This February Frequency Forecast is anything but calm. I am reminded of a seed in the ground that is sparked open by a mass fire raging through the forest. Some seeds remain dormant until the heat can become hot enough to trigger the seeds opening (awakening). For you, there are areas of dormancy within you that can only be awakened under intense pressure. Out of that pressure the hard shell cracks open and new growth begins to make its way upwards while driving deep roots downwards. That growth is happening without any thought-provoking process or mental analysis. It is simply the time for it to grow and it grows without giving it any thought.

A mountain was once a giant rock underneath the earth’s crust or a volcano tapped into deep lava underground. Again, the pressure, intense pressure causes the mountain to be pushed higher and higher. The volcanic lava builds in its own pressure until it can no longer hold back and burst forth in a massive explosion, forming new land mass as the lava cools down. Whether you are the seed pod, the mountain, or the volcano, the patterns are the same. It starts with intense pressure, heat and inability to hold back the growth, bursting forward without a thought, strategy, and intentional goals. It just happens when it is supposed to happen and it is the same for you as well. You can not ignore, explain away, worry, second guess or doubt it. Change is happening and the pressure is real but there are always gifts on the other side.
These frequency forecast are valuable to provide some hints about how you can work with the intense frequency shifts in a harmonious way that is supportive to your body as well. When I asked spirit to provide insights as to how we can move through February, the first image shown to me was a rocking sidewalk that you would find in a fun house at a carnival. This walkway is rocking back and forth as you attempt to maintain your balance and remain in the upright position. This is what you can expect to feel like in this frequency forecast for February.
I find myself not being very “sure footed” when attempting to understand what is happening with the frequency this month. Time takes on a warp type bend that can feel very disorienting as you feel as if you know what time it is but then look at your watch and it is a totally different time. This warble is not limited to time but also space where it is challenging to know which side is up, down or sideways. Here is a great article about Time and Space warps. A feeling as if someone tipped the floor and all the furniture in the room is sliding towards me very quickly. But then, it would be as if the furniture just passed through me. Chaos all around as everyone I know is having some sort of unplanned events upend their life. Can you relate to this? How many unplanned or unexpected events have you experienced already this month?
I can feel as a juggler, where all the balls were thrown up in the air, and I am looking up, jogging back and forth to attempt to catch them all. How this can look in life is so many events and deadlines on your to do list requiring 36 hours in a 24 hour day. It is just not possible to add one more thing to your plate. When I make the decision to let them fall, nobody dies, and all issues manage to get resolved. But its so much shifting on so many multidimensions that everything seems like a priority.
I remember taking couples dance lessons, and we would practice with a partner and then shift partners. The lead would set the tempo and pace of the dance and depending on how they shift their is what indicated which direction as the follower was supposed to follow. Yep, just like that……as we are reminded, who is the lead here? As a human are you giving up to spirit and letting your spirit lead you through all your decisions? This is practice class. Master it now, because you will be rapidly moving to faster dance steps and higher professional competition to how quickly you can become at shifting on your toes while smiling and laughing all the way.
Speaking of multidimensional … every single dimension has activity of changes going on. What is the dimension? It is a frequency level to support those energies happening at those levels. Imagine heaven as one dimension where spirits go after their human body dies. Imagine the Angelic realm where the frequency supports the high frequency of Angels to rest and relax after being in the earthly realm. There are ancestral realms, animal spirit realms, technical realms, science realms, Star Being realms and Akasha Realms. I am certain there are many more that our consciousness does not know about. I mention these because our earthly realm is not the only realm going through a shift in consciousness.
In addition to the changes in other realms, unplanned unexpected events, stacked stressors, and disorienting time warps we are experiencing a rapid collapse of past lives and karmic patterns. This is not just happening in the month of February but it certainly is highly active at this time. Each life is filled with so many lessons to experience as a human. What has not been fully realized in the lesson moves with you into your new life. For example, you choose to work with getting in touch with your emotions in this life time and for the most part learn that lesson well. Yet, there may have been a few situations where you avoided feelings rather than work through them. You have more opportunities to do it again. Or maybe you and another person have been working out karmic patterns with each other through several lifetimes. These times of rapid fire expansion and awakening provide multiple opportunities to quickly resolve these old issues. It can feel like so many in your face challenges arise all at the same time to tie up loose ends. Each time something event comes up to be resolved just tell yourself, opportunity is knocking, what am I going to do with this chance to change?
