Three days ago, I was sitting after a long day, when I experienced a high pitched ringing in my ears. I have come to know this ringing in my ears as a change in frequency in the spirit world that tells me the spirit world has shifted into a higher level of activity.
In many ways, this can be like sitting in your house and hearing the cars pick up speed outside on the street. You would not normally get up from your chair to look out the window. You would simply know that a car is shifting into higher gear of speed as it is heading towards its destination. In other words, nothing to get too excited about.
However, in the past, I have also heard this ringing so loud in my ears that I would compare it to a jet engine landing in my yard. Now that loud of a ringing would cause me to jump up and look out the window to see what is making that sound. In those cases, I have grown to know, stand up and rapidly pay attention, something is coming, and I need to be on high alert. I have only experienced this loud “jet engine” sound a few times in my life and each time, it has hearkened a pretty significant event that has manifested very rapidly.
This time, it was a very high pitch, higher than normal, to where I grabbed my head and plugged my ears while shaking my head. Yet, I felt a calm come over my body at the same time. The shrill sound remained high until I said telepathically, “Is there someone here that wants to say something to me?” Once I said this, the tone of the sound changed and calmed. So I put down the book I was reading, sat up, put my feet on the floor so that I could ground myself, and then telepathically sent out another message to indicate that I was ready for the message.
The room filled with “Blue Light”. Then once the room became full blue, the celestial beings of blue light entered and gathered around me. They thanked me for hearing their call, and responding. I adjusted my 5th chakra (communication chakra) to attune to their higher frequency, similar to turning a dial on the radio to tune into a station more clearly.
Once I was attuned, they came in loud and clear. These beings of blue light asked if I would be willing to write another blog regarding the blue light movement. I said yes, mostly because I know that resistance is futile, laughing, but also remembering that I had made a spiritual agreement to communicate their messages. Their timing may not always be my timing, but I trust that the timing is always perfect at a divine level. They asked if I could time their message within 3 days of their request. Today is day 3.
Message; November 19th, 2019 will be the day, a Celestial Blue Column of light will come through many dimensions to the earth dimension to infuse the earth with a new frequency, adding to the frequency that we currently live in. This frequency will not harm us in any way, but will add to all that we already are. The Blue light beings describe it as simple as getting your hair cut and feeling a bit better about yourself. You are the same person before the haircut as you were after the haircut, but you just feel a bit more refreshed.
This Celestial Blue Column of Light, has a frequency that cuts through illusion, to reveal truth. It is that simple. It will cut through lies, revealing truth, it will cut through corruption, revealing truth, it will cut through insecurities, revealing confidence, it will cut through sadness to reveal joy, it will cut through anything that is not in alignment with the truth of your soul on all levels, to uncover your brilliance!
For many of you, this is a time in our awakening, that we have been waiting a long time for. For others, it will awaken you to a new level of how you see yourself and the world. In many ways it will be like a celebration of our soul’s light. An expansiveness that will feel like standing on a mountain top on a warm days, with crisp clean air, and when we take a deep breath of mountain air, it will be like our lungs can expand forever!
There are many called to activate the blue crystals at the core of the earth and you will either already know who you are, or will know in the upcoming weeks. There are others who know that it is your calling to help clear the corruption off of the “Blue Light Grid” that encompasses the earth and have been provided the information on how to do that. Then there are those who have not received any information at all and are called to add to this shift in your own way whether it is with love, kindness, or earthly grounding.
Mari Beckman, mentioned that she was guided to work with Rose Quartz crystal and the frequency of love and that somehow this rose quartz in harmony with the blue light would facilitate the shift on earth. I could feel the truth of what she was saying, although it was not information that is my path to reveal. So each of you will know your own role in the changes we will see.
This Blue Light Movement is again not the first time infusing on the earth and it will not be the last. This blue light surge only has come to our consciousness at this time because we are now in an awakened state that will allow us to know of its existence. Therefore on November 19, 2019 this surge will be first experienced in Xian China, where there is a pyramid of high importance to super charge the blue light as it rolls through the entire earth. The next scheduled surge will be in Mexico City in 2021. Then again, elsewhere (location has not been revealed yet), in 2023 and then in 2025. Each time a Blue Light surge comes to bring greater clarity, our human consciousness expands a bit more.
The Blue Beings of light are so grateful of our participation and for me personally I am uplifted by the celebration I can feel in the spirit world. We, as spiritual workers, have been fatigued over the past few years and this new freshness is blowing wind in our sails, to ease our journey. I am told, each one of us will know our role, if we sit in the silence of spirit and listen.
