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Do You Guard Your Heart?

Guarding your heart with a fortress of protection blocks love from coming in to you or going out to others. Your enormous forcefield of love is trapped behind hurt, betrayal, and loneliness. You are living in heart opening times and your heart desires those doors and locks of your heart to be released. Are you ready?

The heart chakra/energy center is located between the lower 3 and upper 3 chakras that supply soul infusing energy to your entire human energy field. The heart chakra has the largest energy field of them all and when in balance and harmony with earth, nature, the cosmos, and all sentient/soul beings you experience a love and compassion beyond the beyond.

Heart Opening Times!

We are living in heart awakening times after several thousand years of heart suppression. Take a moment to imagine what life must have been like for your ancestors, who experienced poverty, corruption, abuse, suppression of spiritual beliefs, and genocide. Each event was a betrayal of the heart that led to shutting down our heart to survive. It was easier during that time to “just not care” as a way to cope and handle stress. We carry those ancient betrayals in our DNA, in the hopes that each generation would be able to heal those old heart closing wounds. In the battle between good and evil, it was known that if the heart chakra could be damaged, we could not rise up to do what was and is right.

Not all of our ancestors closed their hearts and remembered to hope for peace and love. You had many ancestors who knew just how significantly important it was to never let go of the light of God, the light of the divine, and their inner soul light. Each new child born is a renewal of our heart light giving each generation an opportunity to remember we are all stronger together than we are apart. Our hearts share a harmonic frequency programmed to align and attune with each other. This is called heart resonance. Heartmath.org has an article here on the same subject.

Click here to download The Resonant Heart!

Click here to visit The HeartMath Institute

As a clairvoyant who can see your energy field and see into your heart chakra, I personally have never met someone who has a heart chakra free from self protection. The most open available heart chakras of individuals that I have met, have this natural organic attitude, of “You might as well let yourself love me, because eventually you are going to anyway!” These individuals have their hearts wide open to allow all the love available the room to come to them. Like a strong magnet they attract people to their heart because they have no outside barriers of protection. There is a receptiveness to letting people in. There is a beauty in their heart chakra that radiates light front and back. Children are like this in many ways, trusting that everyone around them is a loving person. Do you guard your heart? Or do you allow yourself to risk everything to maintain love?

I have witnessed guarding and protection around the heart as light as shudders on the outside of the body front and back. Easily unlatching it to peak outside to see who is wanting to come into your heart. I have seen heavy metal bars, where you are inside your own jail of your heart. Others have large metal doors with locks and latches that only allows those in whom you give a key, and the deepest protection looks like a bank vault with 6 feet thick metal walls with several combination locks. I often ask clients, “Do you guard your heart?”, or are you aware that you guard your heart? The first words I often hear is, absolutely, doesn’t everyone?

As a healer, the stronger the protection the more delicate I treat the healing because the individual can feel far too vulnerable and may need to heal their heart in layers. If you know you have this level of protection around your heart please let yourself or your healer know that you wish to be tender with yourself as it heals.

Is there a time when you should guard your heart? Absolutely! Your heart is your superpower! If someone can control your heart then they can control you. If you have control over someone else’s heart, you can control them. If you or someone else is not in their integrity, then abuses of that love can take place. Guarding your heart until you know the intent and integrity of those around you would be valuable. However, do you use old pain to guard or do you allow the light of your own spirit to guard and protect your heart? Does your heart lead with your wound or your light?

12 Gates of the Heart, Guarded by Angels

Spirit shared that there are 12 gates to our heart and each gate is protected by an angel guard or as we call them, guardian angels. There are three separate dimensional layers that have 3 aspects of the expression of love. You can express love through 1 layer and have 2 other layers that are blocked. In this writing, I will share a brief introduction for you to begin the journey of healing your own heart.

The inner most aspect of your heart chakra is the spark of the divine, God/Goddess. The love of the highest of the high, the creator. Everyone has this spark deep inside their heart chakra! No matter how cruel or filled with ill will towards others you may have, you still have that divine spark just waiting to be tapped into. When you are born, the love of your parents, or individual around you spark that inner light with their love, like striking a match.

