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Draw Upon the Blue Earth Energy

We are taking our bodies with us!

Drawing upon the blue earth energy helps you to feel much more alive and in synchronization with the entire universe. Just look at Earth’s orbit, the magnetic pull that moves in harmony with gravity; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Then include Pluto, dozens of moons, millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids and we have a harmonious dance in a delicate balance.

The blue earth has a frequency that allows a more fluid movement of change that is less jarring. I know many of you know the more jarring types of change that unsettle our bodies and our lives. I refer to this jarring type of movement as that of a jackhammer approach to change.

The blue light is gentler, supportive, encouraging, clean, and clear. It helps us to feel fresh, awake, and aware. When meditating with the blue light this morning, the celestial beings came in and asked that I emphasize the importance of the earth’s energy.

You can download the Free Blue Light Meditation where I voice guide you through grounding, channeling the blue earth energy and then the blue cosmic energy. The celestial beings asked that we focus more between now (July) and September on enhancing the strength of the blue earth energy. Click here to download Blue Light meditations.

When I first began meditating with the blue energy, I was guided to ground deeply to the core of the earth. Then I was guided to tap into a deep broad vein of lapis. I was guided to draw upon the lapis deep in the earth and infuse my legs and body with the blue lapis energy. I tried different viscosity of earth energies.

  • Thin Blue Water Earth Energy – Try this one first. Imagine a liquid blue warmed by the earth, flowing up through the bottom of your feet through the chakras in the feet located in the arch of each foot. Imagine the warm blue liquid light flowing slowly through the feet, ankles, lower legs, knees, upper thighs, hips, and fill the pelvis. Fill the pelvis up to the navel or higher if that is more comfortable for you. As the pressure of energy fills your pelvis, increase the strength of your grounding, to coax the blue earth energy to cascade back down your main grounding channel. Sit with this circuit of blue earth energy for as long as you can. Blocked energy in your legs and pelvis will begin to dissolve, creating more room for more blue earth energy.
  • Honey-thick Blue Earth Energy – Follow the same exact instructions as above but with a little thicker blue earth energy. It will move slower but has greater detoxing properties. If it is too thick for you, simply shift back to the thinner blue earth energy.
  • Clay-thick Blue Earth Energy – I imagine Blue Lapis crushed like a powder, mixed with thin blue earth energy to create a thick clay-like substance. Follow the same instructions as above but this time try the clay thick warm blue earth energy to travel up the legs, into the pelvis, and cascade it back down the grounding. This really thick earth energy is even more detoxing. It can feel like a deep but gentle pull down into your body as it dissolves blocked energy in the legs. Again, if the thickness is too intense, just thin it out until your energy field has adapted to it, then thicken it when you are ready to detox more.

Once you have fairly mastered different consistencies of earth energy, then move your intuitive awareness to look at the area between the bottom of your feet and the core of the earth. Imagine flooding this area with blue earth energy to clear any blocked and stuck energy between you and your connection with the earth.

The more you can clear your own connections with the earth the more you will be able to take in the Blue Celestial light.

Please share this blog, the Free Blue Light meditation, and the Blue Light Movement FaceBook page with everyone you know.

The Blue Earth Energy aligned with the blue crystals at the core of the earth has a radiance that uplifts the consciousness of humanity.

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