August Frequency Forecast

This month of August has a frequency forecast that is all about adapting to the rapid changes your new environment quickly, no matter what is happening. Already, I find myself moving in one direction and then suddenly everything changes, and I must adapt to this new direction. Spirit shares with us the symbology of the frog. The frog is born into the shallow protected waters as eggs. Those eggs of the frog are safe, warm, and often hidden under the protection of tall grasses that over hangs the water’s edge. I am certain those little frog eggs would love to be all nestled in their little shell, but that is not their destiny. Suddenly, those little frog eggs begin to then shed its outer later, where it is nurtured and nourished into tadpoles. The egg must adapt and let go of that safe harbor, let go of that outer protective layer. It may have felt like it was letting go of something of value of comfort, but again, its destiny is to change. However, the tadpole, gains something new, a tail, that enables them to take on this new form. The new tail gifts this from the freedom to move away from the corner of the pond, the cluster of the egg sac and swim all around, exploring with new adventures. Yet its destiny is not to remain in that form either. Soon it absorbs its tail, losing its freedom to swim all around exploring with curiosity. It might feel a huge loss of freedom, having to simply let go and adapt to this new form. Now new webbed feet appear so it now has been given the gift of being able to hop onto the land. This frog cannot feel grief of loss because it has been given the abundance of movement to live on the land and swim in the water.

This is the power of the month of August, which is all about enormous abundance. As humans we focus so much on losses and in fact can over focus loss to the point that we can no longer see the abundance still available to us. Yes, this month of August you may experience some losses, but with it comes great gains that are better than what you lost. I have learned after 25 years of working as a full-time psychic that whenever I lose something, there is ALWAYS a gift waiting at the end of the experience to celebrate me for hanging in there and focusing forward. I also have grown in experience to know that the bigger the loss, the greater the gift. This truth is so much a part of my reality that when I was diagnosed with cancer and was told that I would need surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, my first thought was, “Wow, I can not wait to see the gift spirit has waiting for me after this one!”

The frog is known in Chinese medicine as the favored one of the God of Wealth. You can expect the August frequency vibe forecast to be all about major transformation through rebirth, resurrection, and adaptation. For rebirth to happen, you must be able to let go of the old. Like the frog egg that had to “let go” of the thick nourishing sac to grow its new tadpole tale. Or the tadpole that had to let go of its fast-swimming tale that allowed for great adventures before it could get its new webbed feet to go on land. Every stage of August will challenge you to see just how fast you can “let go”, adapt to the new changes, and welcome in the new abundant gifts! Spirit is telling me that some of the biggest challenges for most of you this month might not be you! It just might be those around you who are not able to let go and adapt. This will challenge you to hesitate, to hold back, to give up in your own abundant changes. However, spirit is saying keep on hopping forward. Those loved ones around you will see you keeping your head up, your smile on your face and witness just how easily you are letting go. Basically, you will be modeling healthy energetic adapting behaviors to show others how it is done! August is going to be fast in its expectations of adaptation, and the faster you can let go, adapt, the faster the new abundant gifts come your way.

Often, we think of abundance in the form of money and that is just not true either. Abundance can simply be greater joy and happiness. Abundance may be a surprise visit from an old friend wanting to take you to lunch. Abundance may be time created to sleep in or work on an art project. Abundance might be a surprise vacation trip, or new hand me down clothes from your friend who only shops at the most elegant stores. Mostly abundance is about feeling filled, heart full, content, satisfied and not wanting for anything. Can you even allow yourself to begin to imagine what that might feel like in your life? Click here to read about abundance in the Success Consciousness article.

August Frequency Forecast

Doing anything with the water this month of August will assist you to adapt and integrate to the new vibrational frequencies abundant to you now. Even doing a water detox just might have bigger detoxing results. Water is a soul; water is highly ascended in its intelligence. Speak to the water and let the water know what you need, what you wish to heal, what you need help with letting go of. Go swimming, kayaking, boating, or floating in the water. Take your shoes off and walk along the waters edge or place your feet into the water. Remember August is sharing this symbol of the changes we can expect to see, is the frog. The frog lives on the land AND in the water. Easily moving from one state to the other, adapting to the changes in the environment with great resiliency. As humans in this 3rd dimensional reality, life is heavy, life can be harsh, the news can be depressing, and you can be surrounded by others struggling to cope with life. However, it comes down to this one question, how are you coping with life? So getting to the water in August will enhance your ability to adapt to change and be open for new abundance. CLICK here to read my blog posts about the sacredness of water.

The spirit realm has expressed the month of August will still have its ups and downs, but the range of the highs and lows will not be so extreme. However, the highs and lows may come frequently like a quickening that feels intense. I was given the example of a woman laboring to deliver, birth new life, such as we are doing in August. At first there is one contraction and then 20 minutes later is another intense contraction. Yet, there is 18 minutes in between where the birth process rests. Then as the birth nears, there is a quickening of the labor, where one contraction seems to come on top of another contraction, and it appears as if no rest is in sight.

August 1st – 5th , you may experience this rapid fire change as an intensity that seems relentless, but just keep letting go, adapting, receiving the abundance, only to let go, adapt and receive the abundance, again and again and again. What might this look like? You drive to the store, with your large shopping list, and you have forgotten your purse. You let go of the frustration, you adapt to the loss of time, your return home and receive the abundance of a surprise visit from an old friend. Another example is you take a friend for lunch, during your already tight schedule. You have just 1 hour for a quick visit. The friend shares a crises that requires more of your time. You let go of your schedule, you adapt to the loss of getting as much done as you had hoped you would, you receive the abundance of being there for a friend. This quick shift can happen often during this first week of August and continue on less frequently over the month. You are being tested to see how quickly you can let go, adapt and receive the abundance, only to let go and adapt again. All while smiling, keeping your head up and maybe even laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of it all!

August 1st through the 23rd, we will still be experiencing the influences of the 12th dimensional heart that I wrote about earlier. Your heart this month will continue to feel called to be in service to the greater good. Allow time for this calling of your 12th dimensional heart so that you can be in service for the greater good. Click here to read that blog post.

August 13-15th, 2021 – is one more specific time that spirit is wanting me to mention. There will be a shift in frequency like hitting the reset button. I love the way my spirit shows me symbolic examples and this one is no different. Spirit showed me the hair dryer that overheats, and the internal safety mechanism causes the hair dryer to shut off to cool down. Now I do not know if you have ever experienced this personally but the way you fix it, is to unplug it, plug it back in and push the little electrical reset button on the side to get it up and blowing hot air again. This is what will be happening for us at the human 3rd dimensional realm. A little reset to our energy output so we can adapt again to the rapid shifts in frequency.

Just Keep swimming towards new gifts, new adventures. Let go, adapt, pivot, change.

Now spirit did not mention at all the Big Lions Gate Portal opening on August 8th as is does every single year. When I asked spirit about this potential over site, I was told that its significance had no influence on this August frequency forecast. However, if you are curious about the Lions Gate Portal, I invite you to CLICK here and learn more about it.

Each month you can expect changes. Remember your spirit loves to change. It is your body that prefers that everything remains the same. It is our work and awakening conscious beings to help our bodies to adapt and find joy in the changes that open us to new magical mystical experiences that make life so worth living!


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