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The Blue Light Body Activation

The Blue Light Body Activation sparked all of humanity recently. Some very curious frequencies came through leaving me with more questions than answers. What just happened to the earth and humanity during this first blue celestial light illuminating consciousness? You know the one that just happened on November 4th, where a blue laser-type beam of light surged through Mesa number 1, located on the Hopi Reservation? I have been talking about this surge of celestial blue light for the past 2 years since the last blue surge in 2021. This is an incredible leap in frequency but what does it all mean for humanity?

Congratulations, you just made it to the other side, were the words transmitted by the Celestial Blue Beings of Light 4 days after the first blue light shift. I was startled by such a clear communication because, since the surge 4 days ago, all had gone extremely still and quiet. โ€œWhat do you mean, I made it to the other sideโ€, I asked. They responded, โ€œThe first blue surge of courseโ€, in a very matter-of-fact way. Almost as if that great feat of climbing the celestial peak of consciousness was done and now it is time to prepare for the 2nd surge in two weeks. I could hear and feel the frequency of their elation while at the human level, I found myself curious to have a few questions answered. Yet again, it was all quiet until now, when they awakened me at 3 a.m. to write this blog post.

Let me go back to 4 days ago and describe what I witnessed happening in real time from a clairvoyant spiritual perspective. Remember, we had been experiencing the blue shifts in frequency for a couple of months prior to November 4th. On the day of, the blue band of light expanded out into the earth’s atmosphere and hovered over the earth. At 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (West Coast, USA), many of you were meditating with the blue light. I witnessed (in my mind’s eye) a broad beam of blue light started to flow into the first Mesa on Hopi land. The first Mesa was soft, and pliable as it began to drink in the blue light. At some point, I felt a wave of nausea and saw a black billowing cloud โ€˜belchingโ€™ out of the top of Mesa 1. Then a gulping of blue light until another surge of โ€˜belchingโ€™ out old black clouds that soon shifted to burping out white thick marshmallow type energy. I then heard that the release was like a bottle that had been corked for a long time. After several releases, the nausea within me calmed and Mesa #1 was now able to take in the blue celestial frequency fully into the earth. This surge infused monolithic-sized blue crystals that inspired a blue radiance to fill the earth.

A black membrane filled with old dark energy โ€˜poppedโ€™ and suddenly released out into the earthโ€™s atmosphere a fluttering of activity. I witnessed images, like black dragons and black bats flying all around while at the same time, hundreds of thousands of Celestial Blue Star Beings engaged with the shrouds of black removing it all to another dimension. Suddenly without much fanfare, the entire earth burst into a blue illuminating light. What just happened, (my question projecting out into the universe)? The bone-shaking answer that came back to me was, โ€œYou just witnessed the Karmic system collapsingโ€. I knew what that meant but I could not believe what I was hearing. Those who have a belief system that is karmically based mean that human actions in this life and previous lives decide someoneโ€™s fate in their future. So if the Karmic Cycles of cause and effect have just collapsed then what creates our future world?
This all happened in a matter of 8 minutes. Can you imagine, a system of karma that has been in place for thousands of years suddenly collapses? The blue Beings of Light simply said, “it is not that literal, but yes, the old system of karma must move out for humanity to manifest their dreams and desires much more quickly.” Then my own wise spirit said, โ€œIt is just like humanity received a get out of jail free, cardโ€. Now, at this point in reading this, I am curious how this will sit with you. Can you feel the enormity of what this means? Does this also mean that those who believe you are influenced by your past life cycles will no longer be influenced by past life experiences? All my questions would need to be placed on the back burner for now, as it was clear the Celestial Blue Star Beings were rather busy at that moment.

The blue light body activation sparked the entire world population. Some experienced activations that turned their grounded connections to Earth and cosmic connections to the universe an incredible blue. Yet, the physical human body may not integrate the blue at this time. Others of humanity immediately burst into blue light, as if they had been waiting a long time to be bathed in higher blue frequencies. Then the rest of humanity had various experiences with the blue in their own unique ways. How this translates into your own personal experience at the 3D level might feel familiar to what others are saying. Some describe the shift as high states of laughter, love, bliss, hope, and freedom. Others experienced deep sadness grief, depression, loneliness, and anxiety which may be a result of shedding layers upon layers of past lives and karma. However, what I noticed is those who are extra sensitive were able to feel the extreme frequency of old trauma and injustice in the world. I hear the words of a song in the background, โ€œI never promised you a rose garden, along with the sunshine there has to be a little rain sometimeโ€. I am grateful that we have the inner ancient wise strength to persevere through this great time of conscious awakening, even when it does not feel very good.

