How do you begin to know your own spirit, through Intuitive Precision? It is actually much easier than you might think. In fact, it is so easy, you just might feel the need to make it super complicated just so that it seems more real to you!
Intuition is all about you going ‘In To’ yourself. Learning to turn inwards by closing your eyes and allowing yourself to be in the quiet stillness of your spirit is not anything I was taught growing up. Play time, nap time, then back to play time, chores time, and back to nap time again. There was no instructions of what happens in those still moments in between. Is this something you can relate to? I remember when my own kids were teenagers, they wanted to hang out with the neighbors while visiting their grandparents. Yet, there was an hour during the day that the neighbors were not able to hang out because it was thier meditation time, their self reflection time. In fact, their entire household including the parents took this one hour per day to center themselves, to ponder in that still quiet space. I asked the mother one day what this quiet time for kids looks like. She said they had to remain in their bedroom, they could read or listen to music but it had to be a time where they allowed themselves to take a break from the stimulation of the outside world.
Stress, anxiety, mental fog and depression are all symptoms that your spirit is attempting to signal you to pay attention. Nothing is wrong with you, but something IS wrong somewhere in your life and those unsettled feelings are attempting to get your attention. What I know about myself now, that I did not know then, was that my body was provding attention getting signals long before I ever felt the stress or the anxiety. I was locked into those patterns of work, play, chores, sleep, only to get back up to do more chores, work, less play and sleep again. If only I could be just a bit more efficient, then I would not feel the stressors of life. Some students tell me that they have normalized stress, anxiety and depression as being a part of their personality patterns. I know I certainly had until one day, I drove that stress highway far too many times, and suddenly, I just hit a ‘full stop’ wall! Have you ever experienced that in your life?
For me, I call it my ‘down on my knees moment’ where I had locked myself in my bedroom, so that I could pray to a God that I did not even know existed (in private), hoping that some invisible force could swoop in and make it all better. You see, working as a Hospice Nurse, I was priviledged to be at the bedside of many as they transitioned into the spirit world. Deep emotional presence requires a grounded centeredness for each family. I had spent 16 years at this point in Intensive Care Nursing previous to Hospice nursing so I knew how to maintain a neutral caring no matter the situation. But when it came to 3 of my own family members dying within a 6 month period of time, all of my normal coping skills could no longer support me.
Those prayers were answered but certainly not in any way I could have imagined when I was shown what the spiritual world and its multidimensional patterns looked like from the spiritual world. I was shown it is our own spirit that communicates to us through ‘intuitive impressions’ whether you are a feeler, telepathic, seer, or knower. Spirit revealed, we do not die, that our spirit lives on. If we could learn how to interpret your own intuitive messages, then the wisdom of your own spirit can guide you through everything.
We do not die, our spirit lives on!

Intuitive Mind was born in that moment, when the spiritual light of everyone and everything came through in brilliant colors. Blinded by my own psychic sight, I was given a gift of seeing just how incredibly beautiful life here on earth really is, as seen by the spirit world. The energetic flow of colorful expressiveness burst from every individual I met, leaving me in awe, wonder, and intensely curious about this new view of the dynamic human energy field. The human aura and chakras became my self study on just how events in life can impact the color of our aura and our physical health. I noticed, those who meditated, maintained the bright expressiveness of their soul, and those caught in the dramas of life, struggled to find their own light. This is when I felt a deep calling in my soul to assist others to remember they are a spiritual being, having a human experience. Read more about out of body experiences.
Intuitive Mind grew from the initial spark of my own light.
Intuitive Mind, assist you to achieve a deep spiritual relationship with yourself, by teaching you how to communicate, using your own intuitive navigation system. Accuracy, is achieved, when you apply these spiritual tools to ALL aspects of your life, through a daily practice. Precision, is more than an intuitive hit or hunch. Precision is your ability to have an intuitive “hit”, and then using your higher skill to ask your own spirit, to provide you with greater meaning. These skills can be learned, in our many workshops, Intuitive Mind Home Study Program or in our most Intuitively precise mastery course, called Psychic Mastery.
What if I told you that we can teach you to trust that you have your own best answers for yourself? How often do you phone a psychic, a medium, a tarot card reader or palm reader? What if you could gain confidence to trust your own intuition with precision to know each moment in your life, what is the best decision for you, would you do it? Imagine, being able to communicate with your loved ones, in the spirit world, again really trusting you are having a real, quality conversation through intuitive psychic imprints! Shedding layers of old energy revealing your organic intuitive gifts is a well worth process of all of our courses and programs.