The next layer is the love of your own soul, and its adoration of you. We all have a soul, and your individual soul loves you and adores you beyond what you could ever begin to imagine. When raised in a home that teaches you that you are a soul and encourages you to trust the light of your soul through your heart, then this layer is sparked and activated at its brightest. Your own soul can spark this layer as well, through life events to get your attention, helping you to remember you are the light!

The outer layer of your heart, is the love shared with family, lovers, children, friends, your community and the world. Most of us try and sustain ourselves through the love of this layer, through the love of others. If the inner most aspects of your heart is guarded, this outer layer can never receive enough love to fulfill you. Leaving you disillusioned with humanity and frustrated that you will never find a love that contents you. We often wish to find our soul mate, or twin flame which I will talk more about in another writing. Aligning with the inner most aspects of your heart love, provides a contentment beyond the beyond.

If you came into this life surrounded by tragedy, or wounded parents, please do not be discouraged that your heart can never heal. That is not true at all. Your own soul, provides many opportunities for you to heal your heart through out your life. It is a part of your own life lessons. Making the choice over and over again to come back to conscious center of your heart heals your heart the fastest. Going into meditation, and intentionally healing the 12 gates of your heart, and healing each of the 3 main layers can be a very rewarding journey.

Healing Your Heart Chakra Tips:

  1. Find a quiet, safe place to be still with your own heart.
  2. Set your intention to heal the inner most aspect of your heart chakra, which is the Spark of God, the spark of light that joins us with the unity consciousness.
  3. Place your hands over your heart and intend to go as deeply as you can go, past the layers of protection, to the most center aspect.
  4. Each layer of protection, intend to draw upon a golden cosmic healing light. If you are called to work with a different cosmic color, trust that your own soul is guiding you.
  5. Call to the Glory of the God of your heart. Sing, praise, encourage this most inner aspect of your light to radiate allowing its light to cut through any wound, any darkness.
  6. Imagine you reaching inward to your inner God/Goddess light as this light is also reaching towards you.
  7. You may have so much protection around your inner light that it may take days, weeks, months or years to heal. Do not be discouraged, remembering this is your path. As you heal, your family heals. As your light brightens, your families inner light brightens, so it may seem slow in the beginning but over time you and your family will heal.
  8. Allow loving cautiousness to guide you towards gentle healing of your heart. You will know by listening to yourself what pace of healing to set for yourself.
  9. Once you have healed as much as you can in one sitting, open your eyes and journal about what you have learned. Set a date that you will revisit this healing so that your body and your soul know you are committed.
  10. Call in guardian angels to protect the light of your heart while you heal, so that you do not fill that gate with your wound instead.

You may move to the other layers and repeat this same system or be creative and add your own spirit led ideas to your self healing. We are living in heart opening times. These are times to be celebrated! Humanity has waited a long time to come back into the light. Waking up to each other as a shared spark of the divine is a great first start! Next time someone asks you, Do you Guard your Heart? You can say yes, I guard my heart with divine light!

4 responses to “Do You Guard Your Heart?”

  1. Nancy,
    Thank you. This morning I spent time on this very blocked area, my heart… I felt pain all over my body
    when I looked inside at this energy – confusion and pain creating a darkness.
    I brought Light and Radiance to my heart to let it go. This afternoon, I received a call from my
    identical twin sister. I’ve heard the joy and jealousy are heart chakra energies and I am aware now
    that changing this pattern really was felt by her as well, on the other side of the planet!
    I also see the heart/chest area trying to wake up with the COVID virus- having been immunized
    yesterday, I was especially aware of the areas I needed healing and I like to let the energy help guide me.
    Thank you. This information and help is just so timely…so consciously aware and intuitively
    gifted outward to us, to me….I will put to practice these teachings.
    Thank you!!

    • Hello Kathryn,

      It is so great to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to share how this information started the energy flowing in your family again. I actually have heard from many others who have been witnessing big changes in relationships as they begin to heal the protection around their hearts. Nancy

  2. Nancy, your Wisdom about self-love and guarding my heart flowed right
    into my journey to “love and be loved”. Thank you for your amazing loving
    heart and guiding us in a new consciousness of loving. I easily find you
    in my heart. Big Love, Judy Kelly

    • Hello Judy, Thank you for your constant love and support of this work. I value your experiences and appreciate your sharing. Much love, Nancy

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