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Blue Light Telepathy

Blue Light Telepathy is the same as regular telepathy but has the capacity to communicate with even higher frequencies in the spirit world. Star Beings can come through as sound, but when you develop your telepathic channels you will have the ability to send and recieve clear messages from them. This enhanced upgrade model of telepathy is coming through bringing new abilities. Spiral Waves of blue started swirling just after the Spring Equinox Event that included Pluto moving into the sign of Aquarius. These loops of blue are doing a deep dive from the Star Sequence of Orion’s Belt all the way to the Blue crystals at the center of the earth and back out to the star system again. There is a harmonious balance being created, with the purpose of harmonizing everything on the earth, especially human relationships, and communities.

This time last year, a group of us were in Ireland. We had been guided to do a ceremony together to clear the energy blocks between the upper and lower worlds so that the energy could flow seamlessly between the two. We were surprised to experience a blue spiral of light coming from the stars, down through a portal and into the earth. Yet, we were even more surprised at just how high the frequency went, and before we knew it chaos surrounded us the next several days afterwards. Now here we are a year later, on the 1 year anniversary of our trip and even more spirals of blue light are ascending and descending between the stars and the earth.

You might just be feeling a bit lost if this is your first time following the story of the Blue Light Movement. The story begins with a star being visit in 2017 which led to a trip to China to meet with Taoist Masters. Soon I was overcome with a prophetic vision telling a story of blue light surges that will awaken consciousness. Visit, my blog post on the subject to learn more which will place you on the very first blog post where I wrote about it. There was a large surge in 2019, then again in 2021 and now we can expect the 3rd and potentially final one in November of 2023. There will be 3 surges in sequence as well in the Southwest, around the Hopi land area, where the 3 Mesas are located. Remember the 3 Mesa’s are aligned with Orions Belt. Sirius A & B. The Star Beings (Sirians) hold great hope for our future as we are reconnected to our ancestors from the Stars. Read the Orion Zone to learn more about the alignment between Hopi Land Mesas and Orion’s belt. https://www.amazon.com/Orion-Zone-Ancient-American-Southwest/dp/1931882657

It is time to declutter our earth, our homes, our mind especially if you truly wish to have the greater clarity that you seek. The Blue star celestials so wish they could do the “heavy lifting” for us and just wash away our troubles. The Blue Celestials are sending hope filled encouragement, to continue to reach deep for our strengths that have been buried under our feelings of smallness. These messengers from the stars know what we are capable of more than we may know for ourselves. They know humanities destructive qualities as well as our qualities of goodness, and according to their messages, they watch to make sure our destructive side does not destroy the goodness.

The Blue Celestials wish for us to know that yes, there are many star beings in our galaxies that are truly invested in our success. At the higher frequencies, higher dimensions, from outer space, we can look like a planet or a star just like we see in the great night sky. But just like our planets go through a movement of influence, have you ever thought about how planet earth is influencing them? Have you ever really thought of the science of gravity? Do you ever sit with the miracle of walking out your front door with solid strong steps that remain on earth? Everything stays in its place because earth’s gravity is holding it there. Think of plants and trees and their root system. How do the roots know to grown downward? In many ways they see our earthly influence, as the creative force of great potential. We can only have this strong of a creative force with the strong magnetic core with its strong gravitational pull. Wikipedia description of Gravity of Earth is worth the read.

Think of earth as a metal pipe that contracts and expands with the cold and the heat. This is what earth is doing right now. Taking the humanity equation out of it, the earth is simply contracting and expanding. Maybe you can think of it as global warming, but the star beings see it as expansion, and contraction. Each time it expands more, contracts less. This strong magnetic pull of gravity, helps all the planets hold their place. This is why there are so many other star cultures that watch what is happening here. Again, they are invested in the outcome not just for earth but also for the galaxy and universe.

