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Cracking the Code – Blue Light Awakening

Cracking the Code of the blue light’s awakening qualities can carry my thoughts out into the galactic corners of the universe. Yet, my practical self lands back on earth with both feet. What earthly good is the expansive blue light? Is this blue cosmic light, an optical illusion or is it a true frequency that has the potential to make us better people? I never questioned the Blue Star People when they came to visit. They told me that there would be surges of celestial blue (Lapis) cosmic light infusing the earth and that the blue frequency is here to help us. I believed what they said to some elements of truth but I did not have the celestial understanding to take it any further than that. Now we are just around the corner, from November of 2023, 3rd (according to what I was told in 2017), and final big push through Earth’s challenges which will come from a focused blue celestial light.

As a clairvoyant, I can see this light comes from a place beyond our own solar system but for many years I had no idea from what galaxy this light was coming from. Until the Luminescent Blue Star Beings shared with me directly, “We are from the Dog Star” So I immediately went to have a chat with Dr. Google and found out that yes, there is such as thing as the DOG STAR and that thing is the planet Sirius. Here is the link to the Dog Star.

Ancient civilizations, cultures, pyramids, stone circles, and megalithic structures often are found to align with the Orion Constellation. Which is the home of planets Sirius A & B and honestly, there is no scientific evidence that says why this constellation is so important to our ancient ancestors. Other than to say, well it is the brightest star in our sky, so the ancient ones must have created stories about it. Yet, current indigenous peoples will simply state, “The Dog Star is where our ancestors come from.” What I find most curious, is no matter where in the world this information comes from, the ancient stories align with each other in similar ways. Recently traveling through ancient Ireland, I found many megalithic stones were glowing blue and I suspect they are becoming activated by the upcoming blue light surges.

We are on the edge, the fringe of what society considers normal. While remembering the world used to be thought of as flat, remembering the societal uproar when it was believed quackery to think the earth is round. Of course, we would ‘FALL OFF’ the earth if it was round. So today this may be known as fringe, but tomorrow our future generations will find it all normal. As a nurse, neuroplasticity means flexibility of your mind’s ability to consider the possibility of new ways of thinking. The Blue Light is cracking the mental codes that keep us stuck in limiting thought patterns. Do you believe our society has limited thought patterns? Here in the United States, we know that at least 50% of our population is rigid in how far expansive thinking can go. Which side of the mental thought patterns you are leaning towards dictates who thinks they are right and who believes the other is wrong. The blue light is awakening us to know, that both sides have mental growing room before we can reach a unified state of consciousness. According to the Blue Celestial Beings of Light, this growth in mental expansive consciousness is coming upon us faster than we can imagine.

Have you ever felt the desire to transcend the ordinary and explore the extraordinary?
The Blue Light Surge is your gateway to a transformation that goes beyond the boundaries of your everyday life. As I am typing this very sentiment, I suddenly hear gunshots only 2 blocks away from me. Three years ago, my neighborhood was considered one of the safest and now, we lock our gates with a padlock every night, with cameras placed strategically around the yard. So yes, I do have a strong desire to transcend the ordinary and be open to change, even if that change comes from a place that comes from the extraordinary. When did we begin to view the violent corruption more normal than fringe? My sense is, that violent corruption can be felt viscerally, where the light blue frequency of expanded light only comes through like mountain air.

This is why this celestial event offers you the opportunity to experience a cosmic awakening that will change the course of your life. It’s not about believing in something mystical; it’s about embracing a profound shift in your own consciousness. Does this mean you will suddenly start carrying a crystal ball in your back pocket? I hardly believe that to be true but what I have observed since the first blue light surge is a hunger to be in a pure state of true authentic transparency. Even if that transparency does not know where it will lead us, it at least reveals zero hidden agendas. In all honesty, I have never met 1 person who does not have some hidden agenda that is attached to desired outcomes. Cracking the Code of the Blue Light’s awakening qualities comes through their messages; “What has been hidden will be revealed, clarity of truth will cut through the confusion, and justice will prevail.”

Life is confusing enough and then add in the transformational ingredients of blue light, star beings, otherworldly events and something called light codes just might leave you feeling very disoriented.
But what does all of this actually mean? There were many days in my life, where my eyes would have rolled into the backs of their sockets, as I disassociated when my mind tilted into overwhelm. Have you ever heard the term, “When the student is ready, the teacher will come”? Maybe the Blue Light is awakening our own inner teacher so that we can learn to trust the answers from the best teacher of all, our own spirit. Or maybe when the teacher is ready the student will come? Is your inner teacher awakening so that you can teach others a lighter way of living?

You see, I teach psychic/intuitive development and have done so for over 20 years, working with thousands of students. A sudden psychic breakthrough in the early 90s left me learning to cope with the literal fact that a spiritual world truly does exist. I never went looking for it, never desired it, and only wished for a normal life and a normal family. I can imagine that you too wish for a simpler, easier, calm way of life. What I can say without a glimmer of doubt, when I allow the wisdom and insight of my own soul in all matters of my life, my life is simpler, easier, and filled with calm more often than not.
Back then, in 2017, when I was first visited by the Blue Celestial Star Beings, my first thought was “Oh great, now what?” I know that must sound very irreverent, but I have a history with the spirit world showing up at odd times in my life and it only meant one thing, that my life was about to change…again.

The blue light surges came and went (quietly) through 2019 and 2021 with only a handful of people around me, knowing and participating during it.
We definitely noticed a deeper sense of inner calm, and peace, and less reactiveness to those things that would have normally triggered us. That inner essence of peace at the core has remained. This does not mean that ‘human fit throwing’ is off the table. It simply means that it becomes easier to return to the center than it did before. So here we are now in 2023, with the largest, most time-sustaining blue light surge to shift our evolutionary direction. It might be fringe thinking, but hey, I can do fringe if it means a more light-minded, light-hearted way of living within a unified community.

