Flying Under the Radar: Uncovering the Hidden Energetic Patterns

Flying Under the Radar: Uncovering the Hidden Energetic Patterns

Are you flying under the radar in your life? This might be causing you to miss out on incredible opportunities for growth and transformation. Hi, I’m Nancy Rebecca, a clairvoyant psychic, healer, and registered nurse with almost 30 years of experience. I’ve studied around 25,000 human energy fields because of my insatiable curiosity to understand the dynamics of the human energy field when certain behaviors emerge. I wish to personally welcome you to my blog page where you can find 100’s of spiritual topics.

Living in a Time of Incredible Change

We are living in an extraordinary time of change. Many of us aim to take the high road, to uplift ourselves and others, and to connect with higher realms such as the Star Beings, the Angelic Realm, or the Ascended Masters. We’re all waiting for the world to become a better place for us and the world. My main focus, however, is to highlight that while we dream and desire to reach our greatest potential, we might be holding on to restrictive energy patterns that keep us from achieving those dreams.

Understanding the Flying Under the Radar Pattern

Today, I’m talking about the pattern of flying under the radar. Some of you might know exactly what I mean and feel as if I’m talking directly to you. As a clairvoyant who can see energy fields and identify patterns instantly, I want to share what flying under the radar looks like.

When I look at the human energy field, I often see a heavy, thick line, like a black Sharpie line across the top. Life happens above this line for many, but if you’re flying under the radar, you keep your energy below it. Why would you do that? Often, this is a protection pattern developed in childhood to avoid trouble, punishment, or abuse. By staying under the radar, you didn’t trigger your parents, avoid getting spanked, or be scapegoated for the family problems.

Childhood Patterns and Their Lasting Impact

For many, these patterns stem from experiences of violence or abuse in childhood. You might have hidden in your room, outside, or at a friend’s house to stay safe. If there was sexual abuse, you kept your light dim to avoid attracting attention from the abuser. These behaviors get ingrained, and as adults, these patterns can still affect us.

Clients often tell me they feel invisible like they can walk into a room full of people and not be noticed. This invisibility can be an energetic carryover from childhood. You might be raising your hand in a class, but the teacher never calls on you, or you might be the last one served in a restaurant. These patterns can be crazy-making, making you wonder why you don’t get noticed despite your efforts.

The Psychological and Emotional Toll

Psychologically and emotionally, flying under the radar can be damaging. It compounds feelings of unworthiness or fear of attention. As our world expands into brighter, more conscious energy, these old patterns can cause inner battles, hindering your ability to stand out. The National Institute of Health refers to ‘Flying Under the Radar’ as Social Withdrawal. Read the article here to deepen your understanding. Whether you wish to understand your own energy patterns more or benefit the students you teach, it is great information.

Breaking Free from the Radar

So, what steps can you take to break free from this pattern? The first step is to ground yourself. You can use the free meditations available on my website to get your energy flowing. Remind yourself that you’re not that scared six-year-old anymore; you’re a capable adult with wisdom and strength.

Check if your energy (consciousness) is squished down into your lower 3 chakras. The lower 3 chakras are the body chakras. Are your upper chakras vacated? Bring your consciousness up to your sixth chakra and let your light shine. Center yourself above the ears, where your pineal gland is located, and remind yourself that you are safe now.

Moving Towards Your Full Potential

To overcome the habit of flying under the radar, you may try challenging yourself to be fully conscious of your entire body and aura. Are you someone who tends to be a wallflower if so push yourself to share your ideas with others. Acknowledge your discomfort but assert your confidence in your ideas. Present timing and present age is crucial—remind yourself of the present date and dissolve any energetic patterns on the radar. When you state today’s date and your current age you will be amazed at how much your consciousness shifts into the present moment. Here is my 2020 blog post on Body Time & Spirit Time.

Additionally, if you’re purposefully flying under the radar for strategic reasons, like athletes or professionals who want to surprise their competition, know when to step into the limelight and let your brilliance shine.

Sharing Your Journey

I look forward to reading your comments about when you identified your pattern of flying under the radar and the steps you took to overcome it. Share your stories and helpful hints so others can benefit from your experiences.

Let’s expand into our light and be willing to move above the radar, embracing the fullness of life. Thank you for joining me on this journey of uncovering and transforming hidden energetic patterns. I hope you enjoyed this topic, and I can’t wait to see you in the next teaching video and blog post.

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