Home / Blue Light Series / Chen, Hui Xian 1.4

Chen, Hui Xian 1.4

Life is Always Smiling: Stories from My Life  by Chen, Hui Xian

This is the book that I heard about that my client had shared with me when talking about China and the Blue light.  Although I never got the book until I returned from China, I wanted to share it in this order.  When I did come home from China this book was finally waiting for me.  I consumed its contents and as I read it had a deep knowing that it was important that my experience in China be raw.  

As I traveled through China and met many Taoist as well as Buddhist Masters the general answer I heard when I asked if they had any information about this blue light I was searching for was…you will be given this information when it is time for you to know it.  Each time I was gifted with a visit with a great Master, the answer was the same…you will be given this information when it is time for you to know it.  As frustrating as it was there was also a ribbon of energy that told me that I was not off track.  None of the masters were telling me that I was wrong.  None of them were telling me that they had never heard of this.  So for the time I was there I received this information as encouragement to just keep going.  

I did have preconceived ideas about China.  I had preconceived ideas about Taoist Masters and Buddhist Masters.  The largest concept that I had was that for someone to be called a master meant that they had mastered all of the structured spiritual teachings that went back for thousands of years.  As I researched Taoist Masters before leaving, I felt that my research led me to more questions than I had answers.  There seemed to be a thread of Taoism that only went so far and then only those who had achieved the highest levels of teachings would have access to the higher knowledge.  Therefore I must go to China to see the highest level Taoist Masters I could find, or spirit would find for me, so that I could go straight to them and ask the questions I was in search of about this mysterious Blue Light.  

My research before leaving began to reveal to me just how old China really was.  I began to realize that China just might hold the ancient soul of knowledge.  I found this truth as it was revealing itself to me a conflict of truths because of what I had grown up with in the news.  The concept that it was a communist country and in my naive programming still believed somewhere in the back of my mind that China was still predominantly communist.  The images we see here in the news was of Tienanmen Square, military tanks, and suppression of people.  When I recalled any memories of China they always appeared to me in black and white.  I imagined the buildings would be grey like blocks of cement, square with no windows.  I imagined the people would walk around expressionless in grey clothes and were not allowed to think for themselves.  As I deepened my search I found myself sick as I realized that I had allowed this political programming to take root in my soul and filter any truth that may try and come into my consciousness.  Yes, as a young child of the sixties I did see the news in black and white.  I was inundated with fears of communism at young influential ages, as the news played for hours in the back ground while I played with dolls.  However this history is such a small part of the thousands of years of history in China.  

As I researched deeper, I was able to see all the players in the world to include our own country of the USA.  Just like in our own country, what makes the news does not clearly show what is in the hearts of our people.  As this awareness came to the surface I began to get excited to know the hearts of those in China too!  I will write more about what was revealed to me in different post but what I want to say is when I came home, and finally read Life is Always Smiling by Chen, Hui Xian who was able to pull all the pieces of history together for me in such a beautiful way.  I highly recommend this book as an enriching enlightening read and she mentions the blue light!

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