Home / Blue Light Series / The Return of the Mystical Magical!

The Return of the Mystical Magical!

Ancient Folklore has been shared through storytelling, writing and personal experiences for thousands of years. As I sit to begin typing about these ancient magical beings, I suddenly find two dogs in my lap and one dog at my feet, as they try and squeeze in as closely as they can to experience the energy of these words. You see, animals, are very sensitive to the unseen, unexperienced, and not talked about world. Animals can see the spirit world, can hear sounds that we cannot, can feel subtle energies and know something is about to happen. In our human world we used to be sensitive to light feathery shifts in the energies, but have become desensitized by the constant noise, activity, and stress to even notice what is happening around us.

Dancing with the Little People!

My very first mystical being experience happened when I was around the age of 3. It is one single memory from that age, that stands out and does not share the stage with any other memory. I was lying in a single bed, in a bedroom, with hardwood floors. The door to that room was wide open and the light from the living room illuminated my bed. My mother was sitting on the couch, looking down at a book she was reading. I remember noticing something in the darker corner of the bedroom moving across the floor. I also remember, twisting my little body to get my legs to hang off the bed so that I could slip off easily without falling. I remember feeling the little pads of my feet landing firmly on the floor. I turned curiously, moving towards the movement and when I was within 1 foot of where I was looking, I crouched down to peer closely. Right before me was a group of “little people”, no taller than about 6 inches. There were roughly 30 of them, men, women, children, with carts filled with items they were hauling. They stood super still when they realized that I had seen them, afraid to move. I am not sure exactly what happened to cause the next flurry of events, but I had fallen on my bum, they began to scatter and run away very quickly. I scrambled, back to the bed screaming and crying, clearly not big enough to get myself back up there. I then ran into the room where my mother was, yet I was unable to formulate words to describe my experience. Over the years I have revisited this memory so many times, and each time, I am struck by just how human they looked. Just like you and I but tiny. Tiny little clothes, tiny little carts, tiny little shoes, and even smaller little babies. I can recall just how shocked they were that I could even see them.

When you have a belief in magic and mysticism, I have noticed in your energy field a different sparkle to it, a different type of shine that signals the mystical world that you are friendly, that you can be trusted and that they reveal themselves to you, they will be safe with you as an ally. The little people are playful, fun, and tricksters. They are quick, in their ability to blink in and blink out through multiple dimensions. You can cultivate little people coming into your yard by creating a place that is just for them. Fencing off a small area around a tree. Placing stones, a water dish, leaving flowers, nuts, and fruit are ways to welcome their presence onto your property. You do not even need to know if you have elementals in your yard. If you create sweet areas in your yard with the intention to create a safe space for them, your yard will begin to feel magical, indicating their presence is around. You do not have a yard because you live in an apartment on the upper floors? Just create a little box or flowerpot and plant items, leave offerings, dress it up with rainbows and sparkles for fun. Mystical magical beings love light minded, lighthearted playfulness. Once they remain in your property they love to help around the property and love to be given jobs. Click here to read about Native American Tribes and their stories of the little people.

The Land of the Unicorns!

When I lived in South Africa, I witnessed, small elf like beings, about 18 inches tall, with little round noses and belly’s sitting on a log with their chins resting in their hands. I stopped and asked them, “why the long faces?” One small man, said, “we are bored and have nothing to do, we like to be busy.” I walked on my way to find the owner of the property and shared conversation. Two weeks later, I was passing through this same area of the land and saw hundreds of streaks of light shooting across the ground. I stood as waves of activity blew past me, curious, I had a personal thought, wondering what the heck is happening now? Suddenly, the light stopped and the same little man I had spoken with two weeks prior was huffing out of breath asking me what I wanted because he was busy and had much to do!?! Shaking my head, I again walked off to find the owner of the land. I shared my story with the landowner, whose corner of his mouth bent into a half smile. He shared that two weeks ago he made a long list of chores for the little people, and he was happy to hear that they were no longer bored. As a clairvoyant, I am able to see these mystical beings, communicate with them and find their messages appropriate to what is happening in our world. When you begin to be “OPEN” to the idea of believing, you can expect to have experiences with them.

