A Journey through the Root Chakra
Ignite Your Inner Root (strength) is done through the journey of the root chakra. It was a powerful light bulb moment when I realized I was never going to become more aligned spiritually by only working with my spiritual chakra. Yes, I am fully aware that all of our chakras are spiritual, but the crown chakra also known as the 7th chakra was believed (by me) to be the energy center directly connected to God. It was an experience with a client that changed everything. I was able to repeat my theory with other clients only to have it turn out the same way every single time. I learned that it is the root chakra that leads you to your deep inner strength, resilient power, and unwavering connection to the oneness of the Divine Wisdom.

This story begins with a client I had worked with for 8 years. My office practice offered a full psychic reading to look at the health of the client’s energy field while defining where there may be stubborn energy blocks that impact health. The client ‘reading’ session was filled with a lot of detail including the client setting intentions around what they wish to be their goal moving forward. Every quarter we would reevaluate the intention and goals. The client wished to establish a strong relationship with God. They came in a few times a month and each time the goal was the same, which was to know and feel the presence of God. The aura and chakra healing would eliminate blocks to their energy flow each time, but the deep experience to feel God never really measured up to their desire. Often I would spend most of the hour clearing their connections to God by clearing stuck energy in the crown chakra ( 7th) and although the client loved each movement of blocked energy they still never really felt that they could feel God as deeply as they desired. Then one day after several years, I was guided to shift the focus of the healing to the area below their feet, and clear all the way to the center of the earth. Then suddenly “BOOM”, the client had their first blissed-out God experience! The secret was not above towards the heavens, but below, towards the core of the earth. After this experience, I shifted my spiritual focus to the root chakra and this is when my own spiritual journey really took off.
Did you know that it is your root chakra that dictates how much you can feel and experience the sacredness of life? I found this truth really tripped me out when I had my first deep sacred experience after meditating with the root chakra. The root (1st) chakra is in the base of your pelvis. Most who know the foundational meaning of the chakras know this one to be all about survival. If you are literal like I was at the beginning of my spiritual journey, the root chakra came down to the basic question of life or death. I felt this meant, if a child is under a collapsed car the root chakra will kick in to help a great surge of strength come through enabling you to lift the car off of the child. Or if an apartment building was burning down your base chakra would kick in again to give you superhuman strength to save the people inside. Although these literal ways of believing are certainly true, it was still far from just how incredibly beautiful and sacred this chakra is.
When your root chakra is blocked and unable to be in the flow of life you can feel like a vulnerable kitten afraid of its shadow or any movement at all. If you were exposed to unhealthy situations in childhood (some cases traumatic) the root chakra learns to remain on high alert, vigilant in scanning every situation for potential danger. A situation in life may be safe to the average person but to you it can feel unsafe, causing you to express yourself as reactive, defensive, and expecting things to fall apart. When you heal your root chakra, did you know that you could be in the middle of a battlefield and feel empowered to make clear direct decisions in a peaceful way? When your root chakra is healthy, you know if your life is in danger or not as well as know what the next right steps are. Even more, than that, you can feel the depth of the sacred below your feet. You are no longer that frightened kitten but can envision yourself as a black panther on a path, at night in the moonlight, without a care in the world. It is possible to experience your life like the mystical panther that moves with grace and ease.
Did you know that it is your root chakra, that drives you, and inspires you to constantly reach for a purpose-filled life? When your root chakra is at its healthiest there is a primal force that rises from the depths within you to empower your purpose-filled dreams and desires. If you struggle with a blocked root chakra, you may only experience a drop of primal force energy that can not sustain the power needed to create your purpose for being on earth. Often you can be left wondering why you cannot manifest your desires or fulfill your purpose. When you are able to re-establish a healthy root chakra state your primal force flows through everything you think about. Manifestation becomes an expectation because you just know anything you want you will get. Your spirit is driven to fulfill its purpose here on earth. It does this by sitting in the seat of your pelvis and activating that deep inner truth that you can create and manifest anything in life as long as it is aligned with YOUR purpose. Your spirit wishes to see you thrive in everything you do. However, if your root chakra is blocked, then your spirit is challenged to infuse those tight areas. My blog post on the root chakra from 2 years ago.
