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5th Chakra, Telepathy, The New Frontier

I want to hear! I want to be that fly on the wall of the Akashic Records as the Ascended Masters are in the Universal Room, planning the next steps as this Global Pandemic slows us to our “stillpoint”! Our desire for information has our 5th Chakra, our communication chakra on overdrive in our insatiable appetite hungers to know how and why the coronavirus here on earth.

the throat chakra

Wow, there certainly are a lot of experts out there right now who have a million different theories. How does this information come in and how is it decimated to our consciousness so that we can digest, discern and integrate it all? All of that hot action happens in your communication chakra that is located in the throat area. This 5th chakra/energy center is currently on high definition streaming and much of the information coming in is heard as high pitch ringing in the ears. When the spirit world is active, it comes through as ringing in the ears because the frequency of the information is higher than what we as humans can decipher and hear.

Now if I were to move the COVID19 virus pandemic to the side, I would describe the 5th chakra as a dynamic operating system that our average human self uses only at a basic level. That basic level is human to human verbal communication, facial expressions and body language. It would be like having a high functioning computer, with maximum memory, all the bells and whistles to make videos, power points, and interactive courses and we only use it to send and receive emails.

Let me talk about just some of the other talents your 5th chakra has;

  1. Communicates with your chakras and human energy field, gathering, organizing and interpreting the data for you to put into action.
  2. Inner voice, is that bright orb of high dimensional light located in the center of your throat chakra. Higher knowledge comes into the inner voice from the wisdom of your own soul and communicates it to your body. Your body sends messages to your inner voice that translates it and sends it back up to your spirit so that adjustments needed can put into place to best support the health of your body. Keep this beautiful golden orb of your inner voice clean and shined up so that no one else’s energy blocks your own here.
  3. Can communicate with nature, trees, plants, weather, animals, birds elementals, faeries, gnomes, giants, mystical creatures, whales, dolphins, and the underworld dimension. Attuned to hearing the frequencies of ley lines and energy vortexes.
  4. Can communicate with the stars, planets, other galaxies, star-celestial beings, aliens, and is attuned to hearing the sounds of the universe. Your 5th chakra is also built to communicate with the upper world of ascended masters and angels.
  5. Your 5th chakra is already coded for you to communicate telepathically, mind to mind, with no movement of your mouth or voice box. You already do it, you just might not be conscious of it. If you are sending and receiving text messages, then you have been practicing your telepathic abilities when you fill in the blanks with your mind.
  6. You are already aligned with the ability to communicate with your loved ones on the other side in the spirit world. We have been programmed to believe that only mediums can do that, only mediums have that extra talent and gift. You also have that ability, you just have to try it, practice and cultivate your ability. You also have the capacity to communicate with your ancient ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. Your ancestors lives are encoded in your own DNA. You are genetically aligned to be able to communicate with them with ease and effortlessness. You simply have to just start and keep practicing to cultivate your abilities.
  7. Yes, you have spirit guides, healing guides, financial guides, educational guides, and specialty spirit guides to assist you in anything you need higher wisdom from. We all have a minimum of 5 guides. They communicate with you all the time and you take their wisdom and take action often, disguised as your own thoughts. You are built with the ability to use your 5th chakra in this way.
  8. Singing, works with sound that is encoded with communication through frequencies. Just like that high pitched ringing in the ears, is a frequency, filled with detailed communication. The vibration is so high that the average person only hears it as a sound but it is actual words. You again, simply need to cultivate your ability to expand your range within your own communication chakra.
  9. Talking to GOD / Goddess, the Creator, the supreme wisdom is our BIRTHRIGHT! We have been programmed to believe we can only talk to God, through a priest, minister, reverend, psychic, or medium. Our birth right allows us to communicate directly with the divine all on our own. Again, you just need to have the desire, and practice.
Telepathic Communication with animals
Telepathically communicating with spirit guides

Your communication chakra is a spiritual library filled with information (instruction booklets) on how to operate your communication system. It is all right there in your internal library. Meditation, turning within, is the way to gain access to the wealth of knowledge you have stored here. As a clairvoyant psychic healer, I have “seen” many 5th chakras that are really OVER EXPANDED. Meaning, this chakra is open far too wide as you try and take in all the information going on in the world during this pandemic. Being open to wide can cause your jaw and neck to feel painfully tight. Your nervous system can feel like it is on fire because so much data is coming into your 5th chakra causing your entire physical system to feel overloaded. In other words….close it down to a reasonable level!

CLOSED – Your 5th chakra, throat chakra can be completely shut down. A global program we know far too well is it is better to be seen and not heard. If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all. Then there is the secrecy of abuse, keep it secret, do not tell anyone. If there was violence and you were hit for things you said, closing your 5th chakra is pure survival. having a closed 5th chakra can create all kinds of mouth and teeth problems.