Light hearted, light mindedness is a state of being that provides you with a wider range of choices to solve a problem. If you are in a grumpy mood, then you may have 1 option provided from that grumpy frequency. If you can shift that mood to a lighter state, then you are potentially provided 10 options to solve the issue. Getting out of the grumpy state is the challenge. How do you shift out of grumpiness without using drugs, alcohol, sugar, gambling or video games? These are perfect times to practice shifting into a lighter frequency no matter what is getting you down. If you were to think about how you shift out of a stuck place, what would that be? For me, I often start with a grounding meditation. If that does not shift me, then I go for a walk and really push water to over hydrate. I definitely cut out all sugar too. Then I meditate some more with the energy of light amusement and those things usually show results rather quickly. However, if that doesn’t do it, then I will do something creative like baking, writing, or drawing. The point here is to do what you need to do to shift the low mood that provides you with few choices in life. So that you can elevate the frequency that will help you attain more options to solve the problems. Read my blog on Ascension Symptoms.

Your moods are often tied to old energy, old memories, old problems that do not even apply to your current life. So reminding yourself of the current date and your current age can be a mood game changer. Your mood can also be affected by having other peoples energy in your energy field. Setting your intention to separate from others can be a fairly simple process. State: If there is anyone else’s energy in my aura, I release all of their energy back to them now. Then state the reverse: If my energy is in someone else’s aura, I call all of my energy back to me now. Right away there is a movement of change. You may feel it right away or it can take a few hours to experience a shift. You can even get very specific such as; If my spouses energy is in my energy field, or if I am in my spouses energy field, intending to shift energies back to the appropriate aura. Repeating this with each significant person in your life.
Remember you are being toughened up, while learning resilience, and how to bounce back up when you hit the ground. I often hear, being in a human body is NOT for sissies because its not. We are here as spirit in a human body because we are made of strong stuff. We have just forgotten all the previous life experiences we bring into this lifetime. You can do this, we can all do this because these are strength building times providing us opportunities to dig deep into our untapped inner resources. In the YouTube video for the February Frequency Forecast, there is a guided meditation showing how you can make decisions quickly and move on to the next decision. It is time to believe we are capable of making quick intuitive decisions every step of the way. Then let the balls drop where they may knowing all will be as it should be.
8 responses to “February Frequency Forecast”
Greetings from Scotland Nancy….where the energy fields are speeding up… I am experiencing a sense of being disassociated from the body.. a light- headedness in fleeting moments of feeling ‘separate from the physical body’…. sort of time blips.. hard to describe.. but awareness that this will pass through grounded breathing..
Nancy, your light is far reaching….. love from the Celtic world..
Thank you Sharon…..across the pond. What an uplifting message. Not sure how you happened upon the blog but certainly glad to know that it helped you to realize this too shall pass. But probably not back to a normal that we know, but a new normal. I am finding doing anything that pushes up the creative energy is the most helpful of all. Enjoy, Nancy
Thanks Nancy. This was timely as I have neither been able to explain the deep funk I have been experiencing lately, nor found a way out of it.
I wrote this while in this really strange head space….but the more spirit spoke to me about the energies, the more I was able to shift out of it too. My go to after trying everything else is doing something creative. I was told last year that we are in a creative renaissance and that the creative flow will be our saving grace during these great times of change. Best to you, Nancy
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought I was going crazy! So many things have been going on that just did not make sense! I’ve been reminding myself that this is some sort of test from the universe and I will pass and be stronger for it. I feel better already
Knowing many tricks of the energy world certainly has challenged my skills these past few weeks. The energies are so new and different that I am finding I need to throw out what I have known and be ready for new information. Yes, we are all in this together. Nancy
This is my first time go to see at here and i am in fact happy
to read everthing at single place. holidays on gozo
Thank you so much for joining my blog and finding that it really speaks to you. It helps me to think of people like you enjoying it when I write. Nancy