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I Can’t Stuff “Life” Anymore!

I just can’t stuff my life down anymore or I am going to bust! Did you know that your dynamic digestion system not only digest the food you eat every day, but also energy too? Your digestive system is one of the major organs of our body. All the way from your mouth to chew, your esophagus that transports the food to your stomach, then a series of movements to digest what you have swallowed through your small and large intestines, until you release the waste products. June 2021, we see some major influences astrologically on our cosmic system, but unless you can digest these new frequencies coming in from the celestial realms, it has the potential to be a tough physical ride. We are all multidimensional beings, meaning, about 20% of our higher soul self, distills these higher frequencies down into the body through our digestion system. The other 80% of your higher self, resides outside the body and traverses many dimensions. Your spiritual self-development assists you to cultivate your personal awareness of these other realms. This is described as the great awakening.

This June and the months following is predicted to really show up as undigested patterns and problems. Stuffed traumas, other people’s bull crap, old physical, emotional and mental pain must now go through a liquidation process to clean out our energetic digestive system. Spirit describes it as a time to liquidate, to clear out, clean house, to upgrade your energy system to handle higher levels of information. In some ways, our system is constipated, backed up and no longer can handle you pushing down things in your life that you do not want to deal with or struggle to cope with. Some of you may have all kinds of active obvious digestive issues, while others may feel numb, sluggish, or oblivious to what your intestines are holding onto. Notice how many digestive aides you are taking such as Pepcid, Prilosec, Tagamet, Tums or Gaviscon, used to calm your “gut reactions”. What would happen if you stopped taking those medications? This reveal may be an indicator that you have stuffed so much of life that your digestive system is backed up and just can’t take it anymore.

Your entire digestive system starts in the mouth and travels all the way down to your rectum. Traversing from the 5th chakra, down to the root chakra. This entire digestive process impacts your brain, your mind, your ability to connect with your own spirit in the 6th and 7th chakras. If you have foggy headedness, headaches, difficulty tracking thoughts, or busy monkey mind, then it is highly likely your digestive energy system is struggling to take in new information.

Digestion in terms of your Dynamic Human Energy Field

The 5th chakra, feeds energy to the mouth, teeth, tongue, throat, and ears. Unhealthy energy can be negative thinking, talking, or listening to negative talk. Healthy energy is positive thinking, talking, listening, and surrounding yourself with uplifting people and environments. Chewing over an issue, starts in the mouth. Making the choice to swallow what others say whole, whether it is true or not can impact your digestion.

The 4th Chakra is the heart area, that feeds energy to your esophagus. Have you ever experienced, heart burn? Once you chew and swallow a conversation, a troubling issue, it moves through your heart area, down your esophagus. Your esophagus is a strong muscle, that transports the issue down to your stomach. Have you ever felt like you had a lump in your throat, or something stuck in your esophagus and the energy just will not go down no matter how much water your drink? Look at what is going on in your life that you struggle to swallow.

The 3rd chakra is the power center, that sends potent energy to your liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach and large intestines. This chakra is incredibly important to distribute energy to these vital transformational organs. Bile has the capacity to dissolve stones, bones, and the toughest of situations. When you hold back, become passive, and avoid conflict, it can cause your bile to become thick. Over time the bile can become cloudy, sluggish and in some cases, cause gallstones that block the gallbladder and back up energy into the liver. The liver is the organ with the largest reserves of qi, energy. The pancreas works to digest sweetness but if you have many bitter experiences in your life, it can cause inflammation. The spleen, is highly active, taking high levels of energy and distributes through the body. When you over give, you leave yourself depleted and do not have enough energy for yourself. If you can not stomach a situation in your life, then your large intestines get backed up with energy toxins that build layers of mucous, in turn slowing down your ability to absorb the situation and deal with it.

The 2nd chakra is the power center that feeds energy to the small intestines. The small intestines, break down the chaos, crises, traumas of energy into the smallest digestible energies and distributes them to either energy that feeds you, nourishes and nurtures you. The small intestines also determine what are toxins and filters them out through the liver and the kidneys. If this emotional chakra is overloaded with challenging emotions that are hard to digest, then absorbing higher conscious information can get stuck and backed up.

