Feline Star Beings are ancient multidimensional beings going back Billions of years, originating from the planet Lyra, according to ancient mysteries. As the stories go, there was a great planetary battle, that caused these great ancient ones to relocate throughout the galaxy. They were offered a safe harbor and invited to live with other planetary beings. Three groups of celestial beings associated with assisting the Lyrans, that we are most familiar with are the Pleiadeans, Arcturians and Sirians.
As a practical clairvoyant nurse, who has devoted much of my life to working with people to teach them about their human energy field, meeting these multidimensional light beings really peaked my curiosity. I have cultivated the capacity to travel to the underworld and the upper world, yet have truly focused in the 3D world which is known in ancient teachings as the middle world. My calling, as I have always known it to be is to share my knowledge about the human energy field and our purpose here on earth. However, IF, a spiritual being comes into my range of clairvoyant site that I have not seen before then that tells me something is changing in our world.

In July of 2020, during the height of the COVID19 pandemic, I was preparing myself to begin chemotherapy for my recent diagnosis of breast cancer. I had so many decisions to consider, human life decisions, so meeting a multidimensional light being was not even near my radar. A movement of light to the left of me, caught my eye. I could see these 12 feet tall blue or white golden light spirit beings with strong feline features. This had happened to me before in 2017, yet this time something was different. I wondered immediately, what has changed on the earth and why now? Was it because I was changing? Did I call to them on some unconscious level because of my health issues? So I asked the feline beings if I could ask them a few questions via telepathic communication? However, before I share their answers, I wanted to explain a bit more about how I see the world. What is possible for you as well!
I can see the spirit world at the same time I can see the human world, with my real eyes. There is a normal existence between the two dimensions that is harmonious in nature. However, when a change is just ready to happen, I will see this change in the celestial world first before we see it unfold in our human 3D world. For example when I suddenly saw thousands of bats flying in the spirit world like bats flying out to hunt for the night, I knew something was up, but not sure what it was. Two weeks later, we found a bat in our bedroom. I live in the Pacific Northwest and finding a bat, in the city, in my bedroom would be considered a very rare event. Yet, here was a real live bat to help drive the message home to me even more. Change was coming. This same happened just a couple of weeks ago when the presence of the feline race began appearing in the spirit world, that would soon influence our earthly plane. Blue Feline Star Beings were going to make their presence known.

Feline Star Beings are not practical in an earthly sense. I am an Aquarian however, most of my planets and houses astrologically reside in earth signs such as Capricorn. All business, as I focus my mission on serious work! According to my numerology, I am a 4447 for those who know those things. Practical, practical, practical, spiritual. So what this tells you about me is that I am not one who easily steps into other worldly experiences. Regardless of how many other worldly experiences I have. My mission is to take what is available and can be integrated into daily life for humanity. So again, visits from Blue Light Beings, Feline Beings, I could not imagine having any practical use. I kind of sound like Spock, who always said that is not logical! However, what is really logical and practical anymore, as we transition into multidimensional beings?
Feline Celestial Star Beings are some of the most ancient of all star beings as I said before. They have battled to save their race and to save their planet. They have experienced the loss that can come from out of balance powers. They know what it is like to no longer recognize your own home country and feel like they no longer belong here. They are often known as the Star Beings over seeing War and Healing. Such as Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War and Healing as a Lion Goddess. The Feline Beings know what it is like to battle for harmony and not lose yourself in the process. They also know what it is like to heal those wounds and move forward. This is why their presence on this earth is becoming stronger. This IS their strongest message. They have walked the path we are walking now and the Feline star beings want to pass on their wisdom to us. They are invested in harmonizing the universe along with us.
I will refer to them as Lyrans as they originated from the planet Lyra. They have come to earth as Atlanteans, & Lemurians which are advanced races to help humans. They have come to earth as great masters, healers, and teachers, as well as Gods and goddesses. Now, rather than coming through master influencers on the earth in different forms, they are now coming through normal regular people, living normal regular lives. Let me repeat this message again. In the past, the Feline Star Beings came through with guidance to higher level authority figures such as Kings, Queens, Priest, and rulers to be able to better help the people in their care. Now, the blue feline star beings are coming through every day people instead. Their greatest influence is on the 4th dimensional plane, which is the heart chakra, building the bridge of love that will assist us to move from our 3D human existence into the 5D, multidimensional existence. We are challenged to receive this new level of information as our consciousness can still be pulled back into the 3D world.

According to the Lyran group of star beings that I spoke with, we are currently in a war to redirect humanity towards love, peace and harmony. Star Seeds are humans who have been seeded through their ancestral lines by star beings. Meaning, you have ancestors from Lyra, Pleiades, or Sirius. Earth Seeds mean you have earthly deities who seeded your ancestral lines and come from the ancient earth beings such as giants, fairies, and little people. However, you can have these seeds in your ancestral lines, and never activate them. Most clients I work with will have influences in their DNA from both star seeds and earth seeds. Some of you will definitely have stronger influences than that average person. The Lyrans are bringing their frequency here to activate those seeds within those who have them. This is why so many of you, like me, have NEVER encountered such subjects and multidimensional realities, yet are now in this 2021 year, are finding this new level of celestial consciousness a bit challenging to our human existence.
