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Blue Celestial Light

What has happened with the Blue Celestial Light infused within the earth since November 19th, 2019? It has been a while since I have written about the blue light movement. I have talked about it on the Facebook, Blue Light Movement page, link here, however have not written about exactly what happened on that date. We had moved right from the surge of change and universal expansion on one side of our awakening time, while living life here in the 3D world of the holidays, and of course COVID, political unrest, mass shootings, job exiting, and challenges over minimum wage. This is just what happened in the first few months after the blue surge. Internationally the rise in illuminating just how many autocratic dictators were ruling world events bombarded us with so much overstimulation that we were overwhelmed with how to cope?

Blue Celestial Light infusing the Earth

When visited in 2017 by the Celestially luminous blue beings of light, tall, then and gentle, it was the first time I had ever heard or experienced anything like them. In fact, it was not until 2019, that I was able to make a connection with the blue beings from the Avatar movie, leaving me to wonder if there was more truth to that movie than simply pure entertainment? I was guided by these blue beings of light to record a meditation, that could be downloaded for free, where you are guided to infuse Lapis/Cobalt blue earth and cosmic energy. I was told that this particular blue would help to dissolve all illusions and illuminate pure truth. I followed through with these instructions as well as began to meditate myself with this blue light. During that year, no one could have predicted exactly how our lives were going to unfold over the next 5 years until now. Visit my website to download two free versions of the blue light meditation.

As predicted in China in 2017, the very first surge of blue light would come through the Pyramids in Xian China on 11-19-2019. I have written about this experience in my blog from that time. I was with a group in South Africa during this particular surge. What struck me at that moment was just how still, quiet, gentle, and non-impactful this surge felt. In fact, I almost questioned if anything actually happened at all? After our focused ceremony in the South Africa Bush there was such a quiet still point that time literally seemed to stop for a few seconds.

When time began to start again, one of our participants screamed and literally kicked the sacred alter that was around the tree on the ground. They just kind of lost it and that rage shot through our entire group, cutting through the peace filled silence. In fact, our group was never the same after that, severing our ability to unify. When I really look back at that, I realize what happened to us in our group of less than 20 participants was literally a microcosm example of what would soon be happening to our entire planet at a larger global level. A pure division between those who can hold that gentle peace filled unity consciousness while others in the world continue to express destructive division. A smaller group of 5 split from the group and never rejoined the rest of us while creating daily destruction each time we attempted to bring the group back together. Again, we were not aware that we would be witness to this destruction as the blue light came in over the next few the years to come.

Blue Celestial Light

Within a few short months of the November 19, 2019 surge of blue light intended to dissolve illusion and illuminate truth in the entire world. I began to see (February of 2020) blue showers of light sparkling and saturating the world. Within a few short weeks of this we experienced at a global level a world pandemic that shut down everything at a level that literally felt impossible. At that time, I knew there was a connection between the blue light and COVID19, but I was not able to define it in a way that sounded sane and rational. Still now, I am not able to rationalize this connection, but I do believe, one day we will understand it more. In February of 2020, I also made a trip to Mexico City as the Blue Beings of Light shared with me (telepathically) that the next surge of blue light would come through the Great Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacán. Yvonne and I wished to see this ancient compound of pyramids for ourselves.

At that time the Blue Beings told me that there was a missing capstone and that I would need to elicit help of other energy workers to repair the energy field of where the capstone used to be located. I walked back to the museum and asked them if there used to be a capstone. No one could answer that question. Then on our way out, in one of the tourist stands was a small paperback booklet about the pyramids that I purchased. Inside, they described that indeed the Sun Pyramid capstone had been destroyed in 1920 by the Catholic Church. The healing of the energy field of the missing capstone would become our work over the next 2 years in preparation for the next big blue surge of light.

Remember in January of 2021, we were just beginning to hear about a vaccination for the COVID virus, yet to be available on a mass scale. I had many infusions of information about the blue light and wrote about it in my blog. We were beginning to gather as a group on our Blue Light Movement Facebook page, to begin bringing healing light at a distance through the capstone energy field. We imagined the blue light coming through to simulate the flow and could see it bending off to the right and entering the pyramid from the side instead of the direct hit through the center of the top. This was definitely a group effort over that year that made a huge difference on that bit day scheduled for 11-19-2021. I found it ironic that it was also on November 19th as it had been in 2019.

