Are you Hungry for higher knowledge is saying you can expect to (maybe) be surprised at a sudden spark of desire to be more curious, dig deeper, and experience the energy of wonderment in the world. We have been experiencing the planet Pluto in Capricorn as full on structure, rules, and laws. We are living in this world where most of us are rule followers while others wish to learn the rules and laws so they know how to break them.

We have made this temporary shift into Aquarius attitude about freedom before it shifts back into Capricorn. This back and forth between limiting structures and wide open freedom will swing the pendulum back and forth until it settles into the year 2024 and will remain there until 2045. Another way I like to describe this back and forth is similar to labor pains where you experience a contraction and then relaxing into it only to shift back into another contraction before birthing into a new life. This translation can appear as days of feeling super good and other days not so great but know that you can move back into feeling good again soon. Remember from the March and April Frequency Forecast, it was shared just how much the frequency of Aquarius is a mental sign, craving new ways of thinking, being, in its inspiring search for greater knowledge. We can expect breakthroughs in new inventions, understanding of quantum physics, new ways of healing through vibrational medicine and discoveries of things never thought possible before. This is a global shift, which means every single human on the planet is experiencing the frequency that inspires higher knowledge and discoveries. Remaining Apathetic, disconnected or disinterested will be harder to maintain. This passageway into a new way of being is like a magnet, pulling at our heart strings. Yet, at the same time we are fighting the collapse of the old structures because they are familiar to us. The magnetic pull into the brighter free spirited light is strong which only leaves us feeling exhausted until we stop fighting the momentum and go with the flow.
Because the new frequencies will not support inertia (non-movement). Imagine water in the form of ice, the molecules move very slowly. Room temperature water moves molecules around at a little faster speed and boiling water creates crazy movement of molecules that bump into each other. Meaning you could have been functioning as the ice-cube, in your comfort zone, loving life just the way it is. Yet now, the frequency has put a fire under us and our ability to remain slow moving is impossible. You will NOT be able to remain stagnant or stuck. This is simply science, but in the ancient teachings you may have heard the term, they were moved by the holy spirit. The holy spirit is a pure creative force and when you have been touched by this movement of spirit, then life changes for you. The spirit always says, move or be moved and this energy over the next few years is really moving us all.
What does this mean for you right now?
New ways of looking at the same old problem. An issue that you have turned upside down and inside out and still no viable outcome seems possible. Then you look at it now, and it seems like an entirely new solution is available that you never saw before. This is new knowledge, new abilities. Imagine it means that a new section of your brain just opened. Like a business expanding and you need to open the wall to the space next door to add new employees. What are you curious about? What moves you to question higher understanding? What might you discover about yourself or something else? Do you find yourself suddenly caring again about what is happening in the world? Whether you wish to understand your relationship with God or you wish to learn how to build a bicycle, moving through this time will get you excited to learn. Each of you has something to contribute during this great time of change otherwise you would not even have collected that ticket to come to earth. This movement includes being in service to the greater good. Yes, humanity is getting smarter according to this article about how there are more geniuses on the earth than ever before.
You may experience a tug at your heart to extend yourself into places in need in your community. Like my desire to create a Nonprofit, ( 5 years ago. I often wonder if our communities have enough consciousness to know what a gem of a program Soul Seeds is. Click here to read more about Soul Seeds. With all the shifts in planetary frequencies, I can sense the tides of change are just around the corner. Just recently, I attended a Senior Community Center to offer meditation (higher knowledge). If it was an art class, playing cards, or exercise class, the attendance would be high. Yet, meditation has a long history of being a possibility only for those with nothing better to do, lol. I had to put on the charm, to convince the seniors that they would love learning this new relaxing meditation. They were overjoyed at how relaxed they felt, as well as pain free. These are the types of experience opportunities that will arrive on your doorstep to enhance your higher knowledge.
Yet things have the potential to get a little ‘freaky’ when it comes to metaphysical experiences. What does that even mean you might be asking yourself? Metaphysical means a philosophy that refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality according to the dictionary. These experiences of the unseen world can tickle the senses and scramble the mind. There are some real time warps happening where time seems to be going super slow, providing you extra time throughout your day as long as you do not spend that extra time on wondering how you have extra time, lol. The dream world is another level of metaphysics that are challenging us to grow in consciousness. You might expect more lucid dreaming, which means maintaining consciousness while dreaming at the same time. There is so much change going on, you may find your “letting go button” is your only option, so make sure you set that button on repeat.
Multidimensional dreaming are two words that I have never put together before. One of my Psychic Mastery 1 Students was describing themselves in the dream world, yet noticed that they could experience several different dreams kind of overlaying each other. As if she could experience several different realities at the same time. A few nights later, I was dreaming that I was teaching my new 5 month old puppy how to fetch a ball. In the dream she (Sadie) would fetch the ball but not bring it back. Then a strange thing happened in the dream. Another Sadie puppy walked into my dream and approached the first Sadie puppy handing the 1st Sadie a golden ball and then walked out of the dream again. I was so shocked that I sat straight up in my bed wondering what just happened. How could 2 of the same dog show up in my dream. Dog #1, not following commands easily, and Dog #2, followed commands with ease.
BUT THEN… I met my 42 year old son for breakfast. He is a construction, Operating Engineer but definitely has an open mind. When I sat down at the table, he said to me, “Mom, are you ready for some freaky weird conversation to happen at our table today?” Laughing, I said of course, freaky is right up my alley. He then launches into a dream he had that night, where there was a large carousel (life size) of panels. Each panel was an image of him. In the dream he would take his hand and spin the carousel to the one he wanted to be. He was shown some really dark expressions of himself as well as very bright spiritually light expressions he could choose. He then went on to say, “Mom, do you realize what this means? We choose which part of ourselves we wish to express in the world. We only need to choose each time!” My son was witnessing several dimensions of himself at the same time. So to have 3 examples of the expansion of the dream world helped me to realize that everyone is having this experience right now. Are you? Post in the comment section.

In the April Frequency Forecast, I talked about the shift towards higher knowledge and understanding the bigger picture of what is happening to all of humanity and nature? I am astonished at the wisdom and knowledge coming through the most unexpected places and people. I find myself opening up those doors to listen consciously to everyone right now because the most unexpected, amazing things are being shared. We just had a week of our Psychic Mastery 1 Program, open enrollment. I have had the benefit of listening to hundreds of individuals describing their intuitive experiences. I can only say, in my 28+ years of teaching intuitive insights, I have never met so many people with advanced intuition just naturally coming through. If this is happening now here in 2023, then what might we experience in 2024 and beyond? We are spiritually awakening right along with become more intelligent. The world of humanity is enhancing consciousness in a focused way. We are truly in the best place of our life, we just might not realize it quite yet! Read my blog on spiritual awakening.