Your root chakra ignites to constantly reach for a connection with yourself and others. When your root chakra is at its healthiest, it craves healthy relationships. Your root chakra ‘knows’ we are all much stronger together as a community than we ever are by living apart. The more blocked your root chakra is, the stronger your desire to isolate which drives you to disconnect from relationships. We can all become really burned out on relationships while finding it much easier to just not be in one. Without that primal flow through your root chakra, it can be exhausting to share your minimal resources of energy with others. I get that, can you? Yet, when your root chakra is clean, clear, and in a balanced flow, you are provided with an endless supply of energy to support your vitality no matter how many people are around. Sounds lovely doesn’t it?
What can cause the root chakra the energy center based in the lower pelvis to become blocked and inoperable? Fear is the number one energy that can block the root area. If you live now or have lived in fear in the past, that fear energy builds up in the root chakra. The root chakra is also known as the fight or flight chakra. When fear is triggered often the root will help you to fight, fight or freeze. What can cause an enormous amount of fear to build up in the pelvis chakra? If you feel you came into your body and life with a lot of fear and anxiety then it is highly likely that fear came in with you from a past life or past lives. If your parents struggled to maintain a stable emotional mental life, then it is highly likely as a child you took on their instability as a way to try and help them to feel better, or help you to feel safer. You can also have experiences in life that were traumatic whether you were hurt or harmed or not. A scary movie can trigger fear, even if it is supposed to be entertaining. You can also carry the DNA genetic patterns from your ancestors known as generational trauma. So you see, we have more reasons than not to have an out-of-balance root chakra.

Ignite Your Inner Root Chakra Radiance
The First Quality of the Root (1st) Chakra is its ability to Ground and stabilize the human energy field. Your spirit is weightless yet through grounding you are able to bring your light down into your body and illuminate through all of your chakras. Your spirit follows intention, therefore if you think about the 10 different stops you need to make on errand day. Your spirit can rapidly shoot here there and everywhere as you list off the stops. Grounding your spirit into your body helps you to have greater focus. Emotions when triggered can be all over the place as well. Grounding helps center your emotional expression no matter what is happening.
The second quality of the root chakra is its ability to support your physical well-being and vitality. When the root chakra is out of balance, you can feel deeply fatigued, weak, and lacking the energy to get the job done. With a vital root chakra, you have much more energy and a strong immune system with a promotion towards better overall health. Even your skin is an extension of a healthy root chakra, enabling your skin to be resilient, glowing, and resistant to rashes and other skin issues.
The third quality of the root chakra governs our sense of safety, both physically and emotionally. When your root chakra is healthy and balanced you feel a stronger sense of trust and stability in life. Even if you have had jarring painful life experiences, a healthy root chakra, helps you to retain that sense of trust that you can rise in strength beyond your pain.
The fourth quality of the root chakra and one of the more exciting talents is its ability to manifest your dreams and desires into physical matter. If your root chakra is unhealthy old energy is blocking its flow, you just might find manifesting any type of abundance very challenging. Why? Because you dream your desires in your crown chakra through your imagination. Then it must travel down through each chakra adding to your ability to manifest. Once your dream reaches your root chakra and is able to be held in its vibrant flow, manifesting becomes so much easier and quicker too!
One of the most incredible qualities of all is the profound mystical powers associated with a balanced root chakra. Within is also a deep-rooted wisdom and strong ancestral connections. I often use the analogy of the light bulb with my students. A lightbulb has no capacity to illuminate unless it is screwed into (grounded into) a source of grounded energy. Once the bulb is twisted tightly into the socket, the light can fill a room. Your root chakra is this way when it comes to spiritual intuition aligned with quick accuracy. Your intuitive abilities function at their minimal capacity without being grounded by your root chakra. When your spirit is grounded deeply into your root chakra is when you experience an organic state of oneness with the universe and everyone around you.
In conclusion –
Your root chakra dictates everything when it comes to navigating life in a human body. You can easily determine the health of your root chakra by how vital of a life you have. If your life is being lived at a minimal level, just getting by, then it’s time to start working with your own root chakra to return it to a high state of functioning.
How do you do that?
Walking, running, hiking, and any type of exercise. Yoga and other stretching activities is great at helping you to open up your hips where your root chakra is located. Here is a link showing simple yoga poses for your root chakra. Meditation can help you to bring fresh healthy energy down into your root chakra. Listening to chants that focus on the root chakra, or visualizing the color red which is the color of the root center. Connecting with an energy healer who does Reiki, or Healing touch with a skilled healer can assist you to infuse your root chakra with healing energy.