Living fully in the present moment requires us to pay attention to the daily shifts in consciousness while making mature, spiritual decisions out of a sense of responsibility for each moment as our creation.
There is a beauty of creating within each moment at this time and that beauty is a result of you being (now) living each moment from a higher state of awakened consciousness. One woman wrote and said she had just picked up some herbs from the store. The herbs had black spots and were degrading. Suddenly she felt a deep sadness for the plant knowing that it had given its life so that we could eat. She had literally never even thought of this truth before. Others described an expanded feeling of universal love which I named galactic love, that inspired feeling the unity connection to the world. Some of you have shared poetry, art, music, songs, paintings, and food recipes as the blue frequency is potent with creativity. One individual said, I do not know what is happening to me but I like it.

โ€˜Insomniaโ€™ is the number one ascension symptom that 80% of those writing have been frustrated with. In the spiritual world, those higher-frequency places do not require sleep at all. Your human body does require sleep so your human body can detox impurities from the food you eat and the air you breathe. Often you may not realize the toxins also come from self-inflicted toxic thoughts or being around others who think and behave in toxic ways. Your body requires sleep to signal your liver to shift into detox mode. When you hear someone breathing in a deep, slow rhythmic sound, often that person is in the deepest part of their detox cycle. The Blue Celestial beings suggest using this crystal-clear time of awakened focus to sit up and journal about your thoughts, visions, and prophetic insights. Meditating with the blue light can assist you in shedding old layers of the past that may be cycling through. Remind yourself of your current age and the current date, to snap you back into the present moment! As a nurse, I suggest that you try not to allow your mind to become distressed about it. It signals a high integration time, so simply reframing your thoughts to know you are consciously awakening. However, If you have not had any sleep at all for 3 days in a row, you may wish to break that cycle of no sleep by taking a salt bath before bed, listening to white noise, and whale sounds, eating more protein during the day, and walking out in nature.

Time and space shifted us all into a suspended state of being, as the earth rapidly shed some old harsh frequencies. The blue light body when activated could easily float in that lighter wave of blue. Your body needed a few days to prepare itself to receive your new light. I noticed a quiet all around me, imagining this is what floating in outer space must feel like. Quieting the mind was not as easy as I personally attempted to understand what was happening to us. Shifting into a reframing from what is happening to what I wish to happen helped calm my mind. Can you relate to what I am describing? I have been hearing from many of you who are noticing the clock is shifting either very fast or very slow. Again, remember time and space are a 3rd-dimensional concept to assist humans in moving from moment to moment. In the higher dimensional state, enormous things can happen in a short period of time. Like the Blue Surge of celestial galactic light shifted a thick layer of old energy in 8 minutes. An entire world of old trauma and karma just shifted in a few moments, while we are left wanting to understand. Trust and faith is the new superpower as we are all open to higher states of intuition and psychic precision.

The Blue Beings of Light wish for me to mention the higher states of consciousness of your Astral Body. An astral body is a lighter frequency of an energy body that traverses many dimensions at the same time. At night your consciousness travels in your astral body to the dream world. The blue light beings are sharing with us the astral world is going through a metamorphosis. (dramatic permanent change) that is also upgrading our astral body. If your dream world has become more vivid, deeply experienced, and remembered, it is because of this accelerated activation at the astral field and astral body levels. I have a strong impression that they will be talking about the astral body much more in the future. Draw Upon the Blue Earth Energy.

There is a Blue Grid that is located in the 5th-dimensional realm which is the blueprint pattern that created your physical body in the 3rd-dimensional realm. Pam Gregory specifically mentioned it because of another conversation she had with a friend. Yes, this blue grid is the etheric template of your original blueprint. If you become ill or in an accident it can distort your blueprint. The beauty of the energy field is that it can be easily repaired restoring you back to health. When someone has a lot of body pain the blueprint can be coated with layers of old stuck energy. Imagine this blueprint in front of you, shower it with gold, silver, or blue cosmic energy until it is a polished blue radiant light. The result of this is less body pain.