Cracking the code of consciousness is not anything you need to do. You may feel that you are in kindergarten when it comes to understanding the outer limits of our evolutionary awakening. But you are naturally progressing to an understanding with greater ease along the way. You may feel you are already at a doctorate level of have a spiritual perspective. But wait, there is always more celestial knowledge than you may realize. What I have learned from starting in kindergarten, and making my way up to doctorate understanding is ‘everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten’! Play well with others, love kindness, be inclusive, snack and nap when needed, and experience joy in everything you learn. What is your true nature? This is what the blue streams of consciousness help us to remember. The Blue Light and Whales blog post is here.

What are we all awakening to? You are awakening to all your natural born Divine source-given gifts.
Psychic exchange of information is the ability to allow the breath of your soul to breathe with the breath of another’s soul. Intuitive ability is simply moving ‘In Tu It’, into yourself, the deeper aspects of yourself where your soul and body reside in harmony with each other. This is what the blue light frequency helps us all to do. The blue light is pure knowledge of the highest form. I often refer to God, has the highest of high supreme wisdom, available to us, through our spirit/soul’s ability to convey that knowledge through our intuition and inner voice. Over the last 6 months spirit has reminded me that we are standing at the precipice, ready to take flight. However, we can only take flight by taking the light of our own soul aligned with the creator with us. Have you forgotten how to do that? Do you feel as if you have lost your spiritual instruction manual? Spirit constantly reminds us that if we just take a few minutes a day to close our eyes, then our spirit can teach us. Just close your eyes and allow the wisdom of your own spirit to help you remember your own incredible light.

This link will lead you to read more about the significant events we will be guiding in November 2023. You will not want to miss it. Do not hesitate to let us know if you have questions.

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13 responses to “Cracking the Code – Blue Light Awakening”

  1. I am new to your web site and blog. What were the dates of the 3 Blue Light Surges here on Earth? Thank you.

  2. thank you for your generosity and sharing this. appreciate the quiet, calm centered sense from meditation. my message was prepare self and those i know if ready for this months ‘ride’. I offered Blue LIght to those whom are open to receive via their Light BOdy.
    Blessings BEing

  3. I was privileged and honored to stand on top of the Hopi First Mesa in September with a small tour group. It was unforgettable. I am sensitive to energy and felt very light-headed as our Hopi guide was speaking up there. I’m wondering if more energy was moving in preparation for the Blue Light surge today.

    Glad I found you!

    • Hello Jenny, I have been noticing the blue light coming through strongly over the past 3-4 months to soften the earth for the surge. So I would agree with your own assessment as truth. Thank you again for writing. Nancy

  4. Hi Nancy. I am so thrilled I found you through Pam Gregory! Your guidance and the blue light really resonate with me and I am excited to get to work. I live in Ireland about a half hour from Tara. Can’t believe you were here! I would love to know more about Irelands connections and especially Tara as a landing place. Where can I find more information. Maybe there is some on your site which I am new to.
    Many thanks. Christine

    • Thank you Christine. The Hill of Tara and the surrounding areas, I believe, are in the 5th dimensional realm. This is a thin area where the high knowledge of the Tuatha De Danann can be easily accessed. There is also a strong Egyptian influence which was validated for me by an anthropologist. He shared that just a few years ago they found that the Newgrange tomb is that of a young 14 year old girl in Egyptian beads. So much to share, too much to share, but I can give you the name of the woman who hires me to lead groups there. https://www.ofarrelltours.com/

  5. Hi Nancy this morning I watched the video with Pam about the blue light coming to the planet. The question I am asking is this blue light linked to the Hopi nation as I watched another video. Oh my you just began referencing the Hopi. This summer I attended a Kryon Light conference and we drove to the Hopi nation and we were at the top of Mesa 1 and the energies were incredible. I truly was energized as we all were. Also as an aside in August I received anterior hip replacement and was incidentally my left hip! Thank you for your sharing, so very much. For many years I have crickets in both ears and have wondered if this is linked to a higher frequency. I am
    going to rewatch your videos as I am tuned in. Sending loving light.

  6. Hi Nancy, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences about Blue Light and Blue Light Beings. In a recent healing session I was told I was surrounded by tall blue beings and that they would visit me at some point. I’m very grateful for the heads up as like you I’ve had some strange spiritual experiences over the years! It’s encouraging to read more about the Blue Beings and the bigger picture of the blue light coming into earth and individuals. Thank you 😊

    • Thank you for sharing your experience with the blue celestial star beings. They have made a warm place in my heart. Nancy

  7. Hi Nancy, I only now heard your interview with the wonderful Pam Gregory and it certainly made a huge impression- all molecules to attention!!! I have much more to read about you- I am so amazed and grateful to you!! I would like to sign up as a student-follower – touching base with feels like my tribe. I started feeling star people and stars trying to communicate back in the 20 teens and in 2019 started making sculptures of the Star Beings (I am an I tuitiva artist) thank you for the love and light you bring to us all!

    • Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are on our mailing list. That way, when we open our courses to the public again, you will be notified.

  8. Had a dream last night which had me looking up megalithic structures with blue lights? I often have dreams that have lead to future events or current… Anyways, had a dream right after our lunar eclipse about a megalith that had people inside of it and a blue light throughout the cracks and this strong man’s voice,or voice of God seemed angered… Angry at everyone inside for sure…

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