This time around, we could feel the build up of the blue light in a way I had not noticed in 2019. It was clear that the frequency on the earth had supported a higher state of consciousness that in turn brought a greater sensitivity to the entire experience. In 2017, and even in 2019, I was not aware of anyone talking about or making YouTube videos about the blue light. However, by 2021, there was smaller groups all of a sudden experiencing the blue light, being visited by star beings and feeling called to everything blue. These smaller groups were beginning to find each other and make connections. The excitement was palpable and a light in the darkness compared to what was happening at the 3 D level in our own country and internationally. Remember the January 6th insurrection at the Capital in the United States? Illusions were rapidly falling away revealing a glaring truth of what was happening in the dark underbelly of the world. This continued to leave me wondering in my meditations if this blue surge of light and assistance of the blue star beings was escalating events faster than humanity could cope with. It certainly felt like it.

On 11-19-2021, a virtual group of a few hundred people to be ready for the 3pm time that the blue column of light would pierce the capstone of the Sun Pyramid. We definitely had technical glitches that are par for the course when doing anything with energy but were able to resolve it just before 3pm. When the column of blue moved through the top it then proceeded very slowly through the pyramid structure, amplifying its power. This took almost 10 minutes of time as a deep stillness began to come over us and time (again) seemed to stop. Just like in 2019, there was such a gentle energy that it almost felt as if nothing was happening. When the blue column of light made it through the pyramid, there seemed to be a chamber of some sort underneath that filled with blue light before penetrating the earths crust. The blue shimmering frequency deepened its reach towards the magnetic core of the earth where we knew based on previous meditations that there was blue crystals. When the celestial blue cosmic light reached the blue crystals in the center of the earth the blue reverberated back up towards the earth and shot straight out several miles high into the earths atmosphere. This pattern of surges bouncing from the core of the earth and up towards the outer limits of our atmosphere continued for another 20 minutes. Until the entire earth was engulfed in blue light.

Then another strange energy event was witnessed happening inside the earth. A blue plasma type liquid light seemed to be in a fluid motion like waves hitting other waves in all directions. Observing this clairvoyant phenomenon over several months, I continued to see this movement inside as if the world was transforming itself into a different frequency. Here is a recent article that illuminates this most recent awareness scientifically. Read Article here

Each of us that experienced this surge of blue light could certainly feel it. There was high pitched ringing in the ears and a feeling of joy, elation, and excited enthusiasm. A few days later is when the ascension symptoms began to surface indicating that the human body had gone through a vibrational frequency change, as many people had shared symptoms of headaches, nausea, needing to sleep, or insomnia, wild colorful dreams, anxiety, clumsiness, trouble thinking and heightened paranormal experiences. There were far too many of these shared complaints that went beyond coincidence. This surge of blue, although not quite as intense as that initial piercing through the pyramid, things have definitely been stirred up. What has been hidden, is being revealed at a pace that I find shocking. As an intuitive/psychic teacher for over 20 years, I find people seeking intuitive teachers in unprecedented ways not previously known. I find YouTube is exploding with metaphysical information to include a lot of information on star beings from other galaxies.

An idea of how the blue beings of light appear to me, however taller and more welcoming in their essence.

As of this writing (May 2022) there is a surge of Blue Celestial Beings able to bring their presence further into the 3D realm now that our own 3rd dimensional frequency is rising. Many others are witnessing them with their own eyes and in meditation to include making YouTube videos about them. At 63 years old, you could not have showed me anything that would have allowed me to believe any of this was possible. Yes, here we are, and this expansion is not stopping anytime soon. The next predicted, prophesized surge of Blue will be towards the end of 2023 in late fall somewhere in the 4 corners area of the United States. I invite you to join our Blue Light Movement Facebook page to be a part of the ongoing conversation about everything blue! Link here to FB page.

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