We are all being downloaded with light codes at this time.
There are awakened ones who already know how to support the changes in the world. If you are feeling, hearing, seeing, and knowing nothing, simply means your spirit is currently working in the higher dimensions unknown to you at your human level. The Star Beings continues to state that every single person on the planet has a role to play. As we remember what we are capable of, we will be able to see that everyone has a light to shine upon the world. It just might still be buried under rubble but will not remain buried for long. Humanity is also awakening to the Intuitive Psychic qualities we were born with. Visit my website and sign up for the mailing list. You will receive a 9-page Intuitive Style Quiz to help you know what your main Intuitive Style is. Join the mailing list here.

Continue to stay hydrated, walk, sleep, eat well, and meditate. Nature and creative projects will smooth your ascension symptoms. I love reading all the fun ways some are supporting themselves at this time. I can only say, thank you for the fun ideas and I am sure others will love exploring your ideas too. Rest well, as the next blue light surge through the 2nd Mesa of Hopi Land will be on November 18, 2023, at 3 pm Pacific Standard Time. This second surge as a strong water element connected to it therefore, while in meditation with the blue light, tune into whale, dolphin, and mermaid frequencies. The focus Remember to journal about your experiences so you can enjoy reviewing them in the future while we are saying remember when.

40 responses to “The Blue Light Body Activation”

  1. Hi Nancy,
    Thank you for all you’re doing for our growth. enlightenment and well being. I’ve been following you for years, including two readings with you years ago. I’ve been on the fence about the blue light beings, but have been drawn to your teachings about it none the less. On Saturday November 4th at around 3pm I was at home alone, and spent time meditating on the blue light surge, which feels very spiritual to me. It was a peaceful time connected.
    Earlier that afternoon I’d been feeling a little dizzy, which is unusual. On Sunday I started getting sick. and have had Covid all week for the first time. A couple days before that I’d finally realized I was done with a very dysfunctional relationship, and though it’s hard, I
    felt pretty grounded and clear about it. So, it’s been a difficult weekin that way, and wonder if you have any thoughts for me? Thank you, peace and blessings. Kathryn Schroeder

  2. As you decribed the images of the dark black smoke it caused me to connect an experience we just had. We have an oil burning furnace and before the blue surge it started bellowing out black smoke, then a few days later popped and more black smoke… and then ‘died’. It is a great metaphor and image for me to hold onto as I true better process and integrate the impact of the first surge on 11/4. Thank you for this blog post it is, as all your words, very helpful!

  3. This is wonderful Nancy, I began by feeling very heavy for about 2 weeks couldn’t shake it so I sat with it. Then a shift so subtle I almost missed it, I haven’t felt this light in a long time. Some days seem longer then they should and my emotions have become more balanced. I went to a wonderful shamanic massage therapist, new here I have been waiting years for her. Timing is perfect she helps move things through my body helping my wings to open ( she says).

  4. Greetings beloved friends..while walking in the park leaves, strewn everywhere, I felt the land ‘move’ up .. or I shrunk down ..as if closer to the earth.. the experience was intense and I had to trust that I was not actually getting shorter as I would readjust back.. then moments later… it appeared like the land beneath my feet had come closer.. all of this while aware that the blue light was embalming the Earth…a very deep sense of connectedness.
    Thank you Nancy..much love from Scotland X

  5. I was blown away by your conversation with Pam Gregory who I follow. It was fantastic to hear that there are Galactic being helping us and clearing stuff for us. We so need it. Reading your blog above is also very uplifting and am so pleased that I have come across your work. I look forward to other posts you do and especially for what might happen on November 19th (UK) and November 25th.

    Thank you so much.

    • You are very welcome. Apologies for the late responses…. Just attempting to get caught up, lol. Nancy

  6. Thank you, Nancy, for attending to all that”s going on and describing what you ‘see.’ This installment has been especially helpful thru being so ‘spot on’ with my own experiences. I’m curious what it means, however, about what was happening with my astral body when the dreaming took the form of the most hideous, horrific, traumatizing nightmares I’ve ever had. Luckily my medication timer woke me out of it, and I stayed awake the rest the night. I shudder even now, approaching the memory of it.

    When I asked my Guidance what the hell THAT was all about, they explained by reminding me that even the most horrific actions are done in service to Spirit: Souls advanced enough to have sufficient strength, courage, and refined clarity of Core Light can be assigned/allowed to acquire growth-insight and Understanding through embodying and deeply experiencing what seems on a human level irredeemably Evil.

