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Grounding is the Key to Everything

Why do I say “Grounding is the Key to Everything?” Because grounding pulls your entire energy field into a centered stability to support physical, emotional, and mental strength. Spiritual Grounding is a birth right given to you by spirit to help you survive challenges that can come with simply being in a human body. Just like a plant needs to have enough roots to support the growth of a plant, you need enough roots to support your own growth. A Redwood tree has a very tiny seed that sparks the growth of an enormous towering tree. Once the seed is activated to grow, the very first thing that comes out of that seemingly insignificant seed is one single tap root. That one tap root has the divine intellect to drive deeply in a downward moving mission to ‘GET READY’ for the big push of growth.

Grounding is the Key to Everything

Roots start the growth process and when the tree is ready for another burst of growth this crazy unspoken intellect knows it must shoot out more roots to prepare for another surge to grow bark, branches, and leaves. Again, once its current root system has reached its capacity to support the growth of the tree, a new group of roots form in preparation to grow again. For this magnificent redwood tree to reach its maximum capacity in height and circumference it trust the grounded root system is there to support the expansion. Is the redwood tree thinking about its root system, is it conscious enough to be able to signal its time for more roots? I do not know the answer to that but what I do know is its grounded root system and growth is a natural organic state.

Humans, animals, fish, insects, birds and snakes do not have a root system that can be seen. This Key to Everything grounding is invisible in those cases but just because we can not see it with the human eye does not mean it is any less significant than the giant redwood tree. Your human energy field is not self-contained within its own little auric bubble. Your human energy field is connected to a frequency grid highway that is influenced and influences the energy field around us. Now here is the key grounding point I want to share with you; The more grounded you are within the frequency of the earth grid, the more energy you are able to draw from the healthier and more intuitive you become. The less grounded within the earth grid you are, the more you are easily influenced by the energies surging through the grid. This is the place most of us find ourselves in at this great time of change.

INFLUENCER, is part of our current popular culture language to describe writers, bloggers, YouTube creators, and Ted talks or motivational speakers. Grounding is the true influencing frequency. This invisible force of centered strength can ground an entire community of people and spark their own spiritual light to grow. I bet each of you can name someone in your life that you would like to just hang out in their grounding because when you do everything in your life falls into place. Or, if you are the well-grounded one, you notice that others naturally gravitate towards you. The feeling most expressed when around a grounded individual is a greater sense of calmness. This calmness comes because everything in your energy field that is not calm dissolves right down your grounding.

Grounding IS the key to everything when you can say no and set boundaries that go unchallenged. When you are a grounded rock others know that you are not going to budge when it comes to changing your mind. I remember spending years working with a therapist, reading self help books, practicing all the boundary setting words shown on Dr Phil or Oprah. Grounding in my truth (energetically) provided a no nonsense stand that did not even require me to open my mouth. I no longer had to shout to make someone stop crossing the line. Suddenly, with grounding, there was an invisible line that others could sense without any exchange of words. In fact now, someone will say, I know this might be crossing a line by asking and I want to respect your time, but would you consider this? With Grounding everything changed.

Grounding is the key to everything to include grounding off and draining the energies of doubt, confusion, insecurities, fear, criticism, judgement, perfectionism and overwhelming anxiety. Those type of energies are very jarring in your energy field. When you set your intention to ground, deeper and deeper, those unsettled energies drain down your grounding and you are calm again. Have you ever experienced “analysis paralysis”? Where you just can not think your way out of a paper bag? I call it the talking head syndrome where you have this ongoing constant dialogue in your head and it just will not shut up. Often we do not even get to be a part of the conversation in our heads because it just goes on and on and on whether we are interested in what is being said or not. I describe this as the ‘light bulb’ aura where your aura is large and bulbous at the top and thin and narrow at the bottom. This is a very common auric shape in our western world of thinkers. After grounding, meditation is the next key to health. Read my blog posts on meditation, as a necessity.

