Tag: past life

  • Reincarnation, Born Again!

    The University of Virginia, School of Medicine has been studying past lives for years. In most cultures around the world, there is a belief in past lives that is simply taken as fact. Yet, here in the Western world, this topic is considered taboo still. There have been thousands of studies that prove the truth…

  • Remembering The Sacred | April 2017

    Every energy has its own signature, its own imprint on us.  For over twenty years I have been like a mad scientist testing this energy and that energy allowing each energy to infuse my aura so that I could feel and experience each separate energy and how it affects my energy field.  Nearly 17 years…

  • Endings, New beginnings and Change!

    Endings, New beginnings and Change Intuitive Mind Insights Newsletter for December  2014 I read a Native American teaching once that said; “knowing when to stop, when to be finished is an important step in your healing”. This really spoke to me when I had attended a workshop about medicine wheels. The entire weekend was wonderful, uplifting…

  • Ancient Ireland

      Ancient Ireland November 2014 Newsletter Ireland a land of the ancient Celtic mystery, magic and lore. A culture built on the art of oral traditions through storytelling, songs and music. Celtic people who consider trees to be the wise ones. Where ancestors include nature, nature spirits as well as faeries and giants. In September…

  • KARMA | May 2014

    What do you think of when you hear the word Karma?   Whenever I have heard the word karma it has usually been associated with some sort of negative event. If something bad happened there was this impression that I must have done something bad in a past life therefore I was having to pay the…