    My eyebrows went up at that, and my Team reminded me “All Darkness is the diminished reciprocal of Light. They are not opposites, but opposite FACETS of the same Unity. Nothing happens outside of the Divine. Everything occurs within the ground of God. God is all there is.”

    I’m struggling with this next piece. My Guidance explained, as if it were an aside — “don’t worry about it, but as long as we’re on the topic…” — that such terrible acts in the 3-d realm as were in my nightmare serve to CALL INTO the 3-d realm the amounts of Divine love, compassion, and acceptance needed to ‘neutralize’ them or ‘balance them out’ (for example, monks who use their entire lives praying that all sentient beings ,may know peace).

    Bringing in that much acceptance, compassion, and love seems wildly impossible to me most of the time, but Guidance countered that in the scale of the unfathomable star-sea vastness of Divine Light, the amount required is a tiny transitory spark

    That was food for thought, as problems here seem huge and intractable.. Maybe that’s going to change, or is changing already.

    (And yet, this type of undertaking [i.e., embodying evil] IS rather a big deal, as it involves engaging an enormous cohort of souls who (1) are willing to do the demanding work necessary to gift this experience to the seeking soul, and (2) will receive a dovetailing experience of equal service to THEIR spiritual growth in the process.

    (Some such soul cohorts may collaborate repeatedly across many lives, as long as the experiential needs of each individual soul mirror, or dovetail with, those of the other cohort members; for other souls, repeating collaborations may not fit their path. Neither way is better than the other, as every soul is mentored along its own right path of unfolding.)

    • Hello Catherine,

      I am not sure why you had such an experience. I hope it has improved for you. Sincerely, Nancy

  7. Interesting that I have been craving and eating large amounts of protein, which is very unlike me!

  8. Hi Nancy,

    I thought I’d give some feedback since no one has commented on here yet, and I had the most extreme symptom last night. So far I’ve had some mild stomach upset/digestive issues, sinus headaches (but nothing too bad), what felt like ear aches coming on and last night whenever I got up out of bed to go to the bathroom or let our cat out I was really off balance and felt like a top spinning to the left. It was so extreme that I am surprised I didn’t feel sick to my stomach. I’ve been sleeping alright for the most part but have had restless sleep the past 2 nights.

    I wanted to talk about the meditation/s. I have much difficulty with sight and don’t see anything when I close my eyes during meditations. When I did the meditation in your video with Pam Gregory, I saw some deep blue to almost purple light and a vague image through the doorway but had a hard time deciding on what it would look like as I couldn’t decide between a beautiful Utopia with mountains, flowers and a beautiful house there or a place by the ocean and the turquiose & blue waters, so that might have had something to do with it. I guess I have to work on combining the two. Oh and I almost forgot, I saw a tree for grounding, but then thought about dolphins and whales and could lightly hear whale sounds. I watched this video the day and possibly the time the blue light surge came through on the 4th so this might have been the reason I saw more than I usually do. I just did the blue light meditation prior to writing this and got nothing but some blue color coming in. I guess it’s something, so I will keep at it. I know I am supposed to journal to, so I will get on that.

    Thank you so much. I am looking forward to this journey and where it will take me and the rest of humanity.

    Much love & blue light,

    • Yes, keep doing it. Remember, sight is only one type of intuition. So if you saw any colors at all that is such a beautiful thing. Thank you for writing to me. Sincerely, Nancy

  9. I have to make an effort lately to stay centerd. And I notice that I can breath a lot easier than before. My cat is sitting on my lap a lot, the last four days. Feels like she is guiding me trough the dimensions. My horse and the horses from the herd she is in, show a lot of love towards us humans Or do we notice what always was there? It’s feels great. On the other hand, when I get in my car to drive home. I have to be really careful. There are a lot of people driving like crazy. Time sometime flies or feels extremely slow. I forget appointments. Have to write everyting down. And then forget to check my agenda. Hope you understand my English, I am from the Netherlands, so English is not my native language.

