Healing Light Codes in the form of a cosmic surge of photonic light is pouring onto our earth from outer galaxies at this time. Waves of light create sparkles in the air, and when reflected upon each other’s aura, you may notice a shimmering reflection not often seen with the naked eye before. This is the description that came to me through visual images when I asked the question about the source of light codes. When considering the microscopic geometric formation of quartz crystals, the energy is very stable, reflecting light and energy. Quartz crystals can be found in computer systems because they are known to contain trillions of bits of data within the stable environment of the crystal. This can be the same for all crystals and stones. Often the stories told about the Stone People, are associated with the ancient keepers of wisdom and knowledge dating back beyond the beginning of time.

Your human energy field is also made up of quantum sacred geometric particles in the form of your DNA, genetic make up of your ancestors (beginning with your parents). However, the water you drink, the air you breath, the soil you ingest from the land you live on, the foods you eat, all contain their own light codes of genetic make up that you take into your body every day. Bacteria and viruses also carry within them, genetic material, through light codes of genetics. NASA has located microscopic light bugs. In outer space that are living and carry universal data through genetics all the way into our atmosphere and then in turn we take the outer space knowledge into our body and are influenced by the microscopic material. Read, about the Russian expedition into outer space that discovered living organisms on the outside of the space shuttle.
Our human energy field, as well as our physical bodies are not as stable energetically as a crystal or stone. Therefore we are much more easily influenced by different circumstances surrounding us. These frequency and genetic influences can come through another human, animal, plant, bird, water, birds, fish, and the earth. We are much more influenced by our surroundings than we might have previously thought. Just recently, a few days ago, I experienced an explosion of chaos that all seemed to happen within a 3 hour window of time. Both our cars broke down, my granddaughter broke her arm, a pipe broke in our kitchen ceiling, and I experienced a sudden unexplainable health event that required a call to the doctor. I have been tracking events for years and the influences to humans so I knew that something must have happened but I was too busy putting out chaos fires to explore more. The next day it was all over the news about the largest volcanic eruption in 10 years on the earth and the timing was in alignment with all the sudden life event changes that came to a point at the same time.

What does all of that have to do with new healing light codes activating our human energy field as we expand into new states of consciousness? My desire to is to write about just how we are highly influenced by the frequencies and genetic patterns of absolutely everything around us. When a single event shifts in your life, and you are not hearing from others around you as having the same experience, then it is likely a shift that is unique to you and what you are going through. However, I am noticing that we are having influences that seem to shake humanity up at a universal level which tells me there are stronger outer influences in our atmosphere that are causing shifts in larger populations of people. Pam Gregory our “go to” astrologer, just wrote yesterday on her Facebook page, about the influencing planetary patterns are creating large cosmic portals to open and flood our earth with celestial cosmic light. She has been an astrologer for 40 years and describes these new quantum photonic light patterns are new to us and has not been experienced in our living lifetime. In the fall of 2021, the ascended beings of light describes this 2022 year as the Year of the Healer, which surge of healing activation began around December 25th, 2021 and another wave of activating light codes is upon us now.
You might be asking, what are healing light codes? I will invite you to do exactly what I did. I went into a quiet, still, grounded centered meditation and asked my higher self to explain to me the answer to that same question. I was shown through clairvoyant sight, an image that can not be seen by the human eye, so is considered part of the unseen world, as pure light particles. Then the light particle expanded more as if some invisible force was sharing a microscopic view highly magnified to my second sight ( 3rd eye). Within the light particle, there was an illuminated golden image of a symbol. Each particle contained a single symbol, which caused me to realize the particle was NOT the symbol, but the particle, was the light emanating from the symbol that caused it to be seen as a tiny orb, sparkle, or reflective frequency wave. Each symbol my be a numerical image, a geometric shape, a cuneiform marking of ancient writing, or hieroglyphic images. Some of the symbols were unrecognizable and undecipherable to me but they still had an enormous frequency impact and influence to my energy field. Regardless of the symbol, the light coming off of them appeared as pure golden light, so pure that it had a liquid light nature to it. Others were pure white, pure silver, or even iridescent turquoise and cobalt blue hues. This high frequency contains within the symbol very high spiritual wisdom and knowledge. I can feel it and I can know it to be true, but my capacity to break it down into a scientific study is out of my reach. I am not saying it is out of everyone’s reach, but I can imagine of you have a scientific, engineering, quantum physic type mind and clairvoyant knowing, then you could probably take this information to another level.
Healing Light Codes are activating the healing channels already contained within the human energy field and body. Every single living being on the planet has healing energy channels contained within our own dynamic energy structure. These healing light codes are awakening our ability to restructure, repair, revitalize, restore through healing at much faster rates so that our physical bodies can integrate higher states of consciousness. We want to be able to adapt with less struggle, chaos, drama, to our physical, emotional and mental health, and implement changes with greater ease, and effortlessness.
Think about swimming in fresh or sea water and how refreshing it is to you. The molecular structure of the water contains within each droplet high spiritual knowledge and indigenous peoples inform us the ancient beliefs that water is a living being. After a dip, swim, bath or shower in water, life appears differently somehow. This is how the healing light codes can feel like. Life takes on a different light, perspective, and view as you start to notice you are making decisions differently than you might have made before. This surge of photonic light is accelerated with the full moon in Cancer on January 17th, 2022, and will progress through the Spring Equinox. Read my blog post about the Sacred Water.
Your healing energy channels are based in your root chakra that is energetically located between the hips. Your healing energy channels can be slightly expanded to the size of a copper wire, pencil, dime, nickel, quarter or half dollar in circumference. The larger the healing channel, the greater the flow of healing energy in your physical and energy body. The larger the healing channel is the stronger your spiritual contract is to be here on earth as a healing presence for others. Countless sessions with clients often reveal large healing channels in unsuspecting individuals. When I tell them they have a high potential to cultivate their healing abilities, they are often NOT surprised. Usually, inspiring stories become sparked from the client as they share having natural healing talent that goes beyond logic and reason. I will take it a step further to say, these large healing channels are clairvoyantly seen equally amongst men and women. Yet, women will more often than men choose to take a healing course to develop their abilities. The world needs healers in male bodies too, therefore these surges of healing light codes will help all healers take their gifts and abilities to the next level.
The spirit world equates healing energy and caring energy as having very similar frequencies. As the healing light codes activate your human energy field, you may notice an influencing energy of greater caring for yourself, others and the hurt in the world. Activating healing light codes can unlock your own healing channels to greater expansion and flow. Our Psychic Mastery 1 year long online course has been going through its own upgrade for the past 5 months and will open soon for registration for those who wish to develop your intuitive precision and healing ability.
The Year of the Healer, Energy Forecast 2022 Series, is a gathering of people with healing intention. Click here, to learn more about the series. Everyone is welcome to join gather together, whether you feel you have healing qualities or not. If your spirit calls, then your spirit calls and we are not always shown the outcome of your calling. Is your Inner Healer being activated by Healing Light Codes? Have trust and Faith in your own knowing. Only you can know what absolute truth for you is. However, I know, we are stronger together as a united community than we are isolated in our own little bubble. Let us begin to build our healing communities.