Home / Energy Health / 8 Simple ‘POWER UP’ Tips to Enhance Living in our 3D world.

8 Simple ‘POWER UP’ Tips to Enhance Living in our 3D world.

Vibrationally humanity is doing a power up while also diving deep to heal all that limits us in our 3rd dimensional world. Personal limits to our power can be energies such as fear, doubt, self-criticism, feelings of not good enough, not wise enough, and not perfect enough to move beyond the self-limiting thought patterns of our own mind. All of these thought patterns show up as energy trails, like ropes with a slip knot. The more your spirit wants to expand into the 5th dimensional reality the tighter those energy bands become. You find yourself pulling back, slipping into those places of comfort so you do not have to feel that tension of the internal ropes getting tighter. Often, we will self soothe when the tension rises by overeating, self-medicating, avoiding, or isolating. This resistance, holding back pattern can only go on for so long before you energetically reach a make-or-break point.

3D to 5D mindset

It can not be stress enough here just how much the universe is actively changing.
The planets are shifting, the earths rotations are speeding up, the magnetic north is slowly moving, and the Schuman resonance is increasing. Recently I read an article that measures the cosmic energy influence is now being measured not only from the stars but moving through our earth and out the south pole, click here to read the article. Science is trying to keep up with all the new discoveries that still have no answers as to why. Every single day there is something new being noticed and leave the science community baffled. Astrologers are noticing alignments of the stars that we have not experienced in thousands of years and the metaphysical community are finding themselves downloaded with the same higher knowledge information that correlates with each other in ways that just do not seem possible.

We as humans ARE going through an enormous expansion in consciousness. Therefore the resistance patterns will eventually break to allow you too, to power up beyond our 3-Dimensional world. However just because you believe that we are moving to higher dimensional thinking and being does not mean you have the golden ticket either! What has been hidden deep in our own psyche, our subconscious will reveal many surprises that we did not even know we held inside of us. We are moving to a state of living our truest form, our most authentic self, and even knowing this, we really can not completely grasp what that means spiritually, because we are all limited as humans in our ability to know all. The bottom line, this is no time to rest, even if you have been actively peeling away the layers of yourself.

Meditation is the key to everything in my book
. Meditation assist you to cultivate your own deep inner peace, your core neutral centeredness that will be your rock as these waves of dimensional changes move through your life. Meditation assist you to reach deep inside, tapping into your soul, to power your changes. Most of us draw upon our external environment to power us. Whether we draw from the energy of other people, fueling your body through food, exercise, addictive patterns, dramas, and distractions these are all 3D human ways of working with energy. Coping mechanisms, survival ways of dealing with life, can compartmentalize your own spirit, trapping your own high energy light in layers of old pain, leaving you without access to enough power to expand into those higher dimensions. This segmenting of your power can leave you feeling depressed, anxious, stress, thread bare and just plain worn out.

You are a spirit having a human experience! Remembering this is the very first step to your ability to begin powering up, expanding, and awakening yourself to your truth. Most of us live life allowing our mind to be behind the wheel in the driver’s seat of our car. Our spirit often is an afterthought, a passenger, hopefully at least riding in the back seat of your car. Just like a back seat driver, our spirit may say; you might want to slow down, you probably should take this right turn, or you might need to stop the car, turn the engine off, and get out of the car and rest awhile. All the while our mind has a death grip on the steering wheel, heading full speed down the highway of life. Take a moment here to close your eyes and imagine your own car and ask to see where your own mind is in the car and where your spirit is sitting. Then if your mind is driving and your spirit is in the back, imagine stopping the car, and having your mind and spirit trade seats. Can your mind allow that to happen? If so, what does that experience feel like to you?