The blue spirals of light contain light codes of information. These unseen lights of high-level knowledge are similar to quartz crystal that can store trillions of bits of data. Coin size hair thin quartz can store up to 360 Terabytes of information for potentially 13 billion years. What? My mind was blown as the star beings were describing the significance of light codes. So if you believe that this concept could be possible then you are being activated, with the potential of billions of great intellectual concepts. I am then further told their information is only possible at this time because we are expanding and we can ground our expansion, bringing the high-level knowledge into the earthly plane. Basically, they are providing us the spiritual/intellectual tools to design things on earth to assist us. Think of it as the great treasure hunt, like searching for the Ark of the Covenant. When your mind can make a new discovery that you can share with the world. According to the Blue beings of celestial light, the ‘blue Spirals’ are able to come further down into the earth now because the gravitational pull in the expanded earth is able to pull it in further. Within those spirals are star codes, and the more you can develop, practice, and play with your telepathy, the greater chance you have of hearing this higher information.

I asked the Blue ones what is the difference between regular telepathy and the blue light telepathy? The blue beings of light share that this time is enhancing our telepathic channels to communicate easier mind to mind with other humans and other multidimensional beings. They shared that the telepathic channels are the same, and regularly are silver, gold in frequency but at this time of our evolution, it is time for another level of frequency. Adding the Blue frequency activates your ability to communicate at higher sound frequencies such as the Angelic Realm, or Celestial Star Beings. They went further to say that regular telepathy shared between 2 humans can come through as the language they speak normally. Telepathy can translate languages as well. So, if a spirit speaks German and you speak English, the telepathy translates what is being said in German into English. Blue telepathy is a much higher pitch of sound, like whales and dolphins. Again, this frequency of high sounds can be translated into English. Are you ready to open to your own gifts of telepathy?

My clairvoyant sight shows up as your entire aura contains telepathic filaments (very tiny whisps of texture). However, around your head are the location of the larger telepathic channels. When I look at someone’s aura who uses their telepathic channels often, then the circumference is about the size of a dime. If you are someone who does not use telepathy at all, then the channels can be more like the size of a thin copper wire. These branch like channels, are located all the way around your head. In the Front off your forehead area, off each side of your head/skull and up the back of your head. There are larger telepathic channels that come off the base of the skull in the back area. You will want to clear them off with golden healing energy at least once a week.

Humanity is gradually enhancing the ability to communicate telepathically. Mental telepathy is not a new ability, in fact, being able to communicate telepathically is all a part of our human package when we are born. Spirit asked me, have you ever purchased a new car, that has all the new bells and whistles, heated steering wheel, seats, navigation system and parallel parking abilities? Then you drive it for years, but never use all the extra tricked out things that come with the car? Yep, I can totally relate to this because I had a car for 3 years and then one day I wondered what this ‘button’ does, only to find out that I had a heated steering wheel and never knew it. Having telepathic channels are a part of your human package, but you are now ready to activate them to further develop yourself.

About 6 years ago, there was a big concern over all the young people texting each other and using a code language. Instead of typing the word ‘you’ the text would simply be ‘U’. Or text multiple initials that was an abbreviation for words, such as ‘OMG’ to mean oh, my God (goodness)! When I asked spirit about how all this texting back and forth might impact our ability to communicate the answer that came back really shocked me. Spirit said, the world is developing their telepathic channels so as they text back and forth, the more expanded version of the communication comes through their telepathic channels. I found this fascinating when considering texting as an issue to be concerned about is actually a method to enhance greater communication from mind to mind.

The Blue Celestials are celebrating us as we embrace the new and improved verson of our living earth and all that is a part of it. The blue celestials enthusiasm is here to remind us to not lose sight of hope for a better world because it is right around the corner. In celestial years that is, because in our 3D realm we still live within a time frame, where in their realm there is no time, no space. Be in the moment, deal with issues in this moment, steer away from critism and judgement as you ride the waves of change.

2 responses to “Blue Light Telepathy”

  1. This gives me hope. With all the political divisiveness going on in the US I feel some concern about what’s happening. It seems that people are so self centered and violent. But now I know everything will be fine. I think I always knew that. I just needed a reminder that good always prevails.

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