Your life can change in a moment, came to me as a topic of conversation from an experience I had this week. I heard from the Astrologer Pam Gregory on Tuesday, she asked to speak to me on Wednesday and the next morning she was interviewing me about the Blue light surge. I have been following her regular updates on the current Astrology for almost 8 years now and look forward to her insights, adorable outfits, great optimistic smile, English accent, and wonderful laughter. I am including her website here, Pam has written about the intensity of November so you will definitely want to read more about astrology.

What has been hidden will be revealed, is one of the main teachings of the celestial blue light beings. They shared this message in 2017, and there is not enough paper in the world to write down all the hidden things that have come to the surface to be revealed. Even when it was revealed, society was so perplexed that we either did not notice, felt like it was too out of range for us to do anything about it, or knocked off our feet that we did not know how to even approach it. I am sure you can relate to this. Even over time, society began to mistrust even the news reports. Do any of you remember those computer bots that were like cockroaches crawling through the internet and social media responding to your innocent post with the most vulgar words you’d ever heard? I thought how can people be so inhumane? Only to find out a couple of years later, that the vulgarity was actually preprogrammed computer responses. The Blue Star Beings continued to hold a loving benevolent space while humanity was faced with overloaded nervous systems.

All illusions will be dissolved, is the second promise from the Blue Celestial Beings of light, when the surges of blue cosmic energy infused the earth. I certainly have heard the term “life is an illusion”, but when I felt gut-punched from betrayal, and hurtful comments, it sure felt real! Again, as the illusions began to peel away layer by layer, through those 2 large blue light surges, I was faced with the fact that I just did not know what to believe anymore. Now, don’t laugh…but I thought anyone who was voted into politics really wanted to serve the people and their needs. I thought the government collected our taxes and used them in ways to uplift our communities. I felt that any corruption was simply a few bad apples that could easily be eradicated. However, the most surprising illusions were about myself. I am not good enough, I do not have anything of significance to share, or the world is not ready to know what I see and sense. What is an illusion that was revealed to you over the past few years? Post in the comment section below. The Blue Star Beings, were always clear, that it was up to us to clean it all up. They encourage us all to meditate with the blue light every day during this great time of soul healing to provide us with new ways of problem-solving. Encouraging us to meditate with the blue cosmic light, and create sacred water to drink and swim in. They also come in the form of water.

Clarity of Truth will break through the fog so that we can see clearly the nonsense and step in to do something about it. We have witnessed a lot of clarity of truth and like a knife, it can cut through a blinding fog. Struggling to understand how all the lies spoken as truth made it as far as it did, threw my mind into multiple loops of complexity and distraction. I remember a line in a movie, “You want the truth, but you can’t handle the real truth”. The Blue Celestial Beings of Light actually view this from a different perspective. Their perspective is that humanity is so much stronger than we are given credit for. Facing challenges not only builds character but also inner strengths and resilience. If we are not given an opportunity to face hidden truths then we remain in a weakened state The blue light infusion is all about gently pulling the bandages off so we can see (truly) what we are dealing with. They will often remind me, “You can not make the best choices for yourself if you do not have all the real information.” In a sense, releasing hidden secrets, and illusions and awakening to our truth can make us much stronger than we believed we can be.

Justice will prevail, is one of their promises. All the while reminding us that justice may not prevail according to our own timeline of what we hope it will be. However, they assure me that the frequency of justice is not just found in a court of law and has many facets and levels that ground real justice deep into the earth. The Blue Star Beings are clear about us looking in our own backyard to make sure that our own sense of justice about our own behaviors is a great place to start. Then if we are clean and clear there, then look spiritually at the injustices that our own ancestors may be responsible for. We have layers of Karma to clear up and the blue light movement is here to assist us to make a difference, amends, go back, and fix what may have been broken, hundreds if not thousands of years ago. Meditating with the blue light assists us in seeing with clarity the rights and wrongs in the world so we can change it to healing in a moment of time.

Your life can change in a moment during despair and disillusionment. The blue light surges happening during the month of November will infuse the earth and all of humanity. This blue light will activate our inner light so that we can have the tools of light to awaken to our own highest consciousness. When your frequency is only tuned into an AM radio station then you will only have the bandwidth of signals within a small radius. Shift to FM Radio frequency and suddenly you can hear in stereo while an expanded version of the frequency is available to you. Now imagine, cable, satellite, 4K, 5G and what is possible for you provides you with so many solutions to any range of problems.

This Blue Light Frequency is beyond what we are capable of imagining. It comes from a constellation that is outside of our solar system. This celestial blue plasma-type light is filled with blue light codes packed with pure knowledge of the highest levels. This Blue Frequency is influenced by the great attractor’s gravitational pull slowly into higher dimensional frequencies. The blue frequency is also influenced by the Galactic Center, like a dark hole of nothingness that contains all the Universal knowledge we could ever wish for. My dear indigenous elder medicine person said to me that the Galactic Center is the place of nothing yet everything! Now how is that for confusion?

Time and Space are rapidly changing not only in the month of November but will continue to be on the main stage of your life for years to come. Time slows down when astronauts are in outer space. This is why astronauts age slower. Time shifting has something to do with the changes in the gravitational pull. Here is an article about how time is different in outer space. I also highly recommend the movie “Interstellar” released in 2014 with Matthew McConaughey as the star. As the blue light frequency raises the vibrational frequency and magnetic gravitational pull, time and space will mess with your mind. Why? Because as humans we are addicted to time and how long it takes to do something.

How will you know that there is a ripple in the time and space dimension? Items can go missing and reappear within moments of each other. These items do not go away they just shift into a different dimension (matrix) where you can’t see them. Then you shift and can suddenly see them again. Just yesterday, getting ready for my interview with Pam Gregory, I was putting my makeup on. My foundational blush was there one moment and the next moment it was gone. I asked Yvonne to come help me after I had already spent 20 minutes looking. She looked all around while also not having any luck. It was kind of an emergency if you can understand what I mean. I was about ready to be interviewed on camera with one of my most favorite spiritual astrologers and my blush/rouge just vanished. Then it appeared again, in the same place both of us had looked. Yep, some of you just might experience more of this type of thing.

The first blue light surge comes through on November 4th and just might be the largest of the month. Because of this as a blue light group, we are given 2 weeks to integrate. November 18th will be the second surge through and November 25th is the third and final blue light surge of the month.
Time is already warping, while random events suddenly come into life that can change everything in a moment. My interview with Pam Gregory is one of those massive moments of change for me and if it is any indication how the rest of November will look then I am personally really looking forward to it. Only time will tell (time no time) as we make these quantum leaps together.

Enjoy a FREE Blue Light Meditation to ease the shifts we can expect to experience in November. Especially on the days of the Blue Light Surges.

Awakening to the Blue Light

Blue Light Chakra Illumination