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The Miracle Power of the Blue Light

What is the ‘Miracle Power of the Blue Light?’ It’s been a long time since I thought of miracles. Only recently, when I was tuning into the Winter Solstice to get a feel for the vibe in December, I heard the words “Blue Miracle Star.” I have done a Winter Solstice group guided psychic reading and healing for 24 years, and Spirit has never told me to expect a theme. Has your curiosity ever taken you down a rabbit hole of exploration? When I heard the words, Blue Miracle Star, I wondered if it was similar to the “Star of Bethlehem,” heralding the miracle of Jesus’ birth.

I did that deep dive (with some AI’s help).

The Star of Bethlehem is a celestial phenomenon because it is known as one of the most well-known miracles in history. It is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew as guiding the Magi (also known as the Wise Men or Three Kings) to the birthplace of Jesus. The blue star is said to have appeared in the eastern sky, leading the Magi on their journey from the east to find and pay homage to the newborn “King of the Jews.” The miracle of this magical moment has been broken down into what is potentially real or not.

The theories of the Star of Bethlehem have been debated for centuries. Some interpretations included:

Miracle or Divine Sign: In a religious context, many believe the star was a miraculous sign from God, marking the birth of Jesus. It is often seen as a symbol of divine guidance and revelation.

Astronomical Phenomena: Various scientific theories suggest the star could have been a natural celestial event. Some possibilities include:
Planetary conjunction: A close alignment of planets like Jupiter and Saturn, which may have appeared as a bright “star” in the sky. A conjunction of these planets occurred in 7 BC, which is sometimes linked to the timing of Jesus’ birth.

Nova or supernova: An exploding star that temporarily shines brightly in the sky. Some astronomers speculate this might have been the Star of Bethlehem, though no definitive historical record supports this.

A comet: Another possibility is a comet, which can be spectacular and bright in the night sky. However, this theory is less widely supported due to the usual association of comets with bad omens in ancient times.

Astrological Interpretation: Some scholars argue that the Magi, who were likely astrologers or astronomers from the Persian or Babylonian tradition, may have interpreted the appearance of certain celestial bodies as a sign of a king’s birth.

The Star of Bethlehem announcing a ‘Miracle’ continues to intrigue religious scholars and astronomers, blending faith, history, and the mysteries of the cosmos.

The Blue Miracle Star of the Winter Solstice implies the potential for real, everyday miracles. It’s fascinating how the concept of miracles is often tied to things we can’t explain—a sudden shift in health, a breakthrough in a challenging situation, or simply an unexpected blessing. When we start to dive deeper into the vibrational nature of our universe, the possibilities of miracles become even more tangible. Miracles are often known as enormous events that enhance faith in God. The Blue Celestial Beings of Light lean towards having us believe that daily miracles are now available to everyone regardless of their beliefs and faith in a higher power. I sense this truth is connected to the blue light frequency, the blue plasma, and light codes. All 3 activate the miracle status of what is now possible.

When Blue Celestial Beings of Light visited me in 2017, galactic sensations were a new frequency of light for me to get used to. Now I know the blue light frequency, often associated with truth, healing, and higher consciousness, has this radiant ability to guide us through transformation. Whether we see it as the color of a clear sky, a calm sea, or even the symbolic light of divine truth, the frequency of blue can spark miracles in our everyday lives. Until now, I had never heard these messages from the galactic realms that associate the blue frequency with miracles.

Have you ever experienced a moment that felt like a miracle wrapped in this radiant blue energy? Something that shifted your perspective opened your heart, or led you to unexpected healing? The Celestial Blue Light Beings are letting us know that with the recent surge of blue plasma light of truth, blue photonic luminescence, and blue light codes, we might wish to reconsider our beliefs about miracles.

In the Pacific Northwest, hearing someone ask for a miracle is rare. Most clients and students I work with do not even consider asking for a miracle. It is as if such a thing is not on our thinking or believing radar. I wonder if living in Washington State had something to do with possibly being more intellectual about miracles. After all, our state is home to the founders of Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, Boeing, Costco, Bartell Drugs, and many other national companies. Does this create a non-spiritual culture that is all business? When traveling in India, I know that the predominant culture believes strongly in the power of prayer and answered prayers.

While writing this blog post on miracles, my 17-year-old grandson phoned and asked me what I was up to. I shared that I was writing about Miracles and asked him if he knew what miracles are. He was not sure that he could explain in words what it meant, but he felt it was because he is not religious or spiritual, so he did not believe in Miracles. Let me ask you the same question that I asked him. Do you think it is necessary to be spiritual or religious to have miracles happen in your life?

My grandson then shared a paper about the difference between hard and soft power. He explained that hard power is being told what to do and not being allowed a choice. Soft power is negotiating conversations around how to distribute power amongst everyone. I took this as an opportunity to tease him into another level of thinking, and I asked him, “What about supernatural power? Where does that fit into all of this power?” He laughed as if I had asked the most ridiculous question ever! So this is where our societal imbalances are around the potential truth in the miracle power of the blue light. It is in the unseeable, unknowable supernatural category.

Recently, after another discussion with the blue galactic beings, they told me that I should expect many miracles in the coming months. So I looked up the dictionary definition of a miracle: an occurrence, all at once, above nature and man, that is an intervention of a power not limited by the laws of matter or mind. A power that can interrupt the fixed laws that govern our movements. A supernatural power.

A high blue frequency allows us to transcend our 3rd-dimensional reality, rise above, and access the bigger picture. In addition, your body is being supported to integrate the higher knowledge vibes. As your physical, emotional, and mental states elevate in greater alignment with your spiritual light, you may experience spontaneous healing. As a nurse, I can not guarantee or place my stamp of certainty on this shared truth from the blue celestials. I can only be a messenger of potential possibilities.

I have been fortunate to witness several miracles in my career as a healer, and I imagine there are evident and non-obvious miracles. I talk about these miracles that I witnessed personally. In two miraculous stories, the clients of mind did not want to share the truth of what took place with their doctors, leaving their doctors feeling perplexed. I imagine these miracles happen worldwide, but many individuals (like my clients) are afraid to admit they have seen an energy healer.

In another experience with miracles, my client told everyone that she had been healed of cancer. She was a hospice patient given only a few months to live and went on to live another three years cancer-free. Her original cancer never returned, but a new cancer did. This time, she refused any treatments and allowed herself to live out the rest of her days in peace. She was content in knowing she had been blessed with more time. In my YouTube video, I share this story on camera.

Greg Braden shares a YouTube video presenting a case of bladder cancer being healed in under 3 minutes.

A new blue wave of truth began on October 17th and will continue to flow until the spring of 2025. Blue healing elixirs and sacred light codes saturate us and our entire body with miracle potentials.

The Blue Light Awakening 30-day Series remains open for registration. When the portal for the program opened, a wave of high-frequency Blue elixir filled with light codes flowed through. It is such a beautiful experience that I wish to share with everyone! To learn more, https://intuitivemind.lpages.co/blue-light-awakening/

A YouTube Comment said they did not permit the blue light to enter their energy field. They further stated that whatever happened to my free will, I felt their question was valid. The Blue Celestial star people turned the question back to me. “Does the sun need permission to help nature and humanity grow? Does the rain need permission to water your grass or provide sacred light codes in the water you drink or wash your hair? Does the air need permission to provide you with oxygen? Does the earth expect you to ask permission whenever you walk on her?” Then I asked, “Is this blue light, plasma, and light codes part of nature?” They answered, “Yes, it is nature, but better described as galactic nature.”

The Blue Light is nature, a galactic nature.

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