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Heart Chakra Our Global Heartbeat!

UGH! My heart aches as I tap into my 4th chakra, feeling into the knowing that our world is taking a heavy blow to the heart and lungs right now! This global pandemic spread of the COVID19 virus is taking us all to the HEART of the matter whether we felt ready for it or not. Just today, we dropped into a deeper reality that life as we have known it is slipping away from us, and a new reality is being born. Distraction eludes us as we sit inside our homes in the stillness of the world. Ahhhhh, I imagine our spirits are sighing, relieved to FINALLY have our undivided attention.

This week’s blog is all about the 4th chakra, the energy center that is located in the chest area. Fueling our chest, heart and lungs with fresh healing energy, when it is open and in the flow. This chakra is known to be the expression of love and what the world needs right now is love, sweet love! However, even 6 months ago, if I were to take a poll to see just how many people actually experience love, I imagine those numbers would have been pretty low.

When I had a conversation this morning with my own spirit about this topic of the 4th chakra, I was told that every single energy block in the heart chakra is a block we created for the purpose of protecting our heart. Protecting us from getting hurt, abandoned, and rejected. In all the years I have been doing aura readings for individuals, the heart chakra is the one that seems to have layers upon layers of protection. Often, I will clairvoyantly “see” locked doors and shuttered windows wrapped in mummy type layers just in case one layer drops away, there will be a back up layer to still protect.

Two swans form a heart shape with their heads after mating at Argyle Lake, Babylon, Long Island.

In general, we have disconnected from loving ourselves, others, the earth, the stars, our own spirit and from God. Those who have been on a spiritual path for years have labored away at shedding those old skins and can be frustrated at still finding more layers to be revealed Then, this little, tiny virus comes along, and attacks this area, demanding that we open up to greater passion and inspiration in our lives! I can not believe that this is just by coincidence.

So lets talk a bit about what a healthy heart chakra experience might look like. A healthy, in the flow heart chakra can experience love for yourself, others and your ability to receive love from others. You can experience compassion and empathy, without going into sympathy and over concern for others. You are able to accept and forgive. You can grieve loss and move into a state of peace. You are able to take in higher spiritual perspective, get to the heart of the matter and integrate the wisdom of the heart easily. The healthy heart chakra accepts change and easily transforms and adapts those changes into your current life.

Many of us who are on a spiritual path can adjust and adapt to healthy expressions of the heart chakra but it might take days, weeks, months and sometimes years after a hurtful hit to the heart. Can you imagine having such a healthy heart chakra that it could shift back to center in an instant after a shock to the heart? I would suspect that most of us can not imagine it. I do find it curious that the coronavirus settles into the heart chakra area. Is the viruses spiritual purpose to help us heal our heart chakra?

In Chinese Medicine, the meridians and accupuncture points have a written recorded history that goes back several thousand years. Did you get that… SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS! I learned this history when visiting a museum in China in 2017. As a nurse, I was so floored by this fact. I can not even tell you how often I heard Chinese medicine being made fun of by western medicine and then to learn its history is so much older than western medicine. As I was writing this blog, I kept hearing; Triple Warmer, triple warmer, triple warmer being whispered in my ear. So I googled triple warmer on the internet and found some crazy awesome information. https://lieske.com/channels/5e-pericardium.htm

The Kings Guard, as known in Chinese medicine is the name for the pericardium, the sack that surrounds the heart. It is part of the “triple warmer” meridian. The pericardium is a tissue that protects the literal heart muscle, but it is also a strong energy field that protects the heart muscle from experiencing the shock of our own powerful emotions. Did you pick up on that one? The pericardium protects your heart from YOUR OWN powerful emotions. Anger from the liver, Fear from the kidneys and Grief from the lungs. This protective sack, takes the emotional hits, (the guard) so that the Heart (the King) does not take the emotional hit full force.

When spirit said, that all blocked energy in the heart chakra is protective layers and then reading about the King’s Guard, protecting the heart it all came together. The next logical step would be to be or attempt to be more vulnerable. Be okay with being hurt, able to forgive and trust again. Yet what we guard against the most is our own expression of our own powerful emotions. Therefore who do you need to be most vulnerable to? Yourself and your own emotions! Because really the only option here to protect our heart is to be emotionless and non-feeling and that just is not a viable option if you want your heart chakra to be in the flow. You want your human energy field to be at optimal health.

