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Are You Afraid of Spirit Guides?

Spirit Guide Work

Are you afraid of spirit guides, is a topic that I have wanted to write for a while now. There IS a difference between healthy and unhealthy spirit guides. There are so many stories told and videos made describing spirit guides and our relationship with them. Unhealthy relationships with spirit guides is not talked about enough. So, let’s get started expanding this topic. Being afraid about spirit guides is a valid and important feeling. Fear can be an intuitive signal to guide you when determining working with a spirit guide or not. The spiritual community talks a great deal about how the world is awakening into the higher spiritual realms. Which ultimately is telling you that as your own vibrational frequency rises, your capacity to experience spirit guide relationships become more of a reality.

Use Discernment when working with Spirit Guides

What is the source of your fear and is it based in truth or not? Strong religious teachings often impose fears against working with guides and angels. A client may share that they have reservations and fears of opening to their own intuition. They have been told that meditation, yoga, chanting, tai chi, or spiritual development programs can cause dangerous portals to open, placing you in spiritually challenging situations. These religious teachings can be irrational, and rational at the same time. Meaning there is some truths to both sides. Believing religious organizations only want to control the masses by fear tactics can lead you to discount any discomfort you may have. Can you relate to this type of internal dilemma? Do you wonder if you should listen to the fear and be cautious or should you ignore the fears and jump in to trusting other teachings that those fears are unfounded? In my 28 years of working with clients, human energy fields and spiritual guides there is a thread of truth and a thread of lies in all of it. I will share some tips at the bottom of this blog post. Click here for another blog post I wrote about the light and dark of the spirit world.

Let’s face it, we are changed by the events of the past few years. These in our face revelations are revealing the dark underbelly of humanity and it can look very ugly. Finding ourselves continuing to be surprised at all the greed, corruption, violence, suppression, and oppression leaves us exhausted. In those exhausted states many are searching for answers to help us understand all the craziness. Can you relate to that heart’s desire to create a meaningful life for yourself? If you felt the presence of a spirit guide around you, would you feel fear or relief? I certainly knew of those darker denser destructive energies; however, nothing prepared me for just HOW corrupt our world is. Layer after layer, our world is shedding all the illusions while asking us to take off the rose-colored glasses. When it comes to working with spirit guides in a confident way we must also look at the illusions there as well.

Trusting your own Intuitive instincts with great clarity and confidence can provide inner guidance. This inner guidance can help you navigate every situation presented in front of you, while in search of what is true for you. Learning steps that you can take to build your trust and faith is going to provide you with spiritual tools to be discerning for your life. Extending that trust and faith when working with a spirit guide can be almost as tricky to figure out with the mind. There is so much information “out there” but there is also a whole lot of wise information “in here”. Did you know (based on my experience only) that about 90% of individuals are afraid of spirits. In a group setting having conversations about spirits is interesting, but when going home may feel inspired to leave the lights on. Even talking about Angels in the room, can trigger fear and working with spirit guides can also seem very confusing.

Are you Afraid of Spirit Guides?

Should you be afraid of spirit guides? I wouldn’t say no but I would suggest that you be very discerning. Discernment is a quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure, according to the Webster dictionary. Spirit Guides are obscure, elusive, not clearly seen or understood. Here is the truth based on my experience; you can find a variety of spirits in the spirit world who have your best interest at heart and…spirits who think of themselves as wonderful spirit guides but just do not have enough experience yet. So, when you begin to explore spiritual development, caution and discernment are helpful inner intuitive guidance tools. Which camp of belief have you pitched your tent in? Do you believe that all spirit guides are good and holy? Or do you believe that there are many layers of spiritual dimensions, some good and some not so good? I can tell you right now as I am writing this, that there are some spirits hanging around that would prefer you not know this information. Why? Because it is empowering information to have. You are better equipped to set strong boundaries. Here is an article that describes different types of spirit guides.

Your Ancient Ancestors performed rituals that were done to protect the home, protect our families and children. Several times a year during the Equinoxes and Solstices our ancient cultures worked with those high frequency times to communicate with God, angels, ancestors, and guides to provide greater protection and abundance for their entire community. Often the women and men of the house, would say prayers of protection, burn sage, or place blessed water or salt around the doors and windows to create an energetic barrier to naughty trickster spirits from coming into the home so they could cause havoc. Why do you think they took these ritualistic steps? Even when the communities began to experience high levels of “bad luck” events the entire community would come together perform protective healing rituals so that everyone in the town benefitted. Attending church is still believed to provide great protection against evil. My ex-husband and mother-in-law felt strongly that our children should be immediately baptized to protect their soul. What types of ritual folklore did you hear from your own family when it came to protection around the home?