In learning about blogs, the more comments posted to a blog, the more the “google” search moves it to the top of the search engine. This request is not to bring greater attention to this blog, but so that others who are having similar experiences or need to hear about the blue light, will have an easier time finding it. In many ways this is how some of you will contribute. Besides, I love hearing your insights.
With great love and blue clarity!
46 responses to “Blue Frequency 2.4”
Can’t wait, thank you for the update!
Thank you TJ for posting here. I have many updates. They seem to be accelerating as each day moves closer to November 19th, 2019. Thank you for following along. Warmly, Nancy
Thank you for this! Nancy, do you plan to go to China on Nov. 19th?
Hello Rachel,
No, I will not be in China, which will be the subject of my next blog post. I will however be in South Africa. I too found this very confusing and have spent many meditations speaking to my ancestors about the choice of location. I now know, my location is perfect by design. I will write more about it later. Warmly, Nancy
Thanks for listening to your call Nancy, sharing your experience, and including the audio links. I started hearing the high pitch in my left ear before I even pressed start! Looking forward to meditation time to go deep. Makhos!
Thank you Maggie. I would be interested to hear what types of dreams you have around this also. Since you are such a powerful dreamer. Much love, Nancy
Thank you for sharing information about the blue light ! I’m very excited for November.
Hello Gina… long time friend who encourages me to go further than I believe is possible. I am curious to know of your own experiences with the blue light meditation. Much love, Nancy
I too hear great ringing in my ears. Much more than usual. I will sit and ask if someone has something to tell me as well.
On another note, my frequency is running much higher. I feel it and can deeply sense the great changes that are happening around me.
Hello Susan,
I would love to read and hear any further insights you gain from tuning into the higher frequencies of communication. This will further develop your telepathy as well. Yes, I too can feel deep changes within my own energetic container of the aura and chakras, enabling a higher alignment with my soul. We can use all the additional help we can right now. Thank you for posting. Much love, Nancy
Thank you for relaying this message Nancy. I find that the blue light energy is permeating what I feel and see around me and it is coming quicker and quicker all the time. It has a different but very calm feel to it….I am excited to receive and help others understand what is happening. I look forward to hearing more ……
Thank you Laura. Since the beginning, I find the blue light meditation really cuts through the thick dense challenges held in the human energy field. Some days are lighter and other days extremely dense. I am grateful for the opportunity to clear my own field with the blue light meditation ahead of the larger shift November 19th, 2019. I so appreciate the time you took to post your own thoughts. Sincerely, Nancy
This is all resonating so strongly! Thanks for all you are doing. And thank you for bringing the blue light group together.
You are so welcome Liz. I simple put pen to paper, it is the celestial beings that bring us all together. We can all be listening now, as our telepathic channels begin to open to greater communication with the spirit realms. Blessings to greater truth. Nancy
Thank you Nancy, I am ready for the new energy, this is very exciting. I also loved the Light body activation video. Felt like I was in the clouds, loved the Angels chanting. Love and hugs.
Thank you Inge. In this time of great change on the earth, taking the time to connect with our own soul is vital to keeping ourselves centered and as I always say…..keeps my head on straight, laughing! So happy to know you are in the river of life with me. Sincerely, Nancy
Thanks for keeping us posted, Nancy. This is so very exciting.
The activation music as well as the 5th chakra music are each very powerful in their own way. Thanks for these, as well.
Thank you Brenda. Searching for examples of what I experience in the spiritual realm to better explain what those experiences are like can be challenging. I did find both of these video examples pretty close and also found them powerful in their own way. Much love, Nancy
Thank you so much for letting us know how we can help. I’ve been working on the grid and will continue.
Thank you Phyllis for the work you are already doing on the grid of the earth. I would love to read more as you gain wisdom and insights. Makhos!
When working with the Blue Light I also work with 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional unconditional love and compassion. Bringing it in to help me balance and clear but also sending it out to all being.
What a beautiful thought…to work with the multidimensional qualities of the blue light to offer love and compassion to all. Makhos! Nancy
Very comforting and grounding. Brings me to a place of space and timelessness.
Thank you Ann. I too can feel the timelessness as well as being well grounded in this moment when I meditate with the blue light. Nancy
What is a light body and what does it mean?
Hello Shelly,
I suggest that you ask that question in the google search engine. There is a potential of millions of answers and suggest aligning with the explanation that most aligns with your truth. The simple answer is, our energy field that is lighter than our physical body. We can see the body because it is denser in energy. Only some people can see the light body using clairvoyance. The light body can get heavy from holding on to old patterns, emotions and life experiences, so healing the light body is more about simply letting go and living in the moment. That is as simple as I can make it……those who work at advanced levels can use more complex approaches to healing the light body when it is needed. However, it all comes down to your ability to let go of the past. Hope that helps your journey. Sincerely, Nancy
Thank you, Nancy, for new insights into the blue light.
