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Healing with Imagination

Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla both describe using their imagination to “see” mathematical equations, electrical systems and potential for wireless communication by playing with their imagination.

They both are known as incredible geniuses who used their imagination to examine imaginary objects from all angles, moving parts in and out, shifting lines, adding mathematics, until the imaginary system they were playing with seemed complete. Then they would take their imagined visionary object, actually build it, and were hailed as these great creators of advanced technology.

WE ALL HAVE THIS POTENTIAL! In fact in research that was done to find the common thread of all the great thinkers of our time. The common thread was, forced isolation. They all went through periods of time in their life where they could do nothing but be entertained by their mind and imagination. Kind of like our forced isolation as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. Yet we still have distractions of Netflix and social media.

DAYDREAMING is another form of playing with your imagination. As you daydream, your conscious state can shift into other dimensions and realms of possibility. How often were you told to stop daydreaming? How often did you tell others to stop daydreaming? Once you realize that daydreaming is a super power, it changes our entire perspective.

IMAGINATION, PLAYFULNESS AND DAYDREAMING are abilities that are natural to children. Children can shift easily into different realms, play with potential, and dream outside the box of possibility. When young children are forced to grow up fast, they use these abilities to create new outcomes of problem solving. In fact, I have noticed with adults who as children, had responsibility at a young age, with free time to imagine, not over managed by adults, grow up to be extremely resourceful at problem solving. On the flip side, children who’s entire day is scheduled and managed have not had a lot of time to drop into the field of dreams. As adults they can find themselves challenged to explore possibilities and risk being wrong.

We teach adults in our programs to work with visions, imagination, feelings, sounds, colors, and playfulness to achieve insights, wisdom, high levels of knowledge, understanding, intuition and super accurate psychic abilities. However, breaking down the restrictive patterns adopted from who knows where, is the part our students find the most challenging. Yet, once our students can reclaim their Dreaming rights of playful imagination then absolutely everything in their life “takes off”!

To manifest the dreams of your imagination, you must really get into it in a big way. Meaning, not just imagine the colors, but the sounds, smells, feelings, emotions, and know the images are as real as me sitting typing this blog post. That is the ultimate secret of manifesting your dreams.

Top Athletes use this ability to enhance their goals by imagining the track they are running on, the pole vaulting, the shot put, playing a golf course they have never stepped foot on, dancing in a broadway play, or singing in an opera. Slowing yourself way down, dropping into the dreamy vision, imagining every aspect of what you are wanting to do, from all angles, moving all the parts, until you have the sense that you have reached the point of completion. For Einstein and Tesla, this could take days, weeks, months and sometimes years to invent the final formula for invention. How many of us have that level of focus? You can, you just have to set your mind to it.

Healing from an illness can be the same way. There are multiple stories of individuals who healed themselves. Some lying in hospital beds for months, others at home, would imagine their illness and play with flooding the illness with golden healing energy, or pretending they were on the starship enterprise, blasting away at the cancer cells. Again, this rarely happens over night. Believing with every ounce of your being that you can heal yourself with your imagination moves you outside the limitations of your mind.

As a nurse, I believe this is a huge element that is missing from our health care system. We do not teach patients that their state of mind contributes to their healing. On one of my shifts at the hospital, I had received a man in his 60’s into one of the hospital rooms I was assigned to. I hooked him up to the heart monitor in the cardiac unit, and suddenly he said, he did not feel very good. His blood pressure was dropping and his heart rate was going up to over 200 beats per minute (normal is 60-100) . As nurses, we all began to move quickly to call the doctor. As long as the patient was conscious we had time to manage his heart rhythm. One of the nurses, ran to get the medication needed from the other building, while we placed him on oxygen and rolled in what we call the “Crash Cart” in case his heart stopped we could get it shock it to start again.

He was really frightened as you can imagine, so I closed his door, pulled up a chair next to his bed, and turned down the bright lights over head. I asked him what he liked to do to relax in his free time? He responded that he liked to fish. So I asked him to close his eyes and start to imagine fishing. I asked, do you like salt water or fresh water fishing? Fresh, he said. Do you like lake fishing while sitting in a boat or standing on the side with waders on casting from the shore? From the shore, he said. Okay, I asked, do you like fishing on a lake, or a river? A river he responded. Oh, like fly fishing, I asked? Yes, fly fishing, he quickly responded back. Remember, he was in a health crises, so he could not just imagine on his own, he was too scared, so I led him to create the scene to begin imagine fishing. I then could feel with each question on fishing the room was getting calmer. I then asked him to start casting his line out into river, and reeling it in, over and over again, while I went out and checked to make sure the medicine was here.

When I stepped out of the room, there were doctors and nurses standing around the monitor, watching his heart rate get slower and slower. It went from an erratic beat to a regular beat and before I could step over to the crowd of medical staff, his heart rate was completely back to normal. They turned to me and asked, what did you just do? So I explained step by step that I guided him through and imaginary fishing trip and currently he is in the room fishing. We all were pretty blown away. Having worked in Intensive Cardiac Care for 15 plus years, I had never witnessed something like this before. I had a man, who was frightened, and yes, he could die from this irregular heart rhythm and my imagination, gave me the idea to guide him to fish.

Healing yourself while imagining caring for your horses

We all need to remember the art of imagination. We need to reclaim this super power, during this breakdown of government, economy, racial inequity, physical health from COVID and mental health from stress. We no longer have a choice to discount this form of self healing. I believe it is one of our ways out, to imagine, vision and dream of our future. A future that might take months or years of imagining better day, but we must not lose our focus. Just like Einstein and Tesla, They never gave up and they did not allow anything to come between them and their dream time.

Join our online Home Study Program and begin learning how to imagine a better life again. Download our free meditations to play with healing yourself. It is time and we are ready to serve!

4 responses to “Healing with Imagination”

  1. This Meditation was very fun … and enlightening. The most dramatic was The sixth chakra horse was transparent Blue and was full of junk that needed emptying…Things that no longer belonged .

    • Emptying out the head space. Cool. Nancy

  2. You ladies always have remarkable stories to share, they seem to inspire one to take a closer look at how to heal one self.

    • The line on our Intuitive Mind Business sign says; Our goal is for you to become independent in your ability to heal yourself. So yes, everything we teach is with the intention to be self aware and feel as if you have tools to improve in your own health. So thrilled that you picked that up. You must be very intuitive! Nancy

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