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3 Energy Tips to the Chaos Maze Inside of You!

In this blog, 3 energy tips to the choas maze inside of you we often find our conscious self is fine, yet our subconscious self is chaotic. Learning to navigate life is filled with challenges, especially in our current climate of change on the earth right now. Do you ever wonder why you have so much chaos when you are doing everything right to avoid it?
In each of us, is a complex system of energy patterns that you hold deep inside of you at an unconscious level, that is your operating system in life. No matter how clear you wish to be and how you plan your life to avoid drama and chaos it can still rise its crazy head and turn your life upside down. Of course, this usually happens at the most inconvenient times, right? This month is all about letting go of the old structures that have sustained you and make room for the new you!

Your human energy system is brilliant in its design. If you have been following my teachings for awhile you have heard me describe how the human aura and the energy centers (chakras) are like computer operating systems. You spirit sits at the helm, the control panels collecting the energy data that comes into your system, organizes it, interprets it and then downloads the information to you through synchronicities, songs, quotes in books or random conversations with strangers. Your spirit will use anyway possible to help guide your human decisions in a way that has the highest and best outcome for you. Sometimes those decisions weave you through painful experiences, but ultimately your spirit knows when you can move through pain you are stronger for it.

Thinking solely as a human can leave you feeling like the victim, always getting the short end of the stick, not understanding the bigger picture of what you are learning. You must maintain a spiritual perspective, that higher view, from your own higher wisdom, and that requires cultivating and trusting that your spirit has your best interest at heart. You need to believe that your own soul truly always has your back. However, it is my experience when working with human energy fields and perspectives, when your learning environment was filled with chaos, pain and trauma, everything is wrapped in the energy of crises. You can feel challenged to trust another human and that mistrust can spill over into your relationship with your higher self and even with God. You may find yourself asking, where was my spirit or God when I needed them the most? I will make my own decisions, thank you very much! However stirring up chaos can also be a strong indicator that you ARE moving in the right direction. Here is a blog I found that encourages you to find peace within the chaos, click here to read the article. But what if you are doing all of those things and still find yourself stuck. This story may help you understand the deeper aspects of chaos patterns.

Ten years ago, a woman came to see me because she was at her wits end. It was more than that; she felt physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually beyond exhausted. She was 56 years old and had taken many self-development programs, read self-help books, and followed them to the letter. She walked in nature, did yoga, she ate healthy, and she meditated. Her many friends whom she attended courses with seemed to grow and thrive in their self-development, but each time she seemed to be at a crossroads of growth, chaos would ensue, and some major crises would derail her progress knocking her off her desired path. She had visited many psychics, tarot readers and energy healers. Each of those visits had moved the bar a little but not the great movement that should come from the amount of personal healing she had done. My heart really went out to her and her determination to keep going and her willingness to seek out me, just one more person in a long line of healers that came before me.

Each psychic reading, I do begin with an intentional prayer and for this reading, I was extra intentional, asking her spirit to brightly illuminate the deep core issue that plagued this woman’s ability to heal herself. When I tuned into to her name, it assisted me to tap into the frequency of her spirit. I could see that she had what I call and candy wrapper aura. What I mean when I say that is, imagine a peppermint, or butterscotch round candy, wrapped, and twisted on each side. Her aura was twisted at the top above her head and below her feet. I interpret this as the “I can do it myself aura”. I see this type of aura shape when someone does not trust the world outside of themselves. Therefore, unconsciously has twisted the top, blocking the connection with their own soul, and the God of their heart. As well as, twisting the bottom of the aura so that they do not feel the powerful influence of earth. Her aura was like this, because she had learned growing up that she could not rely on the environment she was raised in was not a safe one, and if she simply relied on herself, she could control and manage any event that came her way.

I knew we were going to need to go deep with her. Just simply untwisting the aura and reconnecting her to God and mother earth was not going to do it. This might seem like a quick fix, but my experience knew that this was a survival coping mechanism. If we did not heal the underlying reasons why she developed that coping style to begin with, her aura would just twist again, when she tried to raise her vibration again. I explained all of this to her, and she agreed to allow me to explore deeper into her history what was revealing itself in her energy field. I could see ribbons of chaos energy weaved throughout her lower 3 chakras and her 7th chakra. Like a weaved basket, that depends on each layer to hold the strength of the basket together, these layers of energy weaved a tightness throughout her energy field. I could see that when she meditated, did yoga, or attempted to expand beyond to a greater level of consciousness, these strands of chaos tightened against the expansion In turn this led to a crises response. Her spirit was willing, but her human self, her body became terrified and pulled back. Drilling deeper, we were able to get to the core issue that happened in her early childhood development. Her mother suffered from mental illness that exhibited itself as fear anytime her young daughter wanted to go out of the house, visit a friend, or try some new adventurous offering at school. Her mother viewed everything as a threat to her family unit.

Healing the energy, unweaving the threads of her mothers old fear patterns in her energy field, separating her energy from her mothers energy, and helping her to understand how this pattern continued to impact her into adult years, all contributed to the over all healing. Her spirit was able to further illuminate that her own mother had trauma, and in her over protective reactiveness was showing love in the only way she new how. Together, we were able to move the childhood chaos, out of the field, and her aura immediately expanded. The aura untwisted and she was able to feel for the first time a strong connection to her own soul, a true connection to spirit. Now, I do want to stress that often this is not a one and done situation. Meaning, those underlying core childhood coping mechanisms can be layered. Requiring deeper levels of ongoing energy healing. Yet more than that, I will recommend talk therapy to help the little girl part of this woman be able to talk about just how she felt living with a mentally ill mother. Both of these therapies work really well together.

So when you find yourself doing all the right things, making all the right choices, living a good healthy life in every way possible, and you still find that crises and chaos dominate each move forward, there is a strong likelihood that you have some deep mazes of energy, that have a strong hold on you. I describe it as a maze because sometimes getting to those core issues do twist, turn, and weave through different chakras before you can locate the core reason for it. Sometimes those core issues may lead to a past life, or an ancestral pattern. Eventually, my client did join my classes to learn techniques to heal herself on a regular basis and then joined our year long virtual Psychic Mastery 1 Program. Click here to learn more about it. She often credits her work with me as saving her life, but it was her own soul that would not give up and with each class, each healthy choice, each positive thing she did she was able to loosen those ties, to lead her ultimately to her ability to take those larger leaps in healing.

Your aura can take on many different shapes to cope. The twisted aura is just one of them. Your coping can show your aura hides deep inside your body, or your aura can be the size of Texas, or your aura can only come up to your diaphragm and not even cover your head. Learning to heal your own aura and the underlying reasons why it responds the way it does is a journey, yet a journey worth taking!

Super Energy Tips to turn chaos and crises into peace:

  1. Grounding is always number one in my book. Imagine your energy field is a tree deeply rooted to the core of the earth. Click here to download my free grounding meditation.
  2. Draw up earth energy through your legs and up into your body. Earth energy can soothe and nurture your soul. It also pulls emotional toxins out of your energy field. Once you draw it up into our body, then allow it to overflow like a cascading waterfall, back down the roots to the core of the earth, washing away tension, chaos, and crises.
  3. Imagine, a golden sun, radiating down on our aura, infusing your entire aura with golden healing light, intending that all the chaos, stress and crises energy dissolve like water over a sugar cube.
  4. Please be gentle with yourself. Especially if you know you have old memories that can become triggered. Reach out to a therapist, an energy healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, or friend. Know that sometimes we just can not do it ourselves. You can teach yourself to trust others again, and live a peace filled live you have worked so hard for.

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