Do You Have the Golden Ticket?

What if you were in the spiritual realm and told that ‘You Have the Golden Ticket’? Do you have the golden ticket to the largest expansive event on earth to participate in this transformational time? Imagine seeing a recruitment poster asking for volunteers to come to earth and assist in grounding the light to support this mass awakening. The brochure is tattered on the edges from repeatedly reading about this incredible opportunity. Then what if your spirit shows up to find billions of spirits already in line for a chance at a ‘Golden Ticket’. Would you feel like you’re missing out?

What are the requirements to qualify for this unique ‘Golden Ticket’ to come to earth during this significant time of change? Let’s say you have been training for this opportunity over lifetimes to be spiritually strong and resilient. You may have even trained on other planets in other galaxies to feel solid in your focus as our current humanity shifts into more of a galactic consciousness. Another requirement might be willing to drop straight into the burdens of life here on earth to uplift others who struggle and suffer. Your spiritual resume shows you are the perfect candidate for the ‘Golden Ticket’ opportunity.

Spirit showed me there were others, perhaps even you, who did not quite meet all the qualifications but presented your case to the highest of ascended masters to prove you have what it takes to be here during times of war, turmoil, corruption, depression, anxiety, and natural disasters, so you could also obtain the ‘Golden Ticket.’ No one can prove any of this is true, but “WHAT IF” it was possibly true. How might you look at your life differently?

Nancy, “If you only do what you promised you would do when you were in the spirit realm, I will take care of you in ways you can not even imagine.” This was the voice (I have grown to know as God) I heard in 2003 when I was questioning decisions around my path and purpose. I was on the edge of quitting all this spiritual BS because I was in personal emotional turmoil. All my human feelings immediately bombarded me, including enormous doubt, confusion, insecurity, and uncertainty. Can you relate to bumping up against a wall to stop you from doing what you felt so strongly you should do? I was guided to sell everything and travel worldwide, teaching others about the spiritual power of love they carry inside them. At this point of wall-stopping doubt, I had sold everything, and my flight to South Africa was leaving in 8 hours. That is when the strong voice of reason came through, adding, “Get On That Plane”!

I have the Golden Ticket. I wanted that Golden Ticket so severely that I was ready to negotiate hard. However, being in a human body is a powerful force of emotions that can hijack even the strongest souls. My spirit reminds me of this every single day. This is why I was asked to write this blog: to help trigger your memories of what you promised you would do before you were born. To be here on earth during this significant time of change. Now it is time to get to work, and although it has been hard work up until now, it is time to shine our light in playful, uplifting ways. Joyous ways, ready to stand tall in blue galactic consciousness ways.

Yes, here on earth, we certainly have our problems. Yes, many of us are exhausted with profound fatigue and have ascension symptoms of headaches, insomnia, stress, depression, and anxiety. Those sensitives amongst us feel every single suffering burden of humanity. I often refer to those sensitive people as UNICORNS, who are extra special, kind, heart-expanding humans who need the support and protection of the stronger ones. Those of you who are sensitive have done it alone for far too long. With Pluto moving into Aquarius (unifying communities), you can look forward to being surrounded by your people.

Moving forward requires a village of like-minded people. Non-human light beings, such as ascended masters, Angels, Animal spirit guides, and Tree and Stone peoples, are here to support us all. We are entering a time of multidimensional realities, including the galactic realities of Blue Star People. The realms of spiritual realities have moved closer to make it easier for you to feel their presence around you. You are now entering another level of awakening. You have the inner strength to be ready. Read more about Unlocking the Power of Belief.

The Blue Light Frequency of pure plasma consciousness begins to rise as of October 17th, 2024. Through light codes, you can experience higher levels of wisdom, knowledge, and DNA activation within these light frequencies. Are you one of the following scientific minds to create discoveries in technology and medicine or one who improves humanitarian systems? You have the potential within you to be the new Philosophers, Seers, Visionaries, or prophetic dreamers. Can you imagine it? Or are you here to anchor the light, support expansion, and help others remember they, too, have the ‘Golden Ticket’? Read more about Pluto in Aquarius, which some consider the age of revolution.

You are an influencer, but not in the way you may think. We describe influencers as those with a YouTube channel or significant Social Media presence. The type of influencer spirit described is your ability to influence universal consciousness with each thought you have. Each thought sends a frequency signal that creates waves in the photonic pools of consciousness. Like playing with the levers of a pinball machine, that little silver ball can drive up points with assertive pings off all the barriers or with gentle movements of grace. Either way, it adds to the points of this game we call life. Which side of life do you wish to contribute to consciousness moving forward?

For the next 30 days, you will experience shifts within yourself, unlike anything you have experienced before. On October 19th, Pluto firmly stands up in the sign of Capricorn for its final expression of power—linear power, of top-down authority. On November 19th, Pluto moves into the Aquarian Age—expansive horizontal multidimensional inclusion of power to the people. No one living at this time has ever experienced this incredible turn of events on the world stage. This is why I have creatively designed a Blue Light Awakening Series to guide, uplift, and inspire you during this incredible sweet spot, moving us out of the Dark Ages and into the ‘Golden Ages.’ Are you ready? Take a Cosmic Leap to your Best Self.

We have experienced some of the harsher aspects of astrology, yet spirit wishes to remind us all of the beautiful qualities of astrology, too. Full Hunter Super Moon prepares us to embrace our destiny with momentum, enthusiasm, and passion. Aries brings through fearless, courageous confidence. Adding brave honesty with optimistic journeys of adventure. Pluto adds strength to prepare us all for transformational change that inspires constant reinvention. Pluto has assisted us during these last 16 years in getting back up when we fall. Capricorn has helped us to organize our dreams, visions, and desires with persistent patience. Capricorn is also confident, dependable, and ambitious. Spirit loves to share images with me to sum it all up. These past years have been like rapidly peddling a bike up a steep hill in low gear, slow and steady.

Enter Pluto in Aquarius onto the world stage on November 19th, 2024. You can expect us to move more toward a humanitarian vision for the world. The Aquarian qualities are Independence, creativity, intellect, innovation, smartness, rebellion, uniqueness, unconventional, problem solving, local, visionaries, open-minded, and emotionally detached with an edge of impulsive stubbornness to reach expansive goals.

This new Aquarian frequency brings with it an ability to understand ‘Photonic Light Codes’, ‘Blue Plasma’ and ‘Pure Truth Consciousness’. You will find yourself surprised at how easily you can intuitively sense and interpret your unique light codes, feel comfortable sitting at the edge of your star gate of galactic knowledge, and tap into ancient Egyptian secrets. This next 30 days of Blue Light Awakening knowledge has the potential to take us all to places we have not ever experienced before. Helping us to remember that, yes, we, too, hold the golden ticket to consciousness.

Get ready for your most fulfilling life in just 30 days.


2 responses to “Do You Have the Golden Ticket?”

  1. Christine Allsup Avatar
    Christine Allsup

    When you said you thought at one point, that you believed life was a punishment, it pushed a big button for me. To hear you say that lifted some of the pain. Everything you’re saying about what you used to think is where I am now. Kind of mired in it. I joined the event and boy do I need change. I’m hoping just for some insight, support and change for the better this time. Thank you. <3

    1. Nancy Rebecca Avatar
      Nancy Rebecca

      Thank you for letting me know that a small part of my life experience has helped to uplift you.

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