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Hathors, The Great Cosmic Mother!

For anyone who tries to define me in words and in stories is only creating noise.
I am not a being, a form, I am a force.
A force for Kindness, creativity, and contain all the knowledge of the universe.
Within my frequency is the collective master codes of Unity Consciousness Understanding.

Hathor’s as the Great Cosmic Mother.

The term Hathor comes from ancient Egyptian History that describes a powerful Goddess energy. This energy came down from the stars of the Great Bear constellation, illuminating, the Pleiades, through the planet Sirius, lighting the way and empowering the Sun within our own orbit, to the Earth. Hathors’ are a collective consciousness of 7 Goddess, 7 different expressions of the Goddess Energy. In Dendera, Egypt the year 1798, Napoleon with a large group of soldiers were crossing the desert and discovered an ancient temple sticking out of the sand. Most of this temple was buried under years of sandstorms. Restored by the Greeks centuries before it was perfectly preserved under the sands and is known as one of the last existing temples where the great Goddess Hathor was revered and worshipped.

Hathor’s the Great Cosmic Mother!

The Hathor’s, the 7 sisters, portraying the 7 aspects of the great cosmic mother after the 7 stars of the Pleiades were known for their transmitting higher knowledge through sound waves.
Within this temple are the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that are supposed to house and describe within its walls all the higher knowledge of the entire universe. Including this high knowledge is information about the world and its ancient timelines describing the history of mankind and ancient civilizations. On the ceiling is known as the Dendera Zodiac, which tells the story of the last advanced culture of Atlantis, some 14,000 years ago. As I take in this incredible information, I am aware that it is time to pull out my bucket list and add this temple to it before it is my time to leave this earth for good!

The 7 Hathor’s were obsessed with the sky, and inside the temple are many planets, and galaxies. The Hathor’s are often shown with the head of a cow, with curved horns and within the curve between the horns is a planet. This planet is Sirius, that is found in Orion’s belt, within the star constellation known as the Hunter. The sacred cow symbology is about caring for humanity. Providing mothers milk in the form of nourishment. The “Milky Way” is also shown within this temple, as being connected to the Hathor’s. In the ancient Hieroglyphic text, they are repeatedly described as the “Shiny Ones”, and their light to be like an LED light, with much whiter than Gold. Yet, they were often painted in the form of blue, and described as part of the blue ray beings who came to earth. This is why they wished to be talked about in the context of the blue light movement.

Hathor’s, The Great Sky Mother

My story of the Galactic Blue Light Beings who visited me for the first time back in 2017, has continued to grow and expand as my own knowledge and willingness to be open expands.
My assumption when the blue beings of light asked me to speak about the Hathor’s was that indeed they were celestial beings either from Sirius or from the Pleiades. I made this leap in assumption, yet I found this belief to be the furthest from the truth. According to my telepathic spiritual communication with the blue light beings, the Hathor’s had not been the first and only representation of this Goddess presence on earth. They shared with me that this ascended essence had come to earth many times and in many forms since the beginning of time. In fact, there are over 50 origin stories of the 7 sisters from around the world. Click here to read more. I encourage you to read through the entire list, you might just be surprised even the more recent cultures who have connections to these energies. Such as Jehovah Witness founder believed and taught that the throne of God resides on Pleiades.

When prompted by spirit to write about and speak on a certain subject, I go into meditation first, to gain this wisdom and divine communication directly from spirit before I read anything else. Again, I went into a deep meditative state assuming the blue beings of light would be the Hathor’s. Previously to this writing I had very little knowledge about them. The room filled with the tall, thin beings of light who explained to me that they are guardians of the Hathor’s high-level teachings they are in fact, NOT the Hathor’s. Again, I was left perplexed at this elusive topic, yet one of such important meaning, I was asked to write and speak about it. When I reached to grab my phone to google search the Hathor’s I was told to stop. When my mind would go in various mental constructs again, I was immediately told to stop. The spirit realm explained that the prefer that we each gain insight and wisdom of our own truth. The God wisdom of knowledge is like a puzzle and we as humanity come to earth with the great potential to each bring our own piece of the puzzle to contribute to the whole. Therefore, spirit did not want me to read someone else’s story, but wanted my story to create to the current story. The links that I have added in this blog posts are links that I was guided to AFTER, I was given ample time to communicate with the Hathor’s myself.

