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Top 6 Predictions, Blue Surge!

There is a pull and a push happening inside of us as the Great Awakening time on our earth is upon us. Yes, the Big Blue Event, happening on Friday November 19th, 2021 is pulling us and pushing us from all directions. Although I have been intimately involved in the messaging that has come through the celestial realm, I am still very conscious of the fact that I am in a physical body that is dancing as fast as it can to keep up. Spirit shows me the scenario of physically training for the Olympic event, or the big fight, a the marathon that you registered for a year ago or studying for your nursing or law degree. Mentally we have been preparing for a deadline such as certification exams after years of university study, or emotionally preparing to stand your ground or set a boundary. You may be tired and burned out from the constant push, but you have a deadline to meet so you keep setting that alarm to get up and get going again and again when you simply wish to stop and rest. Yes, this is the push and pull of inspiration and resistance, but hey it’s the blue light right? It’s the longest full moon lunar eclipse in 1,000 years. Who wants to sleep through that? The frequency of your spirit is accelerating in frequency while your body is pulling back trying to slow things down to its vibration.

Opening a light Portal to channel the Blue Celestial Light

This incredibly blue surge of light will dissolve so many illusions that saturate the earth, allowing a bright ascending and descending light to fill in the gaps, to illuminate truth.
The last big surge on 11-19-2019, revealed the deep corruption, greed, lies, that permeate our culture on all levels. Patterns that we had grown to live with dismantled, leaving the opening to be filled with the Black Lives Matter and Me Too movement consciousness that left us shocked at our own denial of the inequities of the world. Then the global pandemic showed us just how fragile our life and health is, and led us to awaken to just how much we need each other to cooperate with each other for the upliftment of all. So many illusions, so many truths and so much incredible change has happened that I am not sure we have fully recovered and integrated the last one. Yet, here we are, wondering if we have enough “gas/energy” to take another step.

I did not fully believe in the blue light when it was first predicted.
Why? Because I could not literally wrap my mind around just how it was possible for the world to change so dramatically in such a short time and yet, here we sit, witness to just how much we could change and know we are not done yet. This time, I am a 100% believer in the power of the blue light surge to drastically shift our spiritual perspectives. This time, I am looking forward and inviting the change. This time I wish to know just what we can expect to experience as the next layer of illusion revealing truth will touch each of our lives. This time, I am viewing this surge of blue light from a more magical, mystical, and sacred lens. This time, I am appreciated the assistance of the blue celestial light and see it more as a divine intervention to assist humanity come together, to walk through the threshold, the portal into the golden ages. So yes, our ancestors have been pushing us forward in honor of all the suffering they walked through during the darker ages. In some ways, I imagine my ancestors voted for myself, my friends and my family to be here on earth during this great time of change. I believe the ancestor of my future, are calling me to get up and grow out of my own stuck bits, to remember I was voted to be a representative of them all.

What is the overriding intuitive sense about what we can expect to see unfold over the next couple of years?

  1. How we perceive money is going to change.  In fact, we are already seeing the changes, as drug companies are beginning to share their medicine and vaccine patents with poorer countries and help them build labs to produce these life supporting medicines.  Elon Musk, of Tesla, is discussing selling off billions of stock to end world hunger.  Free higher education, greater funding for non-profits and leave no one behind mentality is already showing up in our messaging.  This is just the beginning and as we spiritually awaken, you can expect to see more of the same. More donations to charitable organizations will become the norm.   Click here to visit our non-profit teaching meditation.
  2. Grass roots movement.  As long as I can remember, the power has been a top-down driven machine.  When the blue beings of light came through, they expressed that over thousands of years, the gift of consciousness was given to the great thinkers, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Priest, or anyone with the power of influence and money to make a difference.  I was told that even in Atlantean or Lemurian times of advanced cultures, there could be greed and corruption in those with the highest gifts.  This time, the gifts are being given to those at the base, grass roots level.  The light will infuse upwards to completely transform our culture.  Those boots on the ground wisdom keepers will share with all of us how this can truly happen with ease moving forward.
  3. Looking up towards the light, rather than pointing fingers and blaming each other is going to change.  I was shown an image a silhouette of a crowd yelling at each other, blaming each other, pointing fingers, and wishing to see each other go down in a flame of destruction.  Then a light appears in the sky and everyone looks up, amazed in wonderment, and suddenly they can no longer remember what they were fighting about.  This is going to be an enormous time of coming together over the next few years, unifying consciousness. 
  4. We will be driven by a service heart.  Forty years ago there was a big movement of self-reflection, talk therapy, rebirthing ourselves in workshops, meditation, past-life regression, self-help books, and warriors for the light!  In this movement there was a great healing taking place on the planet, but there were imbalances as well that supported an us and them mentality, a blame mentality and a I am more special than you mentality.  Mothers were the dumping ground for most of it and now it is the mother, Auntie and grandmother frequency that will move us out of it.  These next several years will grow us in the “How Can I be in Service” consciousness? This great feminine culture that naturally inspires feeding those who are hungry, thirsty, weary, suffering and exhausted.
  5. Massive Climate Change Movement, will happen rapidly (it already is) and at the grass roots level as well.  The old patterns of chasing the red tape of government, will dissolve and humanity will move forward without the need for political improvement.  I can hear the words of humanity saying, “I don’t remember asking you for your opinion!” Larger corporations will use their money for greater humanitarian and climate changing ventures, that will take it out of the government realm.  Remember the years of teaching to get us to recycle?  My sense this time, is a greater over all participating by everyone. 
  6. Medicine and science incorporating more quantum energy frequencies in their designs, research and discoveries.  I am told that the year 2022 will be the year of the healer.  We can expect a surge of healers to awaken and more people seeking to resolve health issues with healers more than traditional western medicine.  I also can sense more medical people being trained and offering Quantum science to their education and the university levels.  Studies on quantum healing, reference books will be written, and this work will become mainstream.

The Blue Surge of Celestial light will infuse deeply through the Great Sun Pyramid at the Teotihuacan Site outside of Mexico City on 11-19-2021 at approximately 3pm in the after noon, West Coast time on Friday.
The surge will infuse and be amplified by the pyramid as well as the blue crystals at the core of the earth will explode in blue radiance. This return of blue light from the core of the earth back up to the surface will then surge through our own root system traveling up our legs and into our body. This signifies the shift towards a grass roots expansive mentality, preparing us for the bottom to the top changes. No one left behind, has a great potential to see where help is needed and moving us who have the money, time and energy to move to fill those needs. Some of you will feel nothing, others will experiences great shifts at your core sparking happiness and others might have headaches, nausea, dizziness and insomnia. Yet, we all will shift in our own time our own pace in our own way. Read more about the blue earth energy.

Let me be clear, I can not prove any of these spiritual visions, predictions and prophecies.
When the blue surge happened in 2019, there was nothing that shed a light on a global pandemic that had life ending consequences. There were no hints that struggle, suffering, and hatred would rule the day, as I imagined a world where we awakened to love. Let me extend an invitation to each of you to meditate on the blue light, as you too feel into the frequencies that will follow over the months afterwards. There will be several back to back eclipses that will propel the blue movement forward as we experience shift after heart opening shift, coming in December, January and February. What world do you wish to dream into existence? Download Free Blue Light Meditations.

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