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5 Energy Tips to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to have your emotional age match your chronological age. Meaning, if you are 45 years old, is your emotional maturity also 45 years old? Can you manage your energy field when you are being emotionally reactive, or do you throw your energy around? If you are miserable, do you wish that everyone around you felt your misery? When you get triggered do you feel as if you were just dropped kicked into the deep end of the emotional swimming pool?

When you are triggered by an event, are you able to have a high level of emotional intelligence to manage your emotions in a uplifting ways to relieve anxiety, stress, and anger. Are you able to depend on your emotional maturity and intelligence to communicate in ways that resolve drama, conflict leading you to discover peaceful solutions so you can cope with what ever it was that triggered you? As I am writing these questions, I can hear the collective voice saying, no, no and nope! Click here to read about how emotional intelligence is defined.

This blog post covers, this topic, from an energetic point of view. Meaning, when you are feeling emotionally stressed, anxious, or mentally triggered, what is actually happening in your energy field? This energetic point of view is very important when it comes to understanding why you are getting triggered and why you might remain stuck there! Remember your energy field is this amazing dynamic system that can process trillions of bits of data in seconds. Intuitive information comes into your energy field through your aura, traveling along the fine energetic light lines in through your psychic intuitive system to process the information rapidly. Then just as rapidly you come to a conclusion and quickly communicate your bodies response back out into the world through your psychic intuitive pathways. It is such a brilliant system, so you can understand why I get so excited about it.

Emotionally being “trigger happy” is exhausting for you and for anyone else around you. You are worn out and threadbare from your emotions pinging all over the place trying to find some place for them to land. For those who love the emotionally trigger happy individual you can find yourself walking very gently through all topics like delicately trying to avoid stepping on a land mine. Your house hold or workplace gets smaller and smaller when it comes to being able to naturally emotionally engage with others because you can not predict your own emotional reactiveness in situations, so you minimize contact. I had a conversation with a client a few weeks ago. Her spirit shared with me that she incarnated into a body in this lifetime to learn how to cultivate and be in healthy human relationships. When I share this with my client, her response was, “I have burned every single relationship bridge that I ever built in my lifetime”. In her reading, we worked on healing those energy blocks that sabotage friendships Mastering the energetics of emotional intelligence and maturity, opens the doors for healthier coping with all aspects of life, leading you to be so much happier in your day to day living. Not only you are happier, but everyone around you feels free and happy as well, with emotional stability as a solid platform for fun!

So what actually happens in the human energy field? In extreme cases, where the individual suffered severe emotional instability in their home growing up, that individual grows up not trusting anyone or their emotions. Those individuals do not trust situations at home or at work as safe and stable emotionally. This person, as a survival tool and coping mechanism will use their intuitive psychic ability to read their environment for the purpose of anticipating emotional danger. You may say to them, I love you and their triggered response is, “no you don’t”! The energy field can feel like a cattle prod, sending volts of emotional shock waves throughout the body. What I am actually trying to convey here is this; when this traumatized child grows up, everything can energetically reactivate the emotional trauma and their entire energy field begins firing on all cylinders with emotional reactions that are all over the place for the survival purpose of keeping you off kilter so you will not hurt them. The more traumatized you were as a child the more emotionally reactive you can be no matter how calm the environment is. However, there is a flip side to this reactive coin and that is apathy, the inability to reactive to crises, even when you should. There are some of you who may have experienced trauma so many times that the emotional electrical jolts no longer spark you. The individual can become almost emotionally unresponsive to any event giving the impression that everything’s cool, everything is under control, yet their life is falling apart around them. This same person, is all smiles, yet their life is in a state of drama and crises all around them. Click here to read my blog posts about the root chakra.

