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What You Need to Know about Celestial Blue Light Codes!

I first learned about the celestial blue light codes when my eyes caught a strange blue light streaming in from outside my front picture window. Stepping forward, my first thought was, what the heck is going on here? I live in an old neighborhood here in Tacoma Washington and all the homes have such great character filled with many stories that have left energy imprints over the past years. I often stand and admire the old homes, imagining what it must have been like 100 years ago, with horse drawn carriages. Yet, on this day, everything was blue as if someone had placed a blue filter over my window! I turned quickly and walked out onto my front porch and even without the window, everything was blue. To include blue sparkles of light glistening in its reflection before infusing deep into the earth.

You see, as a clairvoyant, I am able to see in a multidimensional way into the spirit world. I have had this ability for 25 years since my psychic sight opened suddenly after my first attempt at meditation. However, this day was so different because this blue infusion of energy was here in my world, in this 3rd dimensional world and no one but me seemed to notice it while walking down the street. The first time I saw this was in March of 2020 and we were just hearing of the Corona virus pandemic. Seattle was the first to report the virus as it was infecting a nursing home of elderly people. It would not be long before other states began experiencing this wide spread. However, here in Washington state, we were the first to go into a full on shut down and we were frightened at what this might mean for our future. I did not connect the blue light sparkles with the COVID 19 virus until a month later and even then it seemed too far fetched for me to take that synchronistic connection very seriously.

In June of 2020, just a few months later, the blue still was present but not every day. I would describe it like some days there can be a misty type rain and other days an enormous deluge dumping buckets of rain. I began to see a correlation between, COVID infection numbers, and the blue light. Again too far out there for me to connect the dots and a curiosity that I only shared with a few individuals who may be able to make the leap with me that these two other worldly events just might be connected. Yet, in June, the blue light showers changed into blue light codes. Similar to binary codes of 1’s and 0’s that would tick across a computer screen rapidly but all in blue. These were NOT simply binary codes though. I could see they were a combination of numbers, symbols, Celtic rune type symbols, hieroglyphic type symbols, Sumerian symbols and many more shapes, ALL BLUE, infusing our entire 3 D world.

Click here to read more about the original blue light blog post.

The waves of Blue Celestial light continued to infuse our consciousness and we were not even aware of it. These light codes did not seem to bend towards anyone in particular, we were all subject to the download. Even I went outside and would walk along the sidewalk and if it was not for the fact I could “see” it, I would have never known the blue codes existed. It was not just outside of my house either. These Blue Celestial codes were also inside of my house, infusing through the walls. The Blue Celestial Beings of Light are with me now, on a daily basis. They tower in height from 8 to 12 feet tall. They are thin, lanky and move like blue light streaming across the room. There are patterns of quantum sacred geometry that illuminate as these streams of blue light pass through each unseen molecule of atoms. Even if I could see the blue light beings in the mornings when I meditated, I did not see them as associated with the blue codes. I am not quite sure what happens to my brain during times like this. I was not sure how to make the connection to this other worldly experience. It is only now as I write this blog post that I realize, there was a connection. In fact now as I write this, I realize that it was some form of high level other dimensional communication.

Blue Light Star Beings
Ancient Lapis Blue Sumerian Tablet

The Blue beings of light, will come in and ask me why I am not sharing this information about them and the blue light codes. I just shake my head in disbelief wondering what is happening to our world? In this image below, is exactly what it looked like for most of 2020 as these blue codes infused us all. The blue light beings said that it is a part of our evolution as humans. We and everything on the earth and in the universe is being uploaded with a new operating system to assist us on earth during this great time of change.

Shower of Blue Light Codes infused the earth for about 6 months in 2020

This is what I know so far. There are Blue Codes infusing the earth, and many of you out there are already aware of these codes and are writing them down. Some of you are also trying to interpret these codes. In many ways these blue codes look like binary codes of 1’s and 0’s but they are more than that, just scrolling through at another level of consciousness. As the year 2020 rolled along, I began talking a bit more about my experiences with these blue light codes and ended up realizing that others did not think it was crazy at all. Many people were also experiencing these blue light codes, or seeing strange codes in their dreams and meditations. Individuals would say certain music would trigger their ability to see and sense these codes. Friends of mine began writing codes down when they saw them and then upload the information that came with the codes. Artist began painting images with blue codes in them, and now, I see there is a global consciousness that is awakening to these codes all at the same time. Is it a language? Does everyone see the same codes? Have these blue light codes always been around since the beginning of time and do we only now have the consciousness to recognize them?

Quantum physics is making leaps in new discoveries. Even the COVID 19 vaccine was developed in record time causing many of us to question the vaccines efficacy and safety, yet the blue light beings said that the capacity to access higher knowledge would become available for us all enhancing our ability to process information more rapidly. The other interesting thing that I have noticed is, no one seems to be frightened of these codes. There seems to be a peace, a stillness, like a soft snow fall silently touching the earth. We find watching snow fall delightful and beautiful. Watching these blue light codes fall to the earth, I find, have a similar quality. They are beautiful, lovely and gentle regardless of how oddly out of place they seem.

The new meditation that the Blue Celestial Beings of Light desire to be shared is a fairly simple one. Click here to download and listen to the Blue Light meditations and then imagine each chakra is a pool of deep lapis blue water. Imagine a drop into the center, creates ringlets that spread out from its center and radiates out 360 degrees. As this radiant frequency moves out, the waves attune each chakra to assimilate frequency changes in the body.

Blue, blue and more blue codes ebb and flow. I have noticed that when there is a drenching shower of codes, there is a lot going on in the world and we are being uploaded with higher levels of information. Today, it is calm out there, so just a few sparkles of blue show themselves. When I first wrote about the blue light movement in my blog post, I was told in a prophetic vision that the first surge of blue light would come in November of 2019. We know what happened in 2020. Then we experienced another blue light movement of celestial energy in November 2021. Entering into 2023 the new surge happens in November of 2023 and this will prove to be one of the largest surges ever. However, we will be more than ready for it. Join our Blue Light Movement page on Facebook. Our group has over 1,000 members and we all come together to talk about everything having to do with this blue celestial light, the codes and the celestial beings. Join the FB page, click here, https://www.facebook.com/groups/727301044289645

As a clairvoyant psychic, just because I can see all that blue codes, does not mean that I have the higher consciousness to understand what it all means. I do know that as the consciousness in the universe awakens at greater levels the more we will understand. So make your own notes, draw your own images, paint on canvas the codes that are coming through for you. Trust that you will have the consciousness to know what your messages are for your life as we enter this year of trusting our own inner authority! In this new outlook of what we have known to be true, but is changing daily, we will beneift by staying focused on the blue changes and how they touch our lives. What that means is anyones guess at this point but I am certainly excited to find out, are you?

One response to “What You Need to Know about Celestial Blue Light Codes!”

  1. I began seeing Blue Light Beings in meditation starting in 2007 and continuing until 2022. I drew in my meditation journal what they looked like and what they said. All very similar to what you experienced. I have 7 meditation journals with the drawings and infusions of what they said and the meditations to accompany the downloads. Thanks so much for this. I just learned about you from a friend. It’s great to know these messages have been coming to many.

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