Lyran feline being consciousness, is extremely creative, artistic and extremely psychic. They have a fierce protectiveness, and are known to be fearless in that protection. They are deep energetic influencers and love anything on the cutting edge, the fringe and always looking for new trends. They have very agile minds, that loves to work with the mind to move energy. However, the human self care is something they have to build in to daily life as they are so advanced spiritually. Therefore as you become aware of the higher dimensions impacting your human experience, getting a self care calendar will be important. Remembering to check off those self care boxes when you do them will be an additional reminder that you have a human body that needs care, concern and comfort.
Lyrans, Feline beings, are very heart centered, Lion Hearted, and yet has a 5th chakra that roars its truth. These feline beings have a deep purr that connects with the heartbeat of mother earth, and radiates that inner comfort from your core, outwards. They have a strong calming courage to help you stand in your purpose. Their biggest teaching for us at this point is to remember to remain in your heart in all that you do. However, to also “remember” who you are. I was told, we know you are; I am the I am, but really who are you? They encourage us to be the best expressions of who we are on earth and embrace out true purpose.
Sekhmet and Bastet are some of the most well known of the Feline Goddesses. Sekhmet with the Lion head and Bastet with the house cat head. Both are protectors, Sekhmet the more fierce and Bastet the more gentle of the two. Again, they come from the most ancient of lineages of Lyra. Knowing the history of the Lyras gives a greater understanding of the feline star beings nature. Some of you on the earth at this time, have strong feline features. The largest feline feature becomes pronounced as your star seeds become activated, are the eyes. Those beautiful feline eyes.
We are now in a time of the great creative renaissance. A massive undertaking of rapid expanding consciousness that does require all the help we can get. There is a battle between good and evil. Whether those battles are in other dimensions, on this earth, or we are battling our own inner demons. The Lyrans are here to assist us to tap into our own inner courage, remain lion hearted, yet roar like a lion to our own truth, and remember who you are and who you came to earth to be.
19 responses to “Exploring the Mystery of the Blue Feline Star Beings”
Would you happen to know anything of Aquila and a war between Felines and Aquilans? War among any of the Stars is quite tragic and disappointing to me.
I have not hear of Aquila before. Nor have I heard of the tragedy between the two, can you elaborate? Nancy
I know of Aquila. I haven’t heard that name in a long time.
Bennise Gahl’s book ‘It’s Reigning Cats and Dogs’ at sphinxpress.org speaks about the Sirians.
Really? Thank you…..there has been another surge of the Lyran Star Beings recently. I will check out the website. Appreciate the knowledge. Nancy
Hi Nancy,
Apologies for our late reply. Didn’t see your message until now. There’s now an audio sample of the book by Bennise Gahl at sphinxpress.org (listen especially to the second half htat speaks about the Sirians if you have a moment ) The connection/info is very much like your expression/experiences. Yes, I feel the Sirians have quietly made contact with many individuals and organisations in recent years. Many humans opening up to their own Sirian memories. There is definitely a surge of Sacred Lion work happening! Anna and Daryl Boyle (Australia) xoxo
I’d like to know if any of you have been visited by the Lyran Race?
I will be doing a You Tube video on them in a few weeks. Yes, I have seen them several times, but engaged very little. Are you familiar with them? Nancy
You said ‘I will refer to them as Lyrans as they originated from the planet Lyra. They have come to earth as Atlanteans, & Lemurians which are advanced races to help humans.’
I want to ask, during the Atlantean time, in what physical manifestation did they come? Did they come in feline physical features or incarnate in human bodies? A year ago, I was meditating in order to access my past lives and connect with the akashic record. During this meditation, I saw myself as a lion-headed man holding a Trident in the city of Atlantis. I also saw people living there who had light emanating from their bodies…and also I saw other feline beings. At the time do not know about feline beings but lion appeared before during my meditation. I am asking this because I wonder if there are similarities between what you said and what I saw during meditation.
Hello Gemechis, I do believe we used to have different cultures of star beings represented at that time. I do see Lyran star beings now, overlaying the human body, so I assume they have the ability to shape shift into different forms but their base form is Lion Headed. I do a live YouTube talk every Thursday morning Pacific time here on the west coast of the US. I will be talking about the personality traits of the Lyron people. Thank you for writing. Sincerely, Nancy
Hello ,
I’m here after finding some information on tiktok after having somewhat of a hectic dream .
To sum it up in the dream I was visited by some abnormal people , one of them gave me something akin to a magnifying glass but instead of a circle it was more boxy like a hexagon or pentagon and the glass was kind of like a kaleidoscope . When i placed the object over a piece of paper it showed me what I should draw , which was me but i had panther/ cat like features. I’ve done vague research but it seemed similar to the bastet ?