Everything began to change when the industrial revolution came along. This sparked rapid growth of the production, massive job opportunities and societal division as many people moved where the jobs were. Living in South Africa in 2003, I saw this firsthand. Parents would leave the children with the grandparents, moving to the city where the good jobs were only to return to their remote villages once a year. Ancient cultural practices were dropped for the more current modern practices. I have returned at least 20 times since then, and am witness to the slowly dying practices of the of traditional wisdom. The Zulu worked with their ancestors as their spiritual guides and were not afraid of them at all, yet now, the young people consider that practice very old fashioned and no longer “cool”.

Be intentional, when attuning with a Spirit Guide

Scientific proof became the golden standard for everything, as we began to believe … if we can’t see it then it can’t exist. Religions taught about God, the divine, angels and the holy spirit were there to guide and protect us but only if we are good. If you are bad, then you are on your own without the protections of spirit. Confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness lifted the burdened heart, feeling worthy of those protections again. I can not state enough what a long 28 year road this journey has been for me. I can see the spirit world at the same time I see the physical earthly world and I know that I am not the only one. People often want scientific proof or religious permission, and yet, there is proof and has been for a very long time. Fear of losing professional standing and reputation has stopped many from exploring healthy relationships with spiritual guides. We have come to a point, where this next part of the journey will be much easier with spiritual support. Regardless of anyone else’s beliefs, you must pay attention to your own inner discernment when working with a guide.

3 Simple Steps you can take to help you to feel more comfortable with working with your own spirit guide.

Set Your Intention – This is always the very first step that you will take when it comes to working with energy. Action always follows thought. Not sometimes, but every single time. Meaning, if you have a thought, the energy around you will immediately shift and create a form to move that energy in the direction of your intention. Create an intention to only have energy around you that is for your highest good, potential and health. Any energy to include energy blocks will begin to shift into a healthier state. If a spirit guide with questionable intentions is around you, your intention of highest good will block it from interfering.

Cleanse the room, home and land that you live on energetically on a regular basis. Imagine a grounding root system connected to the room you are in with an “intention” to drain all old energy out of the room right down that grounding channel. Then “intend” that a large ball of golden cosmic energy will flow through that room and dissolve all old, outdated energy that will be flushed down the grounding of your room. Repeat this for your entire house and property. This will end up being 3 separate steps. Cleanse the energy of your house daily, weekly or monthly depending on how thick the old energy is. You can also add additional steps such as sage, fresh flowers, blessed water in a spray bottle, house plants, and/or salt around the outside of the house.

Set your intention that you only work with spirit guides that can work in a space at a gold vibration or higher. An unhealthy spirit guide cannot raise their frequency high enough to be at a gold vibration. A healthy spirit guide will stand by in support and will only step in to intervene IF you ask for help. Healthy spirit guides believe you are strong, capable and have free will. They will not disrupt your free will. An unhealthy guide will tell you that they can help you if you want them to. They do not have healthy boundaries and will want you to believe you are stronger with their presence. So the biggest difference between healthy and unhealthy guides is one will impose onto your free will, the other will respect your free will. Think of this in terms of healthy and unhealthy human relationships.

A healthy relationship with your spirit guide will let you know that you are capable, and they will offer support if you ask them too. Unhealthy relationships with your spirit guide will tell you what to do, give constant advice, and often override your opinions about your life because they know best. Unhealthy spirit guides will do the same thing.

We are rapidly expanding into higher states of consciousness that require higher states of understanding. There are layers of high knowledge to be learned, and this is simply the beginning. But these tools and meditation provided in the YouTube video is a really great place to start this level of learning.

2 responses to “Are You Afraid of Spirit Guides?”

  1. I am just blown away from your wealth of knowledge. I truly appreciate you sharing Nancy. In gratitude, randi 🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏

  2. With gratitude Nancy !
    Thank you for the video. Felt so blissful afterwards, having 4 guides with me. They were so excited when I asked them and happy to support. My house & I feel so much brighter and energized

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