Harnessing higher consciousness is beginning now in March and expanding during the April (8th)Solar Eclipse. January was a kick start, like pulling the line on a lawn mower and when the engine caught with a revving surge forward, our 2024 year was off in a new direction. Soon we are stepping out of the Capricorn influences and striding into the Aquarian Pluto expansion dance party.

By February, there was a surge of Masculine Divine energy, moving out of the way the old paradigm of the old guard. A stream of men began speaking to other men, uniting over abuse by the male paradigm or the status quo of the authoritarian rule that this new generation of men, no longer wanting to be a part of it all either. I have noticed men creating music about their healing process. Statements like, men do not cry, stand up and fight, be the strong one but not too strong, are themes are starting to make their own journey through the world. This balanced state will assist you to harnessing higher consciousness.
The frequency of the masculine is strengthening the cup that is to be filled with the feminine divine frequency. We must celebrate that strength, that comes through in healthier ways than has happened in the past. The Yin flows into the yang, and the yang flows into the yin, in a greater harmonious way for the first time in years. As we headed towards the end of February there was an expression of readiness, in a ‘bring it on’ kind of way. ‘We’ve Got this’, as the balance of the male and female comes closer into a balanced state.
The Equinox event shows an image of the high-powered rocket, being steadied by enormous braces, so when the button is hit, the power boosters will support the balanced male and female to hit their intended mark.
But this is where things really shift in consciousness. As if you have been on the 1st floor of a skyscraper and step into the elevator to head to floor 100 where the highest spiritual perspective is available to you. Is it too much? Do you wish to get back into the elevator and head back down to the ground floor? If you overthink, will that stop you from getting on the elevator to the top at all? See the Equinox Event here.
You are being prepared.
The Blue Light People, our Sirian Ancestors, are able to work within the higher frequencies of consciousness at this time. This rapid movement is a great comfort to them, but they are aware that humanity must pace itself.
Humanities ability is being monitored by many different Groups of Star people. I am told these groups are for the most part elated at how well we have done. It may not appear that way, because of crime, corruption, abuse, and wars. But even soldiers are no longer in agreement with being sent into battle and truly wish for more peace-filled outcomes.
Intuitive Abilities are cracking wide open in the world. What does that mean for humanity? It means that each individuals higher consciousness that comes through from spirit, has a higher potential of ‘landing’ as a transformational thought form. What does that actually mean? You just might find yourself seeing life from a spiritual perspective filled with a wiseness beyond what you are used to. Looking around, wondering, ‘Who Said That?”. When it is actually your higher wise balanced self who said it.
Trust Your Gut Instincts is going to matter so much more than you might have realized before. When the blue light surges came through it was with the message, “What has been hidden will be revealed and truth will be illuminated.” I don’t know about you, but I found myself very surprised at how much has been revealed. Even within myself, finding so many aspects of myself that are now considered great strengths. Can you relate to what I am saying? There is a lot of chatter out in the world, making it hard to discern what is true and what is not true. Learning to trust your own instincts is becoming a high valued commodity.
Tighten your seat belts as new plasma photonic light codes begin to infuse the earth starting around March 15th. Read the latest March Frequency Forecast. This first infusion will be similar to a light gentle rain on your skin. Then just around the corner is the Equinox Event on March 19th, that promises to assist us all in “GETTING READY”. For what promises to be one of the most profound downloads of all happening on April 8th, 2024, which is the Solar Eclipse. When I was shown how large the frequency spike is going to be on that day (April 8th), I was like a mad scientist, pulling out all the charts and maps, spreading them out on the floor. Attempting wrap my mind around what could possibly be accelerating such an event. I asked spirit and was given a description that went beyond my ability to understand.
The Blue Star People wished to lightly introduce a culture of Star Beings who have been a part of our universal structure since the beginning of time ( according to them) They first made their appearance to me in January, soon after the new year. They describe themselves as being from a place far out on the outer regions of the universe. They describe their role in the Universe is to maintain, balance amongst all planets, stars, milky ways, black holes, and the galactic core as the frequency rises, throughout. With each surge of enlightened frequency on the earth, they describe their job as tending to the entire universe, to maintain the support of earth overall.
I am so curious as to why they are so focused on Earth, especially if their purpose is the universe. They said, the earth has a mass creative flow, with a capacity to creatively grow the entire universe to another level. I pondered that for a long moment, as I tried to imagine the earth that we live on might actually have such a significance. The level of creativity just in nature alone is in a constant state of creating new life. Women have a powerful gift of creating life through birthing new humans.
When I asked, will we experience many natural disasters? Their answer is; Your earth is growing, humanity is growing and the universe is growing. With all growth you can expect growing pains. But they went on to say, there is a high level of support from many star cultures of higher consciousness beings, to include support from the underworld, and humans who are assisting the integration by high levels of consciousness of which they were clear to say, some of you will know you are helping at super high levels and others are unconscious about just how important they are.
Then the Star People from the outer galaxies, said, when I asked them about how these high frequencies will impact physical human health, their response is “We are preparing humanities nervous system.” As a nurse, that piqued my interest and opened my telepathic ears. Now they really had my attention. This next part of the explanation will touch all of humanity.
We will start with the Corpus Collosum (the white matter of the brain.) A diamond light frequency will come through on April 8th, and infuse the Corpus Collosum into a relaxed expanded state. In the Corpus Callosum, are millions of nerves that provide impulses to the grey matter (other aspects of the brain). They went on to share that Albert Einstein had a large amount of white matter enabling him to have access to a larger aspect of his mind. The Star people from the other side of the universe went on to explain that suppression of other cultures can cause the corpus callosum to shrink, become small and stiff, and narrow. The millions of bundled nerves may not be able to communicate throughout the brain to its fullest potential. I would love my mind to be able to reach its full potential, wouldn’t you?