Sitting in meditation, with the blue beings of light, after they had explained to me that they are not the Hathor’s, they asked me if I was now ready to meet the Hathor’s. I indicated through return telepathy that yes, I was ready and it was an honor to be considered for such a visit. First the blue beings of light began to raise the frequency of the room I was in, then moved to the frequency of my house, my yard and then this blue light flowed through my neighborhood, the city and out through the county. My eyes were pretty wide open at this time as I was curious what all the fan faire was about and questioned if I was truly ready for this. They explained that she does not often come into the 3rd dimension and unless they prepared our area, it might blow out the frequency of our inhabitants. (Later that same day, Yvonne asked me what I had been up to, because she felt a huge creative surge almost blow the roof off the house). Once the surrounding areas and been prepared, the blue beings of light separated, parted, and suddenly this force of white, blue light was transported from high above into the room I was in. Her energy was glorious, liquid kindness, sacred and holy. She lingered just off the ground, not in a form but of pure light. I then heard her words:

For anyone who tries to define me in words and in stories is only creating noise.
I am not a being or a form. I am a force.

A force for Kindness, creativity, and contain all the knowledge of the universe.
Within my frequency is the collective master codes of Unity Consciousness Understanding.

She went further to transmit to me that “SHE” is the Great Cosmic Mother, and that she loved us so much that she asked God to Create us. I asked her if I could ask a few questions of which she transmitted through sound that I could. Me: Are you a female form of God? Such as male/female aspects of God? SHE: My light my force transcends the polarity of male and female. Me: Your essence is very familiar to me, are you similar to Sophia, Wisdom, the Holy Spirit? SHE: Yes, she is me and I am her. My essence my light force has come through many ascended masters in female and male form. (At this point I felt the essence of Mother Mary, I also felt Jesus and other Hindu forms rapidly transit through my consciousness.) I realized at this point the enormous presence that was before me. I could feel the download of her messages in the form of light codes and at times questioned my own capacity to take in these transmissions. I found tears flow down my cheeks as the capacity of love beings witnessed and felt was far beyond my own human capacity to express love. My heart chakra was stretched beyond the beyond. Click here to read an article about Sophia in Christianity.

SHE, the great Cosmic mother, who loved us so much she wished for us to be created within the great creation of earth, spent a little more time before taking her leave. More so because I was at my frequency limits to continue to sit with her. I will summarize the final conversation. “SHE” is here, always has been here and watches over us here on earth. SHE, is always here for you, but you must call upon her presence, as she knows your are capable beyond your own belief in yourself and SHE only intervenes when asked to by you. There is a great awakening on the earth, and she is a great part of that. Her frequency is so high, that small bursts of light can only be grounded into the earth at one time. As the frequency of the earth elevates, we will find it easier to communicate with her. SHE comes through as a sound, a high-pitched frequency.

The Hathor Temple in Egypt

SHE, in the form of the HATHOR’S, wants us to know, there are 12 pillars within the Hathor Temple in Dendera Egypt. Each pillar has 12 sound frequencies. Each pillar has a Hathor face representing her, facing 12 sky constellations. According to these ancient Egyptian Hathor teachings, every single spirit on the earth, must go through 12×12= 144 frequencies, as well as 12×12 directions and constellations, before you can even be born in a human form here on earth. This great cosmic mother gives this information through the YouTube, Greg Braden video she guided me to look up, as a way to share with you that you are much more highly capable than you give yourself credit for. Your spiritual journey was a long one before landing as a human here on earth. Awaken to this knowledge and begin to function as the high level being that you are.

SHE did transmit a teaching of creation here on earth that I will share in the YouTube video posted within this blog posts. I have a strong feeling, SHE will be showing her presence to more and more of us on the planet because according to the transmissions that I felt in my bones, WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!

7 responses to “Hathors, The Great Cosmic Mother!”

  1. Hello , my name is Alessandra and I have been aware of this force for a while but didn’t know about it since it was presented to me on February 17. I used to call them as friends – since I didn’t know it – i see as 12 light pillars around me and always forming a dodecahedron. Yesterday night 08.03 after pulling out a card Hathors light codes from Kyle gray gateway of light activation- a friend sent me your link . i can feel joy when they are around me .

    • What a gift to have during this great time of change. I am so happy to know that you have found this information. I do have a private FB page called, Blue Light Movement, you might enjoy. Nancy

  2. Hathor’s stars point to Orion and a star in Orion now called Melissa was originally called heka the Egyptian creator god. The Bible says follow the stars to the creator and mention Hathor’s stars the bear and Orion if you follow the stars they point to Heka.

    • Thank you for this insight. When the Blue Celestial beings visited me, I have never heard of any of this, so I appreciate all the help to weave the truth together. Nancy

  3. I began sending/hearing a buzzing in my head, at the beginning of the Pandemic, in December 2020, it’s still with me!!. I try to accept, as I feel that if I resisted it, I’d go crazy!!!!…. It’s with me 24/7…
    Any thoughts on This, Please???XX

  4. Hi Nancy!

    Love you blogs and videos about star people’s and cosmic forces. Do you have a video or article about the Blue Avians? I would love to learn more.

    Thank you

    • No I do not but when spirit calls me to do so, I will. Thank you for your note and request.

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