Tag: meditation

  • Authenticity Era | June 2020

    Since the Coronavirus made its grand appearance in our lives, the main message I have been hearing from spirit is “Be Yourself”!    Each moment that another surprising event happened, I again would hear, “Be Yourself”.  As I explored this more deeply, I was being asked to be my own authority, make my own decisions and…

  • Your Higher Ancient Self!

    The Ancient Ones are Awakening, In a Modern World! Who are the Ancient ones? You are the Ancient Ones! This is the title to the book I wrote two years ago. How did I not know that the editing process would be much longer and harder than the writing of it? Regardless, Spirit will find…

  • 6th Chakra, I Can See Clearly Now!

    I can see clearly now the rain is gone! I can see all obstacles in my way…. Gone are those dark clouds that pass me by. It’s going to be a bright, bright, sunshiny day! This song’s lyrics are very fitting for the subject of the 6th Chakra, the clear seeing (clairvoyant) chakra. In this…

  • The Great Goddess Morrigan | March 2020

    Just off the phone, two weeks ago, with Maria O’Farrell Carr, Irish Wisdom Keeper, I pondered about this trip to Ireland.  I had traveled to Ireland with Maria in 2015 and just touching the land stirred up memories of deep ancient wisdom along with more recent history of deep grief.  Learning the history of the…

  • Our Community of Ancestors | February 2020

    Meditation assists me to bring more of my own spirit down into my body, into each chakra, and into my grounding to anchor my soul’s relationship with myself and the earth.  I can hear my own soul better when I am grounded.  Preparing to write this newsletter includes going into meditation to sit and listen…