Andrew, struggled a lot in the public school system in his early formative years. Undiagnosed until his later high-school years, as having dyslexia and attention deficit disorder his learning suffered greatly. Andrew was in his early 20’s when he came to see me for a private session to see if I could assist him with depression, anxiety and paralyzing fear. His emotional response to life was to shut down, isolate socially, and be extremely self critical. Andrew was motivated to see me as a psychic healer, because he had tried self medicating, was currently on antidepressants yet he “wanted” to be motived to do something with his life. When I tuned into him, his spirit illuminated his energy field was at the age of 8 years old. Not the 23 year old man sitting in front of me. I was able to see the energetic trails of image after image of his struggles at home, school, with parents, teachers and fellow students. Andrew had layers of emotional triggers when it came to learning anything new, or someone calling him smart or dumb. Layer upon layer, I de-energized each core memory for him, like a string of Christmas lights. One light pulled out and the entire string of lights (triggering emotions) went out. Each time, I would ask Andrew, how old are you now? He might respond that he felt like he was 13 years old, so we would dismantle and de-energize another strong of emotional triggers and again, I would ask him how old he is now? We repeated this entire process over and over again in our 1 hour session and with each layer Andrew expressed feeling emotionally lighter and brighter. This young man left his session with a big smile on his face and a huge hug for me. His homework assignment this time was much easier to follow. Each time he felt emotionally triggered, he was to remind himself that he was 23 years old, not a young child. He should repeat this until it was no longer an issue. Andrew, left for college several months later. He later wrote to me that when he felt emotionally overwhelmed, he would ground himself as I taught him, and he would remind himself of the current date and his true current age. In his email he went on to say that now when he tunes in and asks himself what his emotional intelligence is, it matches with his actual age. He went further to say, his ability to manage his emotions, helped him to feel more present and focus in school. Click here to read about my blog post on the sacral, emotional chakra.

5 Energy Tips to Healthier Emotional Intelligence:

  1. When you are first feeling emotionally reactive, remove yourself quickly from the situation, by going for a walk. Your root and sacral chakra has flown open, triggering your adrenals, that inform you your life is in danger. Your energy field floods with fear driving emotions. Walking, running, stretching, being in nature, helps your physical human body discharge the excess energy, allowing your chakras to calm down.
  2. A state of gratitude shifts your mind to a calmer state by flooding the mind with the uplifting energy of gratitude. Like a calming balm, this elixir of energy baths the mind and the body, further calming its reactive state. Keep the gratitude simple. I am grateful for trees, I am grateful for the breeze, I am grateful for the water, I am grateful for my humor, I am grateful for my hands and feet. Each time your mind wants to fire on all cylinders, just repeat something else you are grateful for. Build a gratitude practice to start your day while making your coffee. Gratitude is a miracle cure for most things that ail you.
  3. Ground yourself to the center of the earth. Imagine an energy force going from your hips all the way down to the center of the earth which is about 4,500 miles deep if that helps your mind to know how deep to sink your grounding cord. Then imagine an image to help you anchor your grounding cord to the center of the earth. This grounding image will stabilize your overreactive emotions. It also functions like a drain, and drains off the overwhelming emotions to be recycled in the earth back into reusable energy. Be as imaginative and playful as you can muster up, until you feel everything calm. Take nice deep breaths in and out as you release.
  4. Remind yourself of what todays date is. This is called present timing. When an event triggers your emotions, it is because your emotional intelligence is reacting from a memory that happened at an earlier time in your life. You might be in the year 2021, but your emotional intelligence of your energy field is back in the year 1972. Stating the real date, reminds your energy field and chakras to shift back into this present moment.
  5. Remind yourself of what your actual age is. This is called present aging. Just like I wrote about present timing, your emotional intelligence may be reacting to an event, a memory that happened when you were 3 years old, or 15 years old and yet your are actually 48 years old. No 48 year old adult feels good about emotionally throwing a fit like a 3 year old. Present aging and present timing are the fastest ways to turn your human energy field around.

I do wish to mention here that as a nurse healer, you can experience great results as Andrew did by having a reading and healing with me. However, it is not a cure all, especially if you experienced years of trauma growing up. Then I will recommend that you reach out and find a therapist to help you talk through those underlying coping mechanisms that may have served you well as a child to remain safe, but as an adult they do not work so well. You can grow your emotional intelligence up to meet your true age. Responding to life in neutral ways is healthier for you and all of your relationships leaving you with much more energy to use doing the fun things in life that bring you joy and happiness.

2 responses to “5 Energy Tips to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence?”

  1. I really enjoyed this video on emotional intelligence. It is so true that the more I have developed my self care, expanded my consciousness and incorporated techniques to stay grounded, centered and meditate. My emotional intelligence has caught up to my actual age, when triggered I’m more apt to respond in a neutral manner. This video sparked an interesting conversation with my sister as we talked it through. I’m not perfect by no means but by having the awareness and the right tools really make a difference. Thank you so much for putting this together with the 5 tips, it is very helpful.

    • Thank you Debi. I especially love your line about not being perfect but having the right tools really makes a difference. I appreciate you. Nancy

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