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Earth Bound Spirits and Ghost

There is such a mystery around the spirit world that can excite or terrify us. My early childhood from as young as I can remember was filled with ghostly encounters. Conversations around the unseen world did not exist unless it was in the form of a spooky story around a campfire. Those stories told just before bedtime hit their intended entertainment for the evening and left us wide eyed with no plans for good sleep. My earliest memory was of me around the age of 5. Something awoke my eyes to the open closet door. A female spirit came out of the closet, gliding towards my bed. I quickly buried by head under the covers, squeezing my eye lids tight and readied myself to be touched by the spirit. Nothing happened, I fell asleep and was so relieved when the morning light flooded my room. To put things into perspective in a little different way remember that all earth bound spirits or ghost are someone’s ancestor. When on earth they were someone’s mother, father, grandparent, child, brother or sister. Read Here for my blog post on ancestors awakening.

Actually, it is quite rare to find someone who as NOT had a ghostly experience. Most people do not “see” the ghost but certainly have felt them enough to want to move out of the room they are in. Goosebumps, chicken skin, or cold breezes are strong indicators that a spirit has entered and moved through the room. There is an overall feeling that can cause you to look around the room and want to shake it off. I often notice the individual who feels a spirit in the room make the leap to label them as a family member. Such as, oh that is my mother, or my sister or my friend. Yet, there are spirits everywhere on this earth and in fact spirits far outnumber us as humans. When I asked my spirit guides to give me a general number of spirits when compared to the human population, I was told that for every human on the earth there are 10,000 spirits. Now 10,000 spirits do not follow you around but that is the number covering several other dimensions, such as ascended masters and angels too! Often you might not see the ghost but you can feel it. I encourage you to use your cell phone camera and point it in the suspected area that you think there might be a spirit and often your digital camera will pick up energies that you might not otherwise be able to see with the naked eye.

An earthbound spirit means that a spirit has left their body and rather than cross over into the heavenly dimensions choose to remain within the earthly dimensional plane.
There are a variety of reasons and all of them fairly reasonable reasons to remain nearby their loved ones. A mother of young children who dies young will tend to remain near her children until she knows that they are well cared for a settled. The motherly bond is so strong that no one in the spiritual realm can convince her to leave her children. When traveling in New Zealand in 1998 with a group of healers, we were asked to assist someone in clearing a building of the old energy so they could turn the space into a healing center. The space was previously a biker tavern, with black painted walls, and dingy carpets, with holes in the walls. The energy was dark, heavy, and filled with spirits. Suddenly one woman in our group fell to the floor screaming, where is my baby, I am looking for my baby, and I will not leave until I find my baby! This experience just about scared me out of my own skin as the piercing screams were unexpected. This was the first time I had witnessed a spirit take over another person’s consciousness. In fact, I did not know this was even possible. (I later found out this woman was a skilled channeler of the spirit realm, again, something I had never heard of before). One of the participants in our group was a psychiatric nurse psychologist who immediately jumped in to speak with the screaming mother looking for her baby. This nurse skillfully negotiated between the spirit world and the mother to find out where her baby’s spirit was, then matched her spirit up with an angel that agreed to take her to her spirit baby. This mother spirit had lived in the home over 100 years ago and had remained stuck there looking for her baby. This type of spirit activity happens all the time. Once the spirit left, the host channeler awakened to herself again and asked us all what happened as she had no memory of the unsettling events. I saw her several times over the next few days and she was very normal and pleasant to talk with but till this day, I find that experience unnerving.

Shifting Your Perspective from Fear to Compassion for the Ghostly Realm

A man who died suddenly in a freak accident several years ago remained on the earthly plane for another 2 years after his passing. He was a builder in construction and had several building contracts left to complete. He spoke with me through the presence of his wife still living and explained that he needed to make sure his family was well taken care of and all the job sites had a new company to finish them. His spirit helped organize people so that none of the projects were left undone. His final accomplishment was to find a new husband for his wife. Once he knew that his wife was settled into a new relationship and was not alone, then he shared he was ready to cross over into the heavenly realms. I helped with assistance from the spirit realm to create a portal to assist him to the other side. He is what is considered an earth-bound spirit. He was earth-bound my choice, not because he was not worthy of going to heaven but because he just needed more time.