There are so many Intuitive Development Programs out there now. No other program offers the quality and caliber of learning that you find with the Intuitive Mind educational teachings. Yet 25 years ago, most of us were frightened by intuitive synchronicities, such as feeling others feelings, hearing sounds or voices when no one was around, seeing colors, auras or spirits, or just knowing something was going to happen and it came true. Now is the time to stand proud and strong in your intuitive instincts. Empowered by knowing, that you, being intuitive, is NORMAL! There is a movement happening with you and others, who KNOW they have skills and KNOW they are to develop those skills, and KNOW it has to happen now! We invite you to step into your own light, walk with us, as we show the world, Intuition has a place at the table of life!
I have taught thousands of people just like you, find comfort in knowing their own spirit, through meditation and intuitive development. I have stood right there with students as they push through their fears, doubts, second guessing and shyness, to make a sacred connection with another and bring through spiritually illuminating information in the form of an intuitive psychic reading. Again, and again, and again, each student expands beyond their limiting beliefs around what was possible for them! I have done the happy dance, when witnessing a new student do a psychic reading and feel, hear, see and know things about themselves or another that created a profound spiritual healing for all involved.

Living an intuitive lifestyle is no different than the life you have right now except, your spirit moves to the drivers seat of your life. Your spirit then illuminates the road blocks ahead to clear long before they become an issues, crises, or drama. It sounds lovely, and it truly is, however, that mind of yours is going to put up a heck of a fight to let go of the control, to let your spirit guide you instead. That is where Intuitive Mind and all of our programs come in. I know this battle, we know this battle, and all of our students know the battle between your mind, body and spirit. Our programs and workshops, help you to step over the rocks and boulders to achieve your highest potential, to know yourself, express yourself as a spirit having a human experience. You are your own best inner healer.
Intuitive Mind is a community! When you sign up for a psychic reading, a workshop, webinar, group reading or one of our excellent year long virtual intuitive/psychic development programs, you join the hundreds of others who are like you! You recognize each other as part of your soul tribe. We at Intuitive Mind, didn’t plan it that way, it happened organically just like soul connections do! Our community does not question it, we celebrate it! Just like we celebrate you, when you make that decision to live a intuitive spirit led life!
We are a community with a service heart! When you are able to share your loving intuitive heart with another for the purpose of uplifting them and their circumstances, we know, you are uplifted too! Knowing that our community was healing, one student at a time, inspired us to create Soul Seeds, a 501(c) 3, non profit organization. We share these deeply healing techniques to our communities with the greatest healing needs, yet often, not having the opportunity to receive them. Our current partnership is working with women who have experienced incarceration, becoming part of the community again. As graduate students of our Psychic Mastery Program, opportunities to volunteer are available to you. For more information about Soul Seeds, click here to visit
I and my team of advanced teachers, are masters at teaching intuitive development. We became strong consistent, supportive teachers by doing our own work. Healing ourselves first, by learning to communicate with our own spirit, pushed the intuitive limits of what our mind told us was possible. Achieving a high level of accuracy was driven by my desire to heal others. Then working with student after student, my spirit pushed me towards greater precision. Sharing this higher skill with individuals, watching them take their own intuitive skills to new levels of precision, is what cultivates mastery.
You are your own ultimate teacher! Once you cultivate a relationship with your own spirit, you learn your intuitive style which in turn helps you to understand what your spirit wants you to learn. This is where the Intuitive Mind techniques come in, along with learning a mediation practice. You will gain inner confidence in your ability to trust your inner instincts, inner guidance and your own inner authority. You do not change, you BECOME, who you were always born to be. You EXPRESS, your true authentic self, use your voice to speak your truth, and stand firmly grounded knowing you BELONG right here right now!
Your spirit will guide you in all the ways you are meant to integrate these amazing Intuitive Development tools into your life. However, if you choose to take that leap into our Psychic Mastery full year long program, you will gain a skill level that is intuitively precise enough to be a professional psychic to help others, as a career.
4 responses to “Know your own spirit through, ‘Intuitive Precision!’”
I like this web site very much, Its a real nice situation to read and incur info . “I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.” by Arthur Rubinstein.
Beautiful, thank you. Nancy
Hi Nancy,
I was wondering if you’re familiar with the plasma beings? Approximately 13 yrs. Ago I went to a workshop in Sedona Arizona where we did a workshop on trying to contact the plasma beings. They are described as red/ orange even yellow plasma spheres. I personally never saw them but were told they came from inside the earth. I believe well known by the Hopi. Are they the same as the blue beings? Every time I would walk the woods, I found myself calling in the plasma beings when I meant to say the blue being!
So I was just wondering if possibly they are the same. Would love to know your thoughts.
I have not heard of this, but it sounds very interesting. I would not be surprised that they come from inside the earth. Nancy