We left Seattle, Washington, USA for Beijing, China on August 28th, 2017. We were a group of six women, and of the six, three spoke Chinese. Yvonne and I have traveled a lot in our lives and most everywhere we have gone there are people around who speak English. We also can find maps in English, and many signs on businesses will have the name of the business in their local language and in English. China is like an island and in its own world. All signs, and maps are in Chinese and very few people will speak English and we most certainly could not speak or understand Chinese. We also learned quickly that China has a population, as of June 11, 2018, of 1,414,732,801 people. We here in the United States have 323.4 million people. This means that China has 1,091,332,801 more people than we do here in the US. That is a lot of people! Therefore everything is big in China to accommodate their large population and have a high level of efficiency in everything that they do to move millions of people from one place to another many times a day.
We arrived in Beijing, China the home of the Forbidden City and outside the city is the one of the Great Walls of China (of which there are many across the country). We settled into our more western hotel, showered and gathered to meet with our Tour Guide to begin site seeing the very next morning. I remember that first day we decided to forgo the tour bus for just the six of us. We thought we would love to walk and over the next couple of weeks we learned to take every opportunity to ride because we did a lot of walking! Beijing is enormous and its history can be seen everywhere. The skies were blue, and the air was clear. The good air quality remained true for us the entire trip.
As a clairvoyant intuitive healer, there was a sense of peace for me here in China. I experienced this deep ancient history beneath my feet with each step I walked. Definitely the minority in this country as a white western american woman, but I felt at home here and was greeted with smiles and hospitality. I had so wished that I could speak the language and did not have to depend on our friends and tour guide so much because I had so many curious questions. There was a pink bright light around most of the people in Beijing. A few had dark green, and some auras were blue, but for the most their auras were pink. When I asked spirit the reason, I was told it was because they cultivate a deep peace in their hearts.
We visited; The Forbidden city, Tain’anmen square, Beihai Park, The Great Wall, The Ming Tomb, The temple of Heaven Park, The Summer Palace and Badachu Park in a 3 days. We were not learning quick enough just how much the Chinese remain in constant motion filled with activities. Early mornings the parks were filled with people doing Qi gong and in the evenings dancing. There were tables and benches even on the sidewalks where Mahjong, and other games. Socializing, laughter and warm greetings remained a theme throughout our trip. This did not match with what I had been told back home. The exchanges seemed very genuine and sincere, not staged as had been implied. However what I know about myself is I tend to give people benefit of truth and not doubt their intentions. Therefore I relied more on my clairvoyance as truth. Energy fields do not lie so I knew I could trust that.
My clairvoyant impressions of each place;
Tain’anmen square in front of the Forbidden City – bright gold light came up from the ground as well as golden light down from the sky over both places. There was a cloudy place almost sandwiched in between, a place that holds the remains of old energetic conflict. The amount of gold radiance conflicted with what I had been taught. I was then shown that beginning in the 1940’s up until 1990’s the black cloud of conflict had been thick obscuring any light. I was then shown spiritually that the events that happened in 1989 shifted this immovable cloud and the energy began to move in a healing direction. This helped me to understand that 30 years healing prayers have assisted the golden light to return to this area.
The Great Wall – We visited the most frequently visited part of the wall just outside of Beijing. It was in the mountains, and with clairvoyant sight was a very strong dark green color. There was a fortress of thick glass type energy around the wall area that projected an intense energy. As we moved quickly into the lines of people, we were swept up in a fast moving sea of activity, from escalators to elevators as we were rushed along to this famous site. Even with the crowds, there was a profound sense of awe at the magnificence of this undertaking. The crowds were laughing, patient, helpful, and respectful. This dark green inspired energetic movement and intention.
Beihai Park – We were pretty tired after a long day of site seeing and I only had eyes for my bed. My friend Alice convinced me to make a quick stop at the Beihai Park for a refreshing walk near the water and then we could go to the hotel. As soon as I entered this park time seemed to change. Even now as I write about it there is a feeling as if there is a time warp into another dimension. The clairvoyant colors were like shimmering rainbows. Lotus flowers were abundantly in bloom on the lake. So many beautiful temples dedicated to Buddhism and located in the distance was a Tibetan Stupa built for the 5th Dalai Lama in 1651. My mind was so confused as I was told in the past that China was not a spiritual or religious country. The colors bursting everywhere lifted my soul and the energetic breath awakened me again. I could have spent hours here but things move fast in China and tomorrow was going to be another big day.
The Temple or Alter of Heaven – This was one of the highlights of my entire trip. We had already traveled to the Ming Tomb in the morning had an amazing meal of dumplings for lunch and made our way here in the afternoon. Again, it was one of those days filled with activity and the long walk in seemed heavy on my legs. Once we entered the gates the energy dramatically shifted, we felt lighter, playful, laughing and in awe. This area felt so different than the other areas. Was it Buddhist? Was it Taoist? It was very different because there were raised circular areas that represented the four directions. The stones were perfectly laid out in a sacred geometric fashion. The design was to pay respect to the alignments of the solstice. This was another time where I wished I could speak Chinese to better ask the many questions I had. Since then I have learned that this temple was replicated 650 years ago from a Temple of Heaven in Xian, which will have much more significance in a later writing when we visit Xian. This temple was dedicated to the spiritual practice of honoring Shang Di the God of Heaven, the oldest spiritual religious practice in China. This area was colorless like a diamond. It had a sparkling radiance like a diamond where the light reflected differently depending on where I would stand. I would focus my clairvoyant site in one particular area only to have it shift before my eyes. It was as if I was being shown images that would shift rapidly to another image and I could never grab a hold of any single one. I continued to hear the words, ancient ones, ancient ones and then our group would head off quickly to another part of the large grounds and I would be running to catch up. In one particular part of the alter, their is a spot in the center where we could stand. It was an enormous power point to directly send your prayers to Shang Di (God). The power was so great that I think we each experienced a little dizziness standing there. We definitely could not deny there was a power point on that spot. Something shifted for me here. I wished I could have stayed longer, but in all honestly, the frequency was so high that it was probably best that I just kept moving on to the next adventure.
Badachu Park – Is an mountain where eight different Buddhist monasteries are located. It is considered a very sacred mountain. This area was deeply grounding. Red orange hues of light pulled me down into my body. I felt the sacredness of this place envelope my entire being. This was the first place where I purchased incense to carry my prayers to the heavens and ribbons to write my prayers on to tie to trees to allow the wind to carry my prayers. This site although ancient was more than a tourist area. It was definitely a journey for pilgrams to offer prayers of things hoped for and gratitude for desires fulfilled. I felt wrapped in worship here. The ancestors and deities of the land here were extremely active. I could hear many voices talking to me at once. This is the place where I first felt a strong presence of Quan Yin. I had not ever felt Quan Yin’s presence before. Inside a stone cave like structure was an alter dedicated to her and her essence was palpable.
Just watching these few video clips of our first 3 days here in Beijing China, I know you can begin to know just how special this trip was going to be for us. This was just the beginning and we were open to all the spirit had to show us knowing that each one of these steps would lead us to knowing why we must come to China in Search of the Blue light.