Some of you don’t like the feeling of being grounded at all. Often when I have a student state they do not like to ground, they have very good reasons. Often the individual is extremely empathic. When you are more grounded in your life then you can feel all your suppressed old emotions. You might rather float around then feel those energies. Another commonality is the student tends to merge with others. Merging with others is when your aura moves into someone else’s aura as a way to feel safe and closer to them. When you ground, you are not able to merge with someone else’s energy and that can feel (empath) foreign to you. Especially when you use your gift of empathy to know how someone is feeling. When you ground strongly you are able to understand your own emotions more but not know what someone else is feeling. This can feel unsafe if you are used to navigating your decisions based on how someone else is feeling. Start grounding little by little until it gets more comfortable to you.

Grounding is the Key to Everything

Now lets talk about the real benefits of using Grounding as the key to everything. So lets think about the symbology of a light bulb. A light bulb has great potential to light up a room but if it is not screwed onto the base of a lamp to make that grounded electrical connection, the light will NOT come on. Have you ever noticed a light in a room start to go on and off or flickering? Most people who have shared witnessing this themselves are pretty frightened by it, wondering if it is some type of ghost that is causing the lights to flicker. If this happens during a wind storm that is one thing but when it happens and the weather is calm it can really rattle your mental cage. When the light bulb is loose from its base then the electrical connection can be shaky causing the light to go on and off. Tightening down the connection to the base creates a stable connection for the bulb to illuminate a steady glow. In this case, the base and solid connection is the grounding. When you are grounded, you feel much more stable physically, emotionally and mentally. Here is a wonderful article that lists 30 different ways to ground.

Did you know that YOU can be the source and cause of lights to flicker? When seeing clients in my office, my table light would be steady every single day. If the lamp light began to flicker on and off just before a new client was coming in, signaled me to get myself more grounded because my client is going to need it. As soon as the client walked in, I would ask them if they had a lot going on in their life? They would immediately ask me how I knew. When an individual is not very grounded, they are at the mercy of the chaotic energies around them. Without enough grounding to steady the chaos, that chaotic energy is literally shooting all over the room, the building, the car, the home, and every single place they visit while doing errands. Often the client will noticed, street light bulbs blowing out, electrical issues happening with their car engine, lights flickering everywhere they go and have trouble with electrical devices such as cell phones and computers. In my early days when I was just learning to how to manage my grounding and energy field, I did not often even know that I was ungrounded. In one particular case, I had sold my home and was in the middle of moving while making small and large decisions every moment. It is safe to say that I was in a state of overwhelm and certainly not grounded. My car battery died, the pump on my water well burned out, my heat pump burned up, and my computer literally popped and sparked then the screen went black. All the extra repair costs as well as a new computer totaled $20,000 which was eating into any profit gained from my house sale. Then the “light bulb” went on …I needed to get grounded. So I went in for an energy healing/balancing and literally everything started calming in my life and easily falling into place. Saved by grounding!

Let’s take the spiritual benefits to the next level. Just like a tree will grow more roots to support the tree going through another growth spurt. You must increase the strength, depth and expansiveness of greater grounding so that you can go through a greater spiritual growth in knowledge and consciousness. If you are NOT grounded, at all, you can NOT spiritually grow at all. To become enlightened you must be well grounded to achieve that spiritual capacity of higher dimensional frequencies. It is well worth the extra effort to start and end each day with grounding. Food, sleep, fun, relationships even work is more enjoyable when you are well grounded. So take a listen to my YouTube video and also download one of my free grounding meditations found under shop on my website, www.intuitivemind.org.

4 responses to “Grounding is the Key to Everything”

  1. Thank you, Nancy. I’ve been struggling with a lot of issues
    lately and felt I needed to do something about them and there you were. I’ve gotten so far away from all you taught me. I meditate but don’t feel the connection to the earth as I did in your guided meditations. I will begin again today.

    • Meditation is the key is what I always say. The beauty about meditation is that it is cumulative. So you pick right up where you left off.

  2. Thank you so much for this much needed info.. feel like I’m floating – & glass is
    Breaking alot around me which I no is not a good sign. Will listen 2 ur grounding info
    & hopefully it will help me w/grounding.

    • Actually glass breaking is a very good sign….it means you are breaking through to another level of expansion. Great work.

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