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Cosmic Energy Superpower!

Your soul is awake! Your soul is enlightened! Your soul is strong and dynamic! Your soul has gone through so many lifetimes of learning and deserves to be here! In fact, to even experience the gift of having a human body, your soul must be strong enough to manage your body’s powerful emotions.

Cosmic Energy is from the cosmos, the universe, the divine, to assist your soul to spiritualize your body. To assist your body to release the burdens of daily life here on earth, and right now, on earth, we have a lot of burdens to deal with! In our western culture, we tend to spend a great deal of our time thinking, processing, searching, struggling and suffering with how to sort our life out. Even in our education system, we are taught the art of critical thinking, brain storming, and problem solving based on fear.

We do have beautiful minds, we can creatively think, and be sparked with impossible ideas that we just know will work. There is a movement happening here in the west. That movement is expanding into a state where we are remembering the missing link to our entire existence and that missing link is our alignment with our soul.

Often, I describe the relationship between our body and soul like this; our mind in the front drivers seat of the car, with our hands tightly holding on to the steering wheel of our life. Our spirit is the passenger, sitting in the back seat, quiet, only interjecting when it looks like you might take a wrong turn. However, your spirit, your higher self has every answer you could ever possibly dream to ask and more. So why would you not access that information? Mostly because, you have never been taught how to access the information. In my opinion, it should be taught by parents, and teachers from as early as possible.

Cosmic energy is a high vibration frequency that can transform thick heavy dense energy into smaller particles of energy that is easily dissipated and released. It is a universal consciousness of intelligence that moves through your human energy field and body to raise and uplift your frequency. Similar to a radio frequency. If you are tuned in to an AM station, you only have access to a short range and minimal choices. Tune into an FM station, you have a larger range, and more choices of stations. Tune into Satellite Radio and wow, your spirit can access a much further range and you have many more choices of stations to tune into. Therefore, the more you work with Cosmic energy, the more you can change the frequency of your range of influence as well as the choices you have in life. It really is that simple!

To me, it is all about mechanics. When I look at someone’s energy field as a clairvoyant, and I want to “see” that area above their head where their cosmic connection is, I am looking to see a clean clear area that easily receives cosmic energy. However, what I normally see is thick layers of black, sticky, emotion, or metal layers of mental energy. This area above your head can also have other peoples energy. The height of the blocking energy depends on each person, but some can be as thick as several hundred feet. In these extreme cases, the individual is really suffering, self critical, judgmental, depressed, and hopeless. They can feel really alone in the world and struggle to get unstuck from their rut. Friends and family will say to them, just get over it, buck up, deal with it, but that area above the head has this huge block of energy separating them from their own soul’s light.

Then they come to see me, and as a clairvoyant healer, I help them to infuse this area with cosmic energy that acts as a solvent, dissolving crusty old stuck energy, and their own spirit is able to move closer to their body and suddenly they feel light, hopeful, and feel as if they have more choices again. They look at me as if I have just performed magic or a miracle, but again, I just say, it is simple mechanics. If you have gunk built up on your spark plug of your car, the spark will not fire up the engine. It really is that plain and simple!

How can you do this on your own? First, I will always suggest that you ground yourself strongly to the core of the earth. Just like electricity, if you are bringing in a stronger surge of electrical power into your body you definitely need to have grounding to purge off the excess energy so you do not blow out light bulbs, computers, and car batteries. Yes, this happens all the time. Then once you are grounded, imagine, calling to you, to that area above your head, cosmic energy to bath that area, to dissolve congested energy from between you and your higher self, you own soul. For me personally, I do not want anything or anyone between me and my connection to my higher self. No filters, no programming, no social belief systems, and certainly no one else’s opinion between me and what my spirit knows is best for me!

A cosmic energy recipe is different for everyone. A great place to start is with the Christ Consciousness Cosmic energy, which is golden. Simply set your intention to have the cosmic color of gold, infuse that area above the top of your head, with golden light. Adding your intention, that it be cleansing, healing, and uplifting helps focus the cosmic light to tend to what you desire for yourself.

However, there are many many colors of cosmic energy;

Gold Cosmic Energy – Christ Consciousness

Silver Cosmic Energy – Supreme Being, God Energy

Turquoise Cosmic Energy – Ancient Wisdom, Goddess

Green Cosmic Energy – Growth and change, inspiration / hope

Blue Cosmic Energy – Truth, releases illusions

Pink Cosmic Energy – Love

Yellow Cosmic Energy – Confidence

Purple Cosmic Energy – Transformation

Red Cosmic Energy – Empowering, determined

Orange Cosmic Energy – Big Changes

So you can see just from this short list here that each color of cosmic energy has their own qualities to enhance what you desire, and release what is not in alignment with that. You can also create your own unique recipe and blend several colors together. You are only limited by your own mind. Be playful, explore, experiment with all the colors to know what suits you best. Just because you love red, does not mean your friend is going to like red cosmic energy. That is the beauty of building a closer relationship between you and your higher self, is you are unique and what works for you may not work for someone else.

Your cosmic connection is just waiting for an invitation to be a part of your awakening process. Waiting for you to let it in and infuse your body. The divine will deliver the package to your door but you have to open your door to bring the gift of spirit into the house of your body. You hold the key! Now, let go of that steering wheel, step out from the drivers seat of your car, and let your spirit take the lead. We are entering the golden age and now is the time!

2 responses to “Cosmic Energy Superpower!”

  1. Love these talks and meditations.
    My last little spurt was rainbow colours infused with gold & silver glitter. 🙏🌈🙏

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