Is there more info I can find about this? Is there a way to know if it was them?/ am I one of them? I Hope you respond and if you do thank you <3
I have another video on the Personality traits of the Lyran Star People. That might give more information. You will have to search for it on youtube, or you might find it as a blog under my blog section on my website. Wish I had time to find them for you. Please allow the search to be a part of your journey. Nancy
Hi Nancy, I really enjoyed your article. I have been trying to understand and read about star seeds. I went through several shaking awake experiences and am reexamining many things in my life that in my mind I had labeled as coincidences. With the rapid changes around me when your mind starts seeing too many coincidences you realize that label needs examined. The hard part of this relabeling is accepting it in your own mind. What are the coins and feather saying to me? We moved to a house in 2019 and I kept finding coins on the floor and outside. I still find them in the yard or driveway. At first I just thought the previous owner left them but eventually I should have found all of them. I find feathers on my parents property all the time. I found some yesterday while looking at a wildflower prairie patch I seeded this year. People will says things as afterthoughts to me and they are odd things. My mother told me last year my dad and I could heal a tree but she couldn’t. My best friend told me as a child that things are always easy for me to see and others have to work harder then me at it. Both are odd statements. My mom doesn’t remember saying to me that dad and I could heal the tree. In 2021 I was going through cancer treatment. We live in the city and are refinishing a house. My husband had fallen asleep on the couch. He did that often during various points of my treatment because he wanted to make sure I was getting enough sleep. He came up to the bedroom crawling, apparently two bats were flying around inside our house. He needed help letting them out so I went down to help him let them out. We just assumed maybe they were living in the attic and got in during some work to the ceiling. We’ll since then we have crawled though out the attic. I did not find any signs ( bat scat) of bats living in the attic. The timing of that experience and your story brought this memory back to the surface. Thank you for the article. It is so helpful to have reference points. You put out a seed and it helped me remember one the odd experiences I had that I had just set aside in my mind. I was certain after blowing insulation and helping my husband run electric for lights in that attic that those bats didn’t just get in because they lived in the attic. I have been meditating and journaling more to help me remember. The light is pushing us all hard to wake up.
what a fascinating story filled with magic for sure. the spiritual world feels very strong around you. Continue to enjoy your journey. Thank you for being a part of mine.
I have always had a very close connection with felines and dragons. And the Fey. I can purr… Not quite like a cat, but it’s very similar to the breath action of playing a digeridoo. I know my twin flame was of a feline race and hope to meet them again in this life experience in whatever form they chose this time.
We are needed. It is time and past time. The Shift is happening and the light is illuminating the darkness in places hidden before. I’ve waited such a very long time for this.
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I been trying to find out why ancient Egyptians mummified their cats the way they do humans. After your article I sense more reasons why. But I’m still trying to figure it all out! Thanks!
Hi Rebecca,
I’ve just stumbled on this now, as I was googling blue crystalline lion beings.
I have been watching some of your YouTube interviews with Pam Gregory over the last year and resonated so much with what you were saying. So your connection with the blue felines is an added gift.
About 18 years ago, I was with a group of people in the Drakensberg mountains (South Africa) where we were anchoring and opening up energetic connections, and I had a vision of a giant blue crystalline lioness within the mountain itself, licking her lion partner in an attempt to wake him up. I started having a relationship with her, and later she appeared to me less as an animal, but more as Sekhmet in blue crystalline form. She came to me for many years, and I would call on her for help and protection in certain situations and on some occasions I felt as if I was being used by her and others to ground information and frequencies into this dimension. They were always incredibly grateful, and I felt safe and loved in their presence – however, about 7 years ago, I asked to be released from any contract I had with them. Recently, I have offered my help again, but have felt no reconnection.
However, I still have a strong connections with lions. They appear in my art, and there was a time in my life when I was part of a group of women who would go play with white lion cubs at full moon, and I was also given the information that I was one of 3 lionesses, and had to find the other 2. I am still waiting to meet them.
Many years ago I visited James Gilliland at Eceti Ranch in Oregon. He has a strong connections with the Leonine beings, and introduced me to some of them.
You say you have been through a sangoma training, so you must know of Credo Mutwa who was the Lion Sanusi of Africa. Have you read Linda Tucker’s book on The Mystery of the White Lions?
I left South Africa in May 2020, and was led to live on an Island off an island on the edge of the world. Sirius wakes me up at night through my curtains, and I know that I am still connected, and that the Blue crystalline lion beings probably come from there, and that they are in a higher dimension.
Hello Deborah,
Yes, I was fortunate enough to spend time with Credo Mutwa. Yes, I have read the book the Mysteries of the White Lions. I loved reading your experience with the blue crystalline lions. Do you think they are the Lyran starpeople? Nancy