Just as with the other chakras the more open it is the more energy and data comes through it. Ask yourself how open your 5th chakra is open now and then ask you own spirit or gut instinct what is the right percentage would be comfortable for you and adjust it to that percentage. When I was first learning how to communicate with my own higher self and spirit guides, I stretched my 5th chakra wide open. This caused so much neck, shoulder and jaw tension and I felt light headed. When I asked my own teacher, she suggested that I close my 5th chakra down. But, I said, I really really really want to hear my spirit. Sound familiar? My teacher said, I get that, but you do not need to set your signal to radio free europe to hear. I have since learned that having my own 5th chakra open 100% is like standing in the midst of a stadium filled with 20,000 people all talking at the same time. No one can hear themselves even think when tapped into the spirit world to the extreme. Play with the percentages until you find a setting that is just right for you.

Sound and singing expands your ability to communicate on all dimensions

We all have energy blocks to communication. We all have bought into the social norms of communication that are communication rules that were set by someone else. In many cases these social rules were set thousands of years ago. Do you really want to follow the rules set by another system, even when it is not in alignment with your highest path and purpose? The only way to find out is to cultivate a clear communication between you and your own spirit. Your spirit is tapped into the highest wisdom not accessible at our human level. You must ask the question to receive the answer, therefore, just start and before you know it, you will not need to ask another person outside of you for their advice in decisions ever again.

In December 2019, I was spiritually guided to start this weekly blog, youtube video and weekly FB live events every Thursday. I am learning by doing and so appreciate each of you in the ways that you support this endeavor as I learn through trial and error. Youtube comments can be a bit brutal, and mean but for the most part people have been encouraging and loving. Recently, I had someone write; “It took you 6 whole minutes to get to the point, far too long and boring!” Do I listen to their standards of how fast, slow, rambling or on point I should be? I asked my higher self and am told to remember I am learning and I will grow into myself over time, to be patient with myself. When you communicate, your intention behind your words can cause those words to be sharp like a razor or soft like pillows and everywhere in between. When you are struggling with wanting to speak your truth, ask yourself what is my intention around saying these words. Am I wanting the other person to feel my pain? Am I wanting the other person to have a deeper understanding of me? Am I wanting the other person to feel guilty? Do I want to be uplifting to the other person? Intention is a communication of frequency not words. Combined they can create a beautiful conversation when aligned with the highest intenton.

There is so much to learn when it comes to each of our chakras, however the 5th chakra is complex in its simplicity. It is like anything else you want to learn, like me and making youtube videos. Your learning curve will feel steep in the beginning and at times it will feel frustrating and insurmountable. I promise you, if you just do a little everyday and no matter what, do not let yourself quit, you will create this incredible new way of communicating with all spiritual dimensions. You will also get to know yourself in ways you could have never imagined.

Just start everyday asking your spirit if it wants coffee, tea, or water. Start small and build on your skill level every day. Your 5th chakra is going to love participating at higher levels than just the basic operations!

We can do this!

16 responses to “5th Chakra, Telepathy, The New Frontier”

  1. Fabulous info and I’ve only skimmed the surface. Thanks sooo much for all you contribute to the rest of us seekers.

    • Thank you Jan for joining me and taking the time to let me know you are enjoying it. Nancy

  2. I love your words, Nancy! I’ve had that ringing in my ears since late December/early January. I’ve also been having bursts of bright bubbles/fireworks since last April. My mom developed them, too, and she saw her ophthalmologist because she was afraid she’d developed an eye issue. They never worried me, but I also didn’t know why they started or what they were…But, when she told me about seeing the doctor, I blurted out that it was just light from passing spirits! Have others been experiencing these bursts of light? Thanks again for your words.

  3. This is tremendously helpful! Thank you for this!

    • Thank you Jenny! We are all in this together! Nancy

  4. Thanks so much for this blog. I enjoy reading it. Talk to you soon I hope.

    • Thank you Dave! What a nice surprise to see you following the blogs! Nancy

  5. Thank you, Nancy Rebecca!!
    I felt like I had injured my TMJ, it was in quite a bit of pain for a couple of days. It makes so much sense that I was expanding my 5th chakra too wide!!

    • Hello Niki,

      Wow, I hope it really helps. It certainly did for me. Thank you for sharing your personal experience. Nancy Rebecca

  6. Hello!
    Thanks for doing this, I’ve found it both informative and helpful!

    • Thank you Alexia. It is always nice to know that I am not just talking to the wind…..although the wind is listening too! Nancy Rebecca

  7. I want to thank you for these write ups. They are so educational. The fifth chakra in particular has really spoken to me. I think my fifth chakra has been wide open since before birth. I’m at a time in my life when the fifth chakra overload is so obvious and driving me crazy. It all makes to much sense- physical mental all of it. Invaluable!!!!

    • Hello Carla…..yes, I have a sense that the entire world is working on their 5th chakra right now. I know I am ! Thank you again for reading and enjoying this work. Nancy

  8. Thanks for writing this and sharing your own experiences with working on your communication though your videos and blogs. I look forward to reading your future books. I enjoy reading your writings and hearing about your experiences. The 5th chakra is a long ongoing opening/clearing process for me. I’ve always been moved by writing, listening to and playing music and sounds and have had many years of holding myself back out of fear etc all the way back to childhood. It’ll be interesting to see how my different communication channels change as I continue to heal this area. Interestingly I also have had jaw, throat, tooth and ear issues on my left side which you mentioned before as possible 5th chakra issues when there’s a blockage.

    • Yes, the 5th chakra area can be a real issue for most people. Thank you for writing a response. Nancy

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