I worked for 16 years in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and my job was to take care of someone right out of the operating room after heart surgery. I remember one particular patient was on day 3 of his recovery process and was sitting in a chair for the first time. We were chatting as I changed his bed sheets and he wondered out loud how he could have gotten heart problems. I reviewed all the dietary, stress, and genetic reasons with him, but also added the potential energy reasons. I asked him if he ever felt love, but held back from expressing it? He sat quiet for awhile and then he shared a story with me about his granddaughter. She is 3 years old and comes to our house every morning when my daughter goes to work. He said he is usually reading his newspaper as his wife takes care of the drop off. He then said, often, I will lower the newspaper, peak over the top and look at my granddaughter and a rush of love will flow through me. I will have the thought, he went on to say, oh, I love her so much that I could just pick her up and squeeze her in a bear hug! But…instead, I just bring the newspaper back up in front of my face and keep reading. He turned to me and said, “Is that what you are talking about?” YES, that is exactly what I am talking about. There are some schools of thought that say, if you suppress those powerful feelings of the heart, it can literally cause you to be heart sick.

This is a story that anyone can relate to, that anyone can recall their own story of feeling so much love but made the choice to suppress it rather than express it. So we should turn that around and from here on out; Express it, Don’t suppress it! This normal human action step can help maintain a healthy heart chakra.

Another Client, had heart blockages that were going to require that stints be placed in her arteries to open the flow of blood and oxygen to her heart again. If that procedure failed then she would need to have heart surgery. She came to see me for a reading and healing of her heart for the purpose of balancing her energy field to enhance a seamless recovery. When I used my clairvoyance to look at her human energy field around her heart, I could see old energy of abuse. This client had so much protection around her heart. I spent an hour going through all the layers of her heart chakra and her blood vessels. When she showed up at the hospital to have the heart catheter procedure to place the stints in her arteries there was a flurry of activity. The cardiac team called the cardiologist and the surgeon into the room. They pulled the chart and all the previous studies of her heart and could not believe what they were seeing. All her previous heart blockages were completely gone. The team literally had to cancel the procedure and send her home. Fifteen years later, she has never had to have a heart procedure again and the doctors would never know what really happened. Yes, as a healer, I assisted her to dissolve the block energy in her arteries and the physical blockages disappeared. As a nurse, I must remind you to work with your medical team on any heart condition AND consider alternative therapist as an addition to your health care team.

There is so much to be shared about the heart chakra that this blog can not cover it all. So I will leave you with just a few tidbits.

1. Did you know that when your heart chakra is open, you can not be in effort? Life is hard, everything you do is really hard when your heart chakra is blocked or closed. Open up your heart chakra and life flows with greater ease.

2. Love is a pure, neutral expression. Human love has attachments to love, divine love does not. Does the sun only shine on those worthy of love? Does the sun only shine on good people? No, the sun shines on everyone, regardless of good or evil. The light of the sun shines on everyone….our own hearts were built to do the same. Love, is a still point of expression. In that pure stillness of unconditional love is deep healing.

3. Passion of the heart, is an action energy that moves the stillness of love. Compassion is love and passion combined to move the energy of love into something you are passionate about. To survive this isolation, we must wholeheartedly find SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to express your hearts passion and desires. When was the last time you put your whole passionate heart into cooking, gardening, being a parent, music, art, sewing, writing, and your work. Now is the time to be 100% passionate in all that you do!

3. An over open heart chakra, can tend to be over generous, over giving, and deplete your other chakras. An average size heart chakra would be open 40 to 80%. Play and imagine opening and closing your heart chakra to experience what opening is best for you.

4. Most heart chakras can be cold and damp, from holding back our heart in life. You can imagine creating a fire in your heart, starting small at first and building it bigger until you are comfortable with the size of the flame. Be gentle in this process because the imaginary fire is really burning off old pain and protection. You will want to give your physical body time to integrate the healing. Play with turning the flame up and down until you find a warmth that best suits you.

2 responses to “Heart Chakra Our Global Heartbeat!”

  1. Beautiful Nancy, when I read the first few lines, I started to cry, I know there are lots of layers around my beautiful heart that are still protected. Thank you so much for this beautiful and important information. I love the blooming tress around you. You radiate sooo much love and balance. Much love, joy, peace and hugs. Namaste.

    • Thank you so much Inge for the beautiful heart that you contribute to the world. I love sharing a heartbeat with you.

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