The 1st chakra sends energy to the descending colon and the rectum. If you struggle to “Let Go” and move on in challenging situations it can cause chronic constipation, because you hold on to everything. If you have too much going on in your life that overwhelms your coping abilities, you can experience chronic diarrhea.

The choices you make in each situation is best dealt with when you can ask yourself how well you are able to digest this situation? If you have coped throughout your life by avoiding life, ignoring troubles, conflicts and stuffing it, just hoping it will go away, then you will need to unload the old to clear the path for healthier digestion. Meditation is one great way to move old energy out, as well as exercise, and making better food choices. Click here, to learn more about Ancient 3,000 years of Chinese knowledge on the best foods to support digestion.

There is so much information out now about how we are going through a great spiritual awakening. We are expanding into higher states of consciousness, and we are moving from a 3-dimensional way of thinking to a 5-dimensional way of thinking and being. In my opinion based on my 25 years of psychic healing experience, I believe whole heartedly in this as a truth. However, for me, I DO NOT see us moving out of our 3D human world into a 5D spiritual perspective world. Rather, I see that we as humans are drawing upon a 5D way of being, down into the 3rd dimension. We are basically transforming our 3D world with higher thought consciousness patterns. To do this, we must be able to digest an extremely high level of cosmic consciousness and to do this we MUST, let go of the many layers of life that we have stuffed over the years.

In 2020 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and experienced the many treatments needed to resolve the issues. Nausea was the constant state that plagued me through out the entire year. The lumpectomy to remove the tumor, left me unable to process a thought as a low grade upset digestive system ruled my every living moment. The surgeon explained that nausea is often related to breast cancer. An oncology nurse described people with breast cancer, “The nicest people ever” and just how much she enjoys working with this population. My own nature, was quiet, very passive, stand in the back of the room, let you have your way, compromising my own needs kind of person. If I had had the aggressive part of passive aggressive, I may have done much better and never experienced breast cancer.

Post chemotherapy and radiation, I lived on bone broth, unable to tolerate or digest any type of food. Soon, anxiety, panic and emotions were bubbling to the surface as I began to realize old undigested emotions were shouting to be tended to. I could not meditate, receive healings, or sleep through enough to turn it around. My spirit suggested that I find an acupuncturist, which I did, and that is when everything began to turn around. When I pointed to the area where the tumor HAD been located before surgery, she said, oh, that is a stomach meridian point. Each time I pointed to another area in my body that I was having physical symptoms, it was either stomach, large or small intestinal back ups in the meridians. Layer after layer she was able to get the energy moving through my entire digestive system as I became lighter, brighter, and clearer in my thoughts.

I now look at everything in my life in terms of what is digestible to me and what is not. Meditation, walking and food choices has helped me to readdress those times in my life when I did not “deal” with something and just shoved it down. I cried, to allow my emotions of my 2nd chakra wash away those places where I just toughened my way through something. I can feel the thick backed up energy of the old energies drain down my aura as my digestive system finally “lets go” of the old toxins. I no longer avoid conversations and I am clear about what energies I will allow in my life. It is less about the situations and the people around me. It is more about how I digest it, process it, release it, and cope with each situation that I find as more important. Click here, to read my blog posts on ascension symptoms.

I imagine as you are reading this, you already know those areas for you in your life that are hard to digest. You are a spiritual soul being having a human experience. To move into the higher frequencies coming to our planet now, we must be able to take in the knowledge and wisdom and the pure nature of our soul’s personality. To do this, we must go through a detoxing process, clean eating, clean living, clean relationships, clean thinking, clean feeling, and clean patterns of behavior. No one can do this for you. Only you can do this for yourself. So lets clean it up, so our dynamic human digestive energy system can function in an optimal way to easily and effortlessly integrate and energetically adapt to our new world.

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