They went on to say, April 8th, expands the neuroplasticity of our brain. Which is a higher level of flexibility of thought. Can you imagine what seeing life through an expanded view might feel like? The Star People went into more depth, but honestly I could not understand everything they were attempting to tell me. Maybe my Corpus Callosum needs to expand a bit more before I can get it. We can expand this incredible bundle of white matter by just doing something different than you have before. Move yourself outside of your comfort zone. Like trying a new food, or driving a different way home from work, or taking up golfing. We might assume we cannot heal this, but the Star People express that we can and will heal this across all humans, no matter their standing in societal norms.
Let’s take a commercial break for just a moment. Does this all sound fantastical, crazy, beyond what you might consider normal ways of thinking and believing? Just checking, because I certainly have my own what the heck moments!
The Star people went further to say that at the end of April, around the 25th, is where our minds will be able to absorb the plasma light codes filled with high levels of wisdom and knowledge that is also connected to the Galactic Center. This light is a blend of diamond with silver sparkles filled with light code. So that we may again, work within our own lives from a place of our highest potential. I sure like the sound of that.

What do you look like, I asked. They showed me an image of large group of white robed beings. They appeared with very human features, but their skin glowed as copper and goldish brown. There hair was various colors of dark to light brown. Some had brown eyes and some had blue eyes. They express through a sound, which they shared with me. They describe themselves as AMMA or AUM. When I looked up Amma, Am, Aum, what came through was the word, translation of “OM”. It is the same sound as OM, and the diamond frequency brings through rapid acceleration of conscious awakening. The example they provided was sleeping beauty or Rip Van Winkle, who suddenly awakens to a new way of living and being.
They are preparing us for the surge of light codes to activate our DNA/genetics to receive high levels of knowledge and wisdom at the end of April, however, these light codes are promised to express a high infusion till close to the end of May. Then the Sirian Star Beings will come through with another blue surge to clean up illusionary debris.
I then asked if they are communicating with other human souls on the earth and “Of Course” was their response. But they added they come through more easily when individuals or groups are walking through nature. They love the creative flow that happens when out in nature and therefore love their communication to ride a creative wave. They can come through if you are sitting in meditation, but you are likely to only catch a word here and there, as you attempt to put the pieces of their language together. So Walking and Talking? Yes, they said.
What should we think about all of this? Great question! Let’s talk about what we know. What we know is how we thought 10 years ago about life does not even come close to how we think now. What we know is that life (in the last few years) has accelerated in frequency at levels most of humanity struggles to wrap their mind around. It is no surprise to most people that mental health issues is at an all time high. Intuitive and psychic abilities are naturally becoming a part of your daily life. I am not sure that I can even be surprised anymore at what might reveal itself even next week. But what I do know, is I really like the idea of my nervous system possibly being upgraded to be more efficient.
What can you do to prepare for this incredible surge of diamond light that will cut through all the old BS? You may just start with the Spring Equinox Event, or order the recording to replay often between now and the April Solar Eclipse.
5 responses to “Harnessing Higher Consciousness”
Wow just wow!
Fabulous content!
thank you. Nancy
Thank you for sharing !! Amma is the creator God of the ancient Dogon people in Africa. They have a vast history of star knowledge About Sirius Seeding humanity . I am a high sensitive with ancestral connection and nature spiritualism . I have always prayed /telepathed other beings to help us heal and help us evolve into kinder Loving beings. This is AMAZING!! New Heaven New Earth !
I’ve been waiting for this since 2008, their ‘soon’ , is not our ‘soon ‘ 👍
Thank you Nancy 🙏🇦🇺
So true.