On that same property, one day, walking through a forest at the edge of the land bordering another farm nearby. I witnessed, a group of 6 beings that looked like, otters standing on their hind legs. Yet, these otter looking beings, were wearing black suit pants, with coat tails. I rubbed my eyes, shook my head at the craziness of it all and kept on walking with zero intention of telling anyone else about it. Two days later, a young 30-year-old man was visiting the land owner and he too, we found out later, had the gift of site. He had ventured out to walk around the 25 acres of land, only to return with a question. The young man said, ‘In the forest nearby, I can see a group of beings around 4 feet tall that have elongated bodies and otter like faces, wearing suits and gathered around a dead grove of trees, do you know why?” Well, my eyes grew big and wide with shock because I had not spoken of my own experience just a few days before. (My sharing these odd encounters did not lead to warm and fuzzy exchanges so often I just keep them to myself.) We all decided to walk back over to the area to investigate this curiosity. In our communication with the land deities, we found that one of their group members had been trapped and they were trying to free him. The story is quite fantastical to go fully into but let’s just say we were able to free their friend and the property owner built a fence around a grove of trees elsewhere on the property as a safe place for them to meet in the future. I just visited this land 18 years later and that sacred fenced off area still exists to this day.

Over my lifetime I have had many experiences with mystical beings and if I had not shared these experiences with others, I would certainly question my own sanity. I will assure you that each of these stories are very real and mystical beings actually exists. What I wish to add here is that all the mystical beings you have read about in folk stories, are real. Each culture has their own dimensions of magic that contribute to those stories. In Hawaii, they have many mystical beings that often make their appearance to those who are able to see them. The Menehune, the giants and the Mer people are the 3 beings I have personally witnessed. When I described to the local Hawaiians what I had seen, they were immediately able to explain to me the Hawaiian names and the stories of their existence in the Islands. None of these encounters were frightening, and each group was happy to communicate.

In every single country I have been to has folklore that tells of the existence of mystical beings. All of my experiences have been favorable and non-threatening. I have met them from a place of curiosity to explore more about who they are, why they are and how can be create a mutually supportive relationship. What I have begun to notice is, their presence is growing in numbers. With each passing year, my experiences are showing me they are moving more into the cities again and are easy to be seen, felt, heard and just known to be around in the area. I asked them if it is just my ability to see them has grown or there truly are more than usual. They explained that the veil between the spiritual world and the physical human world is getting thinner. The higher frequency of the blue celestial light is helping to shed the layers of illusions, revealing truth, and enhancing our own human abilities to be more intuitive in our experiences. As we all awaken to our own loving humanity, the mystical beings are feeling safer to come out of their hiding. Click here to read about working with blue earth energy to enhance clarity.

In the cycles of evolution, according to the Mayan Calendar we are now coming out of the patriarchal cycles, and the dark ages. We are not just entering the gates of the golden ages and the lighter frequencies coming in allow more experiences with other worldly beings easier to have again. The Harry Potter Books of magic seemed so fantastical at the time and now are becoming reality again. We may not experience the fullness of this magic in our lifetime, as we are just now beginning the upswing of light, but I would not be surprised at all to know this reality in 100 years will look dramatically different.

The mythical mystical beings I personally have encountered have been giants, mermaids, elves, faeries, gnomes, half man half wolf, black wolves, half bird half woman, half man half goat (PAN), earth angels, serpent beings, and dragons. Plus before I visited China, I had visitations of several mystical beings known in China. With each encounter, there has been a confirmation that others had experienced the same mystical beings in the same area too! This confirmation really helped me to validate these very special visits. There are 100’s of different types of mystical mythical beings from other dimensions that can break through into our dimensions for various reasons. The more the beings are revered honored celebrated and respected or feared, the more energy they have to make their presence known. My stories with these different beings could fill a book, so I will simply reserve those stories for another time.

Do you wish to cultivate having more experiences with the magical mystical dimensions, then I suggest that you meditate on the subject and ask for them to visit? Spend a great deal of time in nature, and create a sacred spot in your own garden, making a little welcoming alter and visit that alter often, cleaning it up and adding nuts and fruits for the little people to enjoy. Read books about them, watch movies, and look up information online. The more knowledgeable you are, (even if you do not believe) the more depth your own spirit has to draw from when engaging with you. Having magic in your life is just more fun and we certainly can use more fun! Lets keep expanding our own consciousness, be willing to move outside of the limitations of our mind, and allow the mystical magic sprinkle light back into our lives!

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