    • Your English is very nice. Animals are very sensitive to the energies aren’t they? Thank you for taking the time to write to me. Sincerely, Nancy

  10. Thank you Nancy ๐Ÿ’™
    I realize now that what I saw on 11/4 was similar to the etheric template you describe. As I sat within the crystal space I witnessed an enormous etheric template , the top half was clear/white/blue , yet each grid space from the chest down filled with colors (orange red yellow) flames, human pain, suffering, sorrow ,emotion and human experience. The blue was coming from above cleansing and clearing. As it washed through , the pictures would fade in and out and the blue would rinse through again. It repeated in my vision several times with each breath until there was a calm and everything settled. I knew this represented more than me. It was the collective as One. Immediately after the experience, it was difficult to describe. But as I read your blog it makes more sense now. Grateful ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’™

  11. This gives me comfort in a world that is going crazy. Thank you.

  12. Thank you for all this information. This makes the most sense of anything I have heard! I feel so much more comforted!

  13. In the period post 11/4/23 , I had a brief, lucid dream, just before wake up. I was shown a โ€œmovie screenโ€ of blue type on a white background. The information was symbols and words scrolling top to bottom of the โ€œscreenโ€, moving too fast to make sense of the content.Since then, I seem to have heightened compassionate awareness, am easily moved to tears and had 2 hours of sleep this new moon day. After your guided, blue light meditation last night, I completed my first successful auto- writing session. (Had tried before, unsuccessfully and had plenty of time on my hands early this AM to give it another go). Could not discern if the source of the thoughts were from spirit or my jumbled mind. After the session I thumbed through some poetry and received validation that I was not making it up. Some themes and words matched. Canโ€™t wait to see what happens next!!

  14. Nancy, how are these blue light surges affecting the Hopi people who live on the three mesas and at the base of the mesas? My sense is that many of them have an awareness of the energies moving and pouring in. They are already an amazing group of humans!

    • I imagine they are very aware of shifts that are happening. Nancy

  15. Hi Nancy!
    I was sent the link to your talk with Pam Gregory, which I have watched.
    Thank you!
    So many dots connected!
    Do you know of Patricia Cota Robles?
    On 11:11:11 we as a planet, along with every human energy system, aligned with Galactic Center.
    Patricia gives all the information as well as the attunement for it on Green Tara Guru YouTube channel under the “live” tab. It’s called The 11:11 Axis Alignment.
    What you and the Blue Beings have brought forward along with this alignment, contains a mighty picture indeed.
    Nothing short of freedom for a planet and her people.
    I have posted this to Pam as well.
    Thank you from the wholeness of my heart.
    Kim Taylor

  16. Thank you !!!!! This last few days I have heard a soft regular drumbeat or other regular pulsing sounds. I know this is coming from somewhere in the universe but a part of me wonders if I’m getting tinnitus and will be bothered by wierd uncomfortable annoying noises for the rest of my life !!!! Thank you for reminding me I just need to let go.. … and enjoy these sounds. I am used to hearing changes in frequency as a ringing in my ear… a shifting in pitch but this has been different.

    I have seen little blue beings in my peripheral vision for about 30 years. Usually pale blue, sometimes lilac. I smile at them. I have recently been connected with the frequency of andromedans, maybe this is them ?

    The first blue surges were so strong. I felt I was high as a kite for 3 days before the energy backed down. It felt like a crash landing after such elation.

    I was told about 35 years ago that I had a big satellite dish on top of my head and I sometimes needed to visualise it shrinking as it’s too much information and energy to process at times.

    For this upcoming shift I am being prepared to work in the Glastonbury area. I live about 1.5 hour drive away. The focus is blue and a blue lake or water, a friend and I will be exploring the area to connect with whatever energy and location we are drawn to.

    Since September the focus has been very blue. On first Nov in my breathwork my own mermaid life was transmuted which went on to include the life of all mermaids many of whom had traumatic endings as they encountered altered male energy. This has ended…. which you confirmed with the ending of karma. Hooray!!!
    Then on 2nd Nov I saw that under the earth in the rock, dust and substrate a kind of explosion produced blue light crystals in the earth. The kind of blue you describe. They are new. Lots of them in different shapes and sizes as clusters and singles.

    My day often starts at 4am with energy work or just following a focus in some way like listening to your sharing of this information this morning!

    This is so exciting. Its great that people like yourself are sharing your insights. Thank you!

  17. There was an article about our Sun where scientists spotted a corona on the sun’s surface for the first time ever on the 18th of November….interesting!