Thank you Analee for following along and posting as well. And, thank you for the pictures of Crater Lake. The blue is stunning. Much love, Nancy
Thank you Analee for your continued interest in this blue light awakening process. I would appreciate hearing and reading your own experiences with the Blue Light Meditations. Much love, Nancy
Thank you for writing about this and your experiences on this path. I look forward to learning about my role moving forward.
Thank you Kathleen. There definitely is a quickening around this information. I hope to honor the accuracy of the information coming through my human interpretation. Much love, Nancy
Hello Kathleen,
It is a very interesting unfolding of blue light and the movement it inspires in us all. Thank you for taking the time to write. Sincerely, Nancy
Thanks for this, Nancy. Interestingly, on Nov 19th, Mars will move into Scorpio, beginning a close opposition with Uranus in Taurus that will last till the end of the month. I see it as a time of diving deep into dark waters to reveal what has been hidden, shaking loose what is true, illuminating anything that has has been causing disruption so we can see whether it is truly revolutionary or just causing chaos. So cutting through lies, incorruption, insecurity, and revealing truth resonates with me!
Hello Rebekah,
I really love this astrological insight that really seems to align with the date of the blue light. The Shamans (Sangomas) in South Africa are already preparing for our groups arrival on November 14th to prepare for our ceremony on November 19th. I have since learned that the celestial star beings arrived on the earth, in the are of South Africa 75,000 years ago (I could be wrong about the time frame), but before the continent of Africa and South America split into two. I will write more about that in another blog soon. There are so many synchronistic events aligning, my head is spinning from it all. I will be sharing this with my friends in SA as well as asking you to write more about this for my blog. Thanks again for your contribution! Much love, Nancy
I’m So Grateful to Nancy Rebecca and the Celestial Beings of the Blue Light!!! To BE a part of this movement is humbling and exhilarating!!! I’m honored to do my part!!! I’m inviting, intending and allowing benevolent spiritual guidance from the Celestial Beings of the Blue Light!!! Namaste’
Thank you so much Donna. I love being in the river of life with you in general. I would love to read anything that you may pick up when meditating with the blue light. Please keep me posted. Much love, Nancy
Oh My! Yippee! Isn’t All this Beyond Grand!??
Ive definitely been going Deeper…Connecting the dots in what is being revealed. (Kinda new for me?)
One example, is a Guardian of my land coming forward about the reciprocal role of this place on earth healing me, and I am healing it. Knowing I am to learn more about crystals and minerals and bring them on to my land and into my home. Including Lapis! Duh! Embracing each Day. And Deep Gratitude to you Nancy, Friends, and celestial Beings of Blue Light!
Hello Claudia,
I love reading that you are doing your part to uplift and heal by focusing on your own property. It sounds as if you are being called by spirit to move to another level in listening to spiritual guidance and taking action. Inspiring! Nancy
When ever I see the blue light I also see a crystalline DNA spiral. It is interesting to note that at times the beings come in down a huge DNA spiral of shining light. Thanks for the blog post and cannot wait for Nov 19th!!
Thank you Kelly. I find it interesting that you see this as a DNA spiral. I have heard this before but personally have not experienced this….yet. Each day is a surprise with the blue light. Currently, I am experiencing feline energy. This may also be the Lions Gate as well. Thank you again for taking time to post. Much love, Nancy
Oh Nancy, this is all super exciting and while I haven’t heard a particular calling, I will for sure send support in any and every way that I can. Thanks for being the transmitter of this message!
Thank you Rebecca. Remember, under our products button on our website, under free downloads, you can find the guided blue light meditations. I would be interested to know your experience with it. Much love, Nancy
Thanks for posting this again today Nancy. I was sitting in a column of blue light today in meditation, and then had a visit from tall blue beings. Great to read this after the meditation.
The Blue Light Beings do have lovely energy don’t they? I would love to know if you receive any wisdom from them. Sincerely, Nancy
Thank you very much for your post ! I felt the “call” early this year! Spirit took me to your site looking for information about the blue light ! It happens when I meditate about strength the day my pet passed on June 20th 2020 , that day I listened the blue light meditation offer for you and it was amazing. Like thousands of blue Arrows filled my entire being! I keep seeing on my sunset pictures (I live by the ocean) a blue energy all the time! Feeling protected and blessed to be part of the change!
What a wonderful experience, thank you for sharing it with me. Sincerely, Nancy