Your 3rd Chakra is your divine power center. As humans we use a lot of effort to make things happen in our life. In the 5th dimensional world, effort, pushing, controlling, and manipulating does not work. In fact, it can backfire your efforts if you apply 3D concepts in a 5D world. In the 3D world you can not make intuition happen. In the 3D world you can not telepathically communicate with your spirit guides, angels, or God. In the 3D world you can not feel the presence of your loved ones on the other side in spirit form. This is a huge difference between the 3D world and the 5D world. If you have spiritual experiences, unseen experiences, mystical experiences, then you already know what the 5D world experience feels like. If you do not believe those experiences are possible, have an extremely high level of skepticism (normal levels of skepticism is healthy and in fact valuable) or you think others that believe in the spirit world are crazy, then your mind has no intention of letting go of the steering wheel of life. Individuals super stuck in the 3D world will often criticize, demean, judge, and try and knock you down so you drop into the 3D world with them.

Psychics mediums must power up to gain access to higher states of consciousness. Some psychic mediums can do this quite naturally like children who also do this very naturally, with light mindedness, light heartedness, and playful humor. For me personally as a psychic medium it was something that I cultivated and trained into myself. I have a powerful mind and it loves to jump in the front seat at every opportunity. Learning to even notice when my mind hijacked me has been helpful when I need to move my spirit back in the front seat. Mastering this ability took time and a lot of patience.

Powering up is a 3rd chakra ability. Your 3rd chakra is located between your navel and your diaphragm. At the physical level it provides energy source to your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, stomach, and digestive system. Your 3rd chakra is your spiritual library providing you information about your self-esteem, power, boundaries but its ultimate super knowledge is known as the energy distribution center. Your 3rd chakra distribution center, in the 3D world, draws energy from other people, events and exercising. In the 5D world, your 3rd chakra draws energy from your own spirit and distributes your souls light through all aspects of your life. To fully spiritually benefit and “POWER UP” to the 5th dimension, your 3rd chakra must be as healthy as you can help it to be. Click here to listen to a meditation on sitting in the Power. It is one of my favorites that I use personally.

Steps to a Healthy Power Center:

  1. Grounding your energy field to stabilize the flow of energy from your spirit to your 3rd chakra.
  2. Invite your spirit into the front seat of your life, allowing your spirit to make intuitive spirit led decisions for our mind to follow.
  3. Take steps in our life to raise your self- esteem. Surround yourself with people who know you are special just the way you are. Know you are special just the way you are. Do activities that help you to feel good about yourself. This activates a high frequency in your 3rd chakra.
  4. Set boundaries with yourself around self-destructive behaviors. Teach others to respect the boundaries you set for them. Read books on what boundaries are if you do not understand boundaries. This will activate a higher frequency of your 3rd chakra.
  5. Exercise vigorously, get your heart rate up, break a sweat. Your 3rd chakra powers up to give you more energy and blows out the stuck energy pipes. Again, activates a higher frequency. Click Here, to read an article about stretches you can do to open and cleanse your chakras.
  6. Do you give your power away to others? Do you take energy power from others? These are old 3rd dimensional ways of accessing power. Correct behaviors that are old patterns.
  7. Meditate to draw upon your own soul’s light to fill your 3rd chakra, fuel your entire life from your higher source of power. Click Here to download a free meditation from my website.
  8. POWER UP by deepening your spiritual connection with the earth, the trees, the rocks, and all the layers deep in the earth. Then POWER UP again, by expanding your spiritual light to blend with the cosmos, the stars, the planets, the clouds, the air, and all the higher dimensions. Sit in this POWER for 10-20 minutes every single day and watch your life change in ways you can not even begin to imagine.

I wish that I could say this journey is an easy one. What I have grown to know over these 25 years is that change can be as simple or as hard as we make it. I was left in a constant state of confusion when my own teacher repeated that often to me. I just didn’t “get it”! However that is the point isn’t it. I was constantly waiting for my MIND to get it before I would simply allow myself to LET GO! Yet, my mind, like a dog, clenching its teeth around its favorite toy, was not going to give it up that easily. Your mind may not be like my mind. You may find LETTING GO, much easier. You may find that trusting spirit truly has the hands on the steering wheel of your life. It took me years to trust my own spirit. I ran my life’s show by the motto, “Trust but Verify”, meaning, I never totally let go. Yet here in 2021, letting go is much easier. I have practiced a whole lot! So invite your mind to climb into the back seat and enjoy the ride, because it truly has great potential to be a good one!

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