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Tag: new spiritual path
What Is Rapid Ascension?
Rapid Ascension is a frequent experience during this great time of change. In my opinion, 3D is not ascending to th 5th dimensional realm. The 5D frequency is decending into the 3D realm causing us on earth to ascend while on earth.
Should You Cut Energy Cords?
Should you cut energy cords is a huge question when it comes to trying to separate your energy from someone else. I am guided to talk about this as a follow up to last weeks blog post and video about; Is Someone’s Energy in your Aura? If you missed the blog that includes the video,…
Why Awaken? When it Doesn’t Feel Good.
Twenty years ago, I remember reading books on this time of the great awakening and hearing words like, joy, bliss, the Celestine Prophecy and Shambhala a Tibetan spiritual kingdom that would be revealed in the new earth. It was beyond what most of us could even imagine but we certainly hung onto that as an…