A traumatic sudden death from a vehicle accident, a tree falling, a drowning or murder can be so shocking to the spirit that they are left dazed and confused.
This disorientation can cause them to not know they have died. Once I was called to the scene of a motorcycle accident by the angelic realm. The male spirit was standing near his own body on the ground and watched as the paramedics tried to get his heart beating again. Their were angels around ready to help him cross over but he would not listen to them because he did not believe he was dead. The man allowed me to approach because even though I was in spirit form, I still had a human life so he felt comfortable to listen to me. He was looking at the body on the ground sharing with me how tragic that this man might not make it and how sad it was that he would leave his family behind. He had no clue that the body on the ground was his. I chatted spirit to spirit with him a bit to build a bond and then slowly had him look closely at the mangled motorcycle on the ground. He began to recognize the motorcycle as his. I then slowly, had him look closely at the clothes the hair and the boots of the man on the ground. I asked him to see if the paramedics would respond to his words, which they did not because they could not hear him. This is when the penny began to drop, and he realized that it was his body on the ground. I then asked him to look off into the distance and see the Angels there ready to take him into the light. It was highly emotional for me and for him. He eventually thanked me and allowed me to move with him towards the light portal and then he walked through. I share this story because often when a tragic death happens and the spirit remains earth bound it is not because they are not worthy of heaven, they are just confused. Eventually he would have realized his death, but having a spirit mid-wife like myself, was of benefit to helping him sooner.

If you suspect feeling a ghost, use your camera phone and often will pick up the image

A ghost is a spirit that is lost in the earthly plane.
A ghost has been on earth for so long and has lost their way. Their spirit is usually fairly weak, and their own families long gone to the other side in the heavenly realm. Another reason why a spirit may not cross over is because they themselves do not believe they are worthy of going to heaven. This is often the case which is why I teach my students to be kind, caring and communicate with the spirit to find out their story and see if they can reunite the soul with their loved ones on the other side. One day, my 6-year-old grandson came into the house and told me there was a man hiding in the bushes up the road a bit. I inquired what the man looked like, did he speak to you, did he scare you and how did you see him? My little grandson was more concerned than scared and asked me if I could help him. So together we walked up the hill to the area and when I saw the man, I was shocked because he was in spirit form, not human. My grandson could not tell the difference. I telepathically spoke to the man hiding behind the bushes and asked him if he was lost and if I could help him find his way somehow. He asked to be left alone. I asked how long he has been there, and his response told me that he had been stuck in the early realm for about 70 years. He had been homeless, an alcoholic, drug addict and had been separated from his family long ago. I asked him if I could help him to cross over and he cried out to leave him alone because he was not worthy of heaven and feared he would be sent to hell. I then asked him if I could call in an angel to be with him and again he refused as he felt so much despair, and self-hatred. He did share that he had been a Christian but then did not live up to the expectations of his potential therefore in his banishment felt isolated and alone. I prayed to Jesus and ask for his presence to be shown to the man. I then shared with the man that Jesus was there and that he could talk to Jesus about his despair. He did remain where he was as Jesus moved closer to him and then I could tell a conversation had started. I felt compelled to leave the conversation private and head home with my grandson. Later in the afternoon, we walked back to the area near the forest and found both Jesus and the man were gone. I am certain the man crossed over with Jesus, because both my grandson and I had a warm feeling in our hearts.

Earth-bound spirits and ghost are both earth bound but for different reasons. Earth-bound spirits usually have more color as they still have strong family connections here on earth and the other side. Ghosts have less color and often you can see right though them. They usually have a grey cloudiness about them as they are often lost, lonely and in despair. Both often have unfinished business, but ghosts business is long gone, long past and often the ghost will have even forgotten why they died in the first place. An earth bound spirit will still have most of their spiritual essence with them and a ghost will have lost most of their essence which gives them that grey pallor. I have learned over my 25 years that as humans, psychics, healers and mediums, we have a duty and a service to help lost souls find their way again. Yet, we are not trained in this type of practice. In fact, I was taught by my own spirit, what to do. I was afraid, but my spirit helped me to have deeper understanding and compassion. It is my hope that with this new higher level of knowledge and understanding you will build greater compassion as well. Click for another perspective on earthbound spirits and ghost.

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