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7th Chakra, Crown of Light

“How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world.”  ~ William Shakespeare

This quote for me, sums up our Crown Chakra, the 7th energy center. Our 7th Chakra is forever illuminating the brightness of our soul, illuminating our own naughtiness, our own weariness, our own human limitations as we learn the lessons we have come to learn on earth.

Everyone has this CROWN OF LIGHT!

Crown of Light, Your 7th Chakra

Your 7th energy center is located at the crown of your head, the top of all the other chakras. Your other chakras work within the dimensions of dichotomies (duality), black and white, right and wrong, and good or bad. Your crown chakra is different in that it functions within the realm of unity consciousness. Your own spirit here in your 7th chakra remembers we are all in this together, we are moving towards the same goal and that is to remember we are a soul and we are one with God.

Each chakra, for me, is best described as a spiritual library, that holds information, wisdom, and knowledge about that particular subject, so that your own spirit can access this knowledge to best guide you spiritually through your life.

Stored in your spiritual library are:

1. All the past lives you have lived before. The trials, tribulations, sufferings, strengths, joys and sadness. In these other lifetimes, your spirit stores the tough decisions you had to make, the results of decisions made by others that changed you. In these lifetimes, you have experienced poverty and wealth, being a leader and a follower, being the persecutor and the persecuted, being the abuser and the abused. We have possibly lived lives experiencing every religion that ever existed. All of these experiences your spirit draws upon to help you to navigate how to journey through this lifetime.

2. Your life’s path and purpose is stored here in the 7th. Your own souls personality that moves with you from life to life. The spiritual purpose of why you chose to be here on this earth during this great time of change and awakening. Why you wanted to be here during a global pandemic and what your spiritual role is during this time.

3. Hopes, dreams, visions, and prophetic information is stored here as well. Your spirit constantly infuses your consciousness so that you can remember who you are and what dreams you came to manifest. The further you drop into the human existence the further away your spirit can feel to you. The further away from your own soul you become, the harder your spirit works to help you to remember who you are.

4. Religious information is stored here in the crown chakra. All different religious expression is stored in your spiritual library so that you can have access to all the ancient teachings, of the wise holy ones. Dogma in any religion can create a hardened structure that limits access to all the pathways to God. In this chakra, there is no judgement in how you choose to connect to the divine.

5. Your divine golden rings are stored here. This is the place where the God of your heart connects with your soul providing the strength and wisdom to help you to remember you too are a spark of the divine. It is next to impossible to sever your connection to the God of your heart. It is always there, waiting patiently for you to remember your own divinity.

6. It is here, in the crown chakra, that you are reminded, you are never alone, and you have many guides, angels, ancestors and ascended masters supporting your every move. It is here in this chakra that you can remember your spiritual support team. Your spirit guides know how challenging it is to live on the earth at this time and gently guiding you in the right direction. Free Will, is your birthright, and your guides only intervene when you ask them to be with you. They will allow you to trip and fall as often as you need to learn your valuable lessons and build your own soul strengths.

YOU are ALWAYS Connected to the Divine!

We can block our own connection to our own spirit by;

1. Allowing mental energy to be our replacement for our soul. We do this by valuing what our mind thinks over what our own spirit offers as a choice. The mental energy can build up walls between your mind and your spirit. These walls can be 100 feet in thickness, pushing your own soul far away. When this happens you can feel very alone, in the dark, abandoned and isolated. Meditation and prayer calls your own spirit close to you, dissolving old mental energy.

2. Religious structure, can create a container for you to connect to God, create a pathway to God. However, it can also limit your ability to expand beyond the structure when your spirit wishes to explore other ways of believing. The main energy in the 7th chakra is about creating and releasing. You create a structure to learn, then when that religious lesson is learned you are able to let go of the old structure and create a new one to learn another level of spiritual lessons. We must “let go” to make room to create new experiences.

Even when you are low, you always have your connection to source!

3. Stuck wishes, dreams and prayers. When you are 3 years old, you may wish and pray for ice cream to be available to you everyday but when you are now 50 years old, wishing for daily ice cream is no longer a priority, especially to your waste line. We wish, dream and pray every day for things and again, we must “let go” of the old wishes and prayers to make room for the new and current ones or they can clog up your ability to connect with your own soul.

4. Other people’s energy can cause blocks in your ability to connect with your own soul. Other people praying for you to find your way, praying that you get over your addictions, praying that you finish college, and praying you find the right husband or wife. Others can move into your 7th as your higher power. We as children believe that our parents are like God and can move our parents energy into our own 7th chakra. We can have a controlling friend or lover, who insist you must do things their way or the highway. We allow them to be like our God and ask them for permission before making your own decisions.

5. Emotional energy can block our 7th chakra. Our spirit is NOT emotional, it is spiritual, and sees everything as neutral, and beautiful. Your own spirit rejoices when you learn something new about yourself even if the lesson came with hardship. We can view the divine as emotional, punishing, angry and judgmental. You can project your emotions into your 7th chakra and these denser energies can push your own soul away.

Meditation time, quiets the emotions, body and mind in a way that you can begin to hear, see and feel your own soul. Being quiet in nature allows your own soul to move in closer to you. Often clients will describe feeling closer to God when they are in nature. You must create quiet time in your life to allow the elixir of your soul to infuse your other chakras. Reading self help books can provide words from others to help spark your own soul connection however, you will benefit from quiet time after you feel that spark of wisdom to bring the wisdom deeper into your core.

Our 7th Chakra hungers for us to dream, vision, pray our new world into existence. If you really thought that truly you could create a world a utopia in anyway you wish and dream. Then what would you wish for? We only have problems where the solution already exists. Looking down we give problems all the power, looking up we give spirit all the power.

During this pandemic crises in the world, our soul is calling us to light the little candle of our soul and cast our bright beam of light onto this naughty and weary world as Shakespeare so eloquently wrote. It is time for us to allow our Crown of Light to show the way forward to peace, unity and love.

10 responses to “7th Chakra, Crown of Light”

  1. It is so so beautiful to be able to read this. There are alot of things where I felt like you are referring it to me. ???. That’s how I feel connected to you. I am hoping to explore more of what you have shared here.
    Thank you for being such a divine soul for universe.

    • Thank you Ganesh for your lovely support of this material. Spirit certainly wants it expressed in the world Nancy

  2. Mind jarring advertisemts, seven, including Trump ad, completely ruins this beautiful relaxing educational video.
    Thumbs down due to this. It’s shameful to have these blasting during the video. Completely unacceptable. I’m so disappointed.

    • Hello Diane, Thank you for letting me know about this. I had literally just posted it hours before. My learning curve is quite steep, however, I did go into Youtube and adjusted the settings to block Ads. Lets hope it was successful and you can watch it again, without interruptions.

  3. I just listened to your crown chakra meditation after reading your lovely words. I’m in tears. When I close my eyes to silence myself or to do mediation I get a splitting headache. Have for years. I have a n active mental state but live from my heart. I’ll continue to practice with the golden light and I appreciate the new way to see. I also grounded with flamingo legs, my fav.

    Thank you Nancy!

    Btw, Mt Ranier is beautiful!

    • Thank you Julia! I love the image of flamingo legs, this tells me that you do have a very strong connection to your spirit. Spirit communicates through imagination. I am curious about that headache each time you try to quiet your mind. Maybe one day you will make an appointment with me and we can explore that! I hope you enjoy all the learnings. Nancy

  4. I’m not able to access the meditation. The link leads to an error page. Is it available elsewhere?

    • Never mind – I found the video. It is the other link that is blocked.

      • Thank you for letting me know you found it. I hope you enjoyed it as well. Nancy

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