Home / Blue Light Series / Blue Celestial Light 1.9

Blue Celestial Light 1.9

Blue Light Movement

This journey began in 2017 when tall columns of blue light appeared in my meditation room. I was engulfed in this blue light that saturated my energy field. The columns of blue light were almost blinding but as I grounded strongly into the vibration of this blue frequency, I could begin to see shapes and forms of people, blue people, that were not from this planet. At least I did not think they were from this planet.

They had one message; “You must go to China now, in search of the Blue Light!” No one in their right mind would take action on such an experience but I have been in this position before where spiritual beings have come in to deliver a message. Although I have a career talking to spirits, this particular events do not come often. An event where the room I am in fills with spiritual beings to make a full impression on me and then one single message is delivered that shakes me to my bones. The first time this happened, it was when I was told to sell everything and become portable. I found this message challenging because what was being asked of me was enormous. My kids were still young adults, I had my work, and my family. After 3 years, of repeated visits, I did eventually sell everything, and moved to South Africa for a year and proceeded to travel and teach for a total of 5 years.

The second large event happened in 2014 when I was visited by a room full of Sangoma spirits and ancestors. I was told that I must go to South Africa to be initiated as a full Sangoma and trained in the ancient tradition of Bones Divination. I again, challenged the visit and the request because I was a white woman from the USA, and could not understand the significance of why I was being asked to do this. Eventually, I began my training over 3 years. I am now a full fledged Sangoma (traditional medicine woman) and offer Bones divination as well as teach others the importance of including their ancestors in their prayers and meditations.

So this third time, the room filled with blue celestial beings, I knew not to argue or challenge the message. That same year, I did visit China for a month and had the vision I had gone in search of.

Now, the messages are coming almost daily, with an urgent frequency and I am left wondering what more I can do? I have created this blog, the Blue Light Facebook page and professionally recorded two free meditations to assist people to adapt their frequency to the blue light.

I have been given a clear date of when the blue column of light will come to earth in 2019. That date is November 19th, 2019. I am only told that there is nothing else we as a global community need to do to prepare for this ascendance in vibration and frequency other than to meditate using the color of Blue Lapis.

I am told to not only infuse our own energy field with this blue light, but infuse our homes, neighborhoods, work environments, our city, state, and country in the blue light. Use your intuitive instincts on how to do this.

This particular blue frequency dissolves all ego based blocks in our energy fields. Ego being anything that is not for our highest good. Ego meaning anything that blocks us from being our most authentic self. We do not have to imagine what our authentic self might look like or behave like, just simply allow the blue frequency to dissolve what is not authentic and your truest self will emerge from its hidden place under layers of protection and defenses. Our ego has served us to survive in life. Now it is time to shed it!

Many, have shared they are afraid of what will happen when the blue light comes to earth. I was not aware that this story might frighten people. I want to assure you that this blue light has been coming to earth for many years already. I am told the some of the first surges came in 1920. I am told that several times a year we have all already experienced this blue light in its more gentle forms. When we have experienced this blue frequency in the past, it has inspired “Aha moments”, moving changes; moving houses, locations or relationships. As well as sparked individuals to follow their own “calling”.

We are ready for this new larger surge, we are all ready for it. Some of us will be allowing it consciously and others experiencing it unconsciously but in both cases, our higher self will be the one coordinating our own unique awakening from it.

Remember, we are all in this together!

6 responses to “Blue Celestial Light 1.9”

  1. I am a supra celestial being an I am looking for others who are like me I am not sure where I look can u hel

    • Hello Robin, We are all in the right place that our higher spirit self guides us. Allow yourself to keep following your guidance. Thank you so much for following my blog and commenting. Nancy Rebecca

  2. This year my husband and I were in sicilly. We had to get off a cruise ship to go to a hsoptal which i flet like held us hostage. He kept telling me that there was a gld horse outside his window and truthfully the view outside his hospital room was magnificence. On the morning of January 28, I was awakne out of my sleep buy the most birghtest light suroounded the entire room. It was like I was also watching myslef surrounded by this light. Well it came to me that my husband was tnstitonting which was true. I feel like we were so connected that he took me on the first steps with him as the next hours were all like an out of body expereicnes or he had ascended to being an angel. I not quite define it yet. What do you think?

    • Hello Helen, What a lovely beautiful story and experience. Although I think you are describing that your husband passed over….and that you experienced the other dimensions as he did. I was a Hospice Nurse and sat in the room with many individuals and their families as they crossed over. Yes, I often saw Angels come in, to escort the souls to heaven. The angels have a very high vibration so that the spirit can easily leave the body. You were able to experience this. Such a gift that you can always remember the beautiful energy that your husband is in now. Thank you again for taking the time to write. Sincerely, Nancy

  3. Hello,

    I have looked a blue man celestial being after an experience last night.
    I have been meditating for some years and done quite a lot of work on myself but would like to add that in the last 3 days I have taken a medication for smoking cessation. Since then, I have been having really full on visualisations including walking through doors within my minds eye. Through the door is a vast ‘universe’ like system.

    Last night, a large toned no hair no clothes but not sexual blue skinned man in a seated meditation pose came into my whole vision. Please forgive me but I asked ‘are you God?’ And then ‘can you heal me?’
    After this, waves of (mmm I don’t know the words for this) waves or large directional releases of blue energy radiated from this man to me. I did not experience any strange bodily sensations but these waves or blue energy were really intense and powerful and strong.
    The blue man disappeared and then there was still the blue light but then there was a large blue egg. The egg had light radiating out of it then patches of darkness began trying to grab the egg and the egg was being moved all around to escape the darkness.

    Earlier on during the meditation I had seen an alien face. I wondered if the blue person was an alien?

    It was very vivid. Not like anything I have ever really experienced before

    • Hello Sarah,

      Wow, what an experience. My sense tells me that the Blue Light beings are Star beings, so then yes, that would align with the information that I am getting. Are you a member on the Blue Light Movement FB page?

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