  18. Hello Nancy.
    So delighted to have found you — first via Pam Gregory. I’ve been ‘following’ the blue beings for awhile now. Many of them visit retreats I attend with Joe Dispenza. The refined energy that’s created seems to let them get closer to us. I feel them, talk to them but haven’t really seen them. I keep requesting more of a ‘meeting’. Ha! I just put blue lights around my house. People surely think it’s a Xmas decoration but no … it’s a Blue Light Being attractor factor hopefully!! I hope they are liking it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I’m very delighted to have blue light meditation you created and much of the information you are transmitting. I am claircognizant, a clairsentient, psychotherapist and energy healer living in Longmont, Colorado at this time. (Used to live in Seattle for some years). This is a fan letter of sorts in case you are interested in knowing some of us who are following you. Also, I would be interested in obtaining an individual reading if you offer this. I’m now learning more about my galactic influences and loving it.
    Today 11/23 I was blown away learning about Lyran characteristics, compelling me to write you. I have Lyra connection in 8 planets. I don’t know if that is a lot, but I resonated with everything you mentioned! So validating. Thank you. Thank you.

    • Thank you Deborah. I do love knowing that you are having such incredible experiences with the blue light through Joe Dispenza. I am glad to know you have enjoyed the meditations as well. As I mentioned before, I am unable to offer private readings at this time, and use my time to work with my students. Interesting to have such strong Lyran connections, very strong indeed. Many blessings to your continued journey. Nancy

  19. Hello again. I just sent a longer message although not sure you
    received it. Please let me know if you did NOT receive it.

    Since I’m not sure whether or not you would see me for a mentoring meeting or session I just signed up for 11/29 at 2:30 (assuming this is PacificTime) I live in Colorado, Mtn Time, so 1:30pm my time. I’m also assuming this would be with Nancy Rebecca and not a a student.

    Thank you for your reply and confirmation.

    • Hello Deborah, Apologies for only seeing this now. Since the event of the Blue Light Surges, it has been very busy. I do not see private clients any more. However, you can reach out to info@intuitivemind.org and ask for a list of our graduates who studied with me. Sincerely, Nancy

  20. What did you do/see/feel on the 18th of November?

  21. Well…thank you for speaking much of what I have felt: Energy amplification.
    I went to second mesa! … arriving on Friday the 17th, hardly sleeping that night, as the energy was already high for me internally, yet on the exterior, very calm. On the morning of the 18th It rained from before dawn until mid-day. It was a gentle unusual type of rain for the southwest, felt soft and deep cleansing I found many patches of BLUE LICHEN next to puddles on the rock. I put my feet in the water…I was greeted by dogs…friendly wise dogs, teaching me about life, earth, family. They welcomed me into their pack. I fed them in gratitude. The area was strangely absent of people, and I heard most of the Hopi went to an adjacent town for a parade that day. I felt a deep and quiet shift, like coming home. It was heart-centered and cellular, and very connected to Earth. For me, the reservation dog family was the conduit through which the Sirians connected and spoke to me. It was like they recognized me and re-welcomed me into the family. I bought a silver ring with a rain prayer etched into its circle. The artist agreed that the mesas are pyramids. The Hopi word for water sounds like: Guyay. They say if the rain does not come it means the people are out of balance with Spirit. The people were in balance with Spirit on Saturday the 18th. And the rain followed me all the way back to Albuquerque. Powerful times.

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me your experience. I felt like I was right there with you. November 18th was the surge that focused on water so I find it incredible that there was rain. A beautiful blessing. Sincerely, Nancy Rebecca

  22. In the “Blue Light Ascension Symptoms” video you stated that Sirius is a planet.
    Sirius is not a planet. It is a binary star in the constellation Canis Major. The bright component of the binary is a blue-white star 25.4 times as luminous as the Sun. It has a radius 1.71 times that of the Sun and a surface temperature of 9,940 kelvins (K), which is more than 4,000 K higher than that of the Sun.

  23. Thankyou Nancy. So much love in the divine blue light. ๐Ÿ’™ lots of work but so much love.

    • Thank you for your kind words. Nancy Rebecca

  24. I am following quite a few thought leaders. I have only recently discovered your work Nancy. It resonates beautifully and I look forward to following and being guided alongside you.
    Thank you for your light.

    Love & Connection

    • Thank you for your kind words. Nancy Rebecca

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