codes’.

What should be your priority in March? Support your body, even if you feel great. Feeling good throughout it all does have great potential. Yet, for those of you who are extra sensitive, you may experience flu-type symptoms that can be supported by walks in nature and swimming in water ( or at least a plunge).

If I were you, I would totally take advantage of this Equinox Experience Event, where I guide the entire group through shifting out and shifting into your true self. During this Equinox Event you can expect to really ‘unload’ the weight of the world that you have been carrying. With or without the support of a group event, you will experience a momentous drive to let go and move on. This period of feeling pushed might not be as smooth as you would like. Attending a large event like this Equinox on March 19th, will place you in charge of dropping burdens in a supportive group environment.

Register Today to be ready for tomorrow!

Link here: https://intuitivemind.lpages.co/spring-equinox/

2 responses to “March Frequency Forecast”

  1. I loved reading this and can really resonate with all you’ve said . It also brings a light bulb connection to something I’ve been struggling to fully understand my entire life!! 63 yrs of trying to grapple with integrating my fields . Your description of having lots of wavey coloured line’s absolutely helped me to visualise what’s happening. I totally feel being in a zone when engaging in an activity, task . As an osteopath I recognise how I then drop into the field of my patient ( I treat horses and dogs too) and now I see how this enables me to receive information ( I’ve known this intuitively of course but this has helped me place a visual on it , as I am a knower not a seer) . It’s given me More to ponder on !!! Just as an add on , I was thinking about the effect of water this morning having listened to a Veda interview , how this is thought to transmits information to us all , and how it reaches the collective , but this lead me to consider the ancients that were called to spend time in the deserts for illumination. There’s not a heap of water in these places . My pondering has made me wonder if the amount of water in the atmosphere at one time is communicating to the collective ( mainly because it seems to me a great number of countries over the planet have been experiencing extraordinary amounts of rain this year especially places that are used to heatwaves not floods) . So perhaps when individuals take themselves into the deserts where there is Little water in the air , they are then forced to focus on communicating with their own waters internally and this allows them to connect to source . This may explain why people who become dehydrated or close to death have spiritual experiences.
    Perhaps these new codes are reaching the collective via the increase in water vapour in the air. Anyway thank you so much , I’m not usually prompted to wax lyrical , I just feel so privileged to be here at this time in our evolution .

    • Thank you for sharing your ponderings or what I call the What if’s statements, which often are pure truth. I speak the language of spirit, so when I talk, my spirit guides me what to say through images. I love it that it provided a visual for your knowingness. Nancy

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