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Tag: consciousness
Harnessing Higher Consciousness
Harnessing higher consciousness is beginning now in March and expanding during the April (8th)Solar Eclipse. January was a kick start, like pulling the line on a lawn mower and when the engine caught with a revving surge forward, our 2024 year was off in a new direction. Soon we are stepping out of the Capricorn…
The Great Expander of Consciousness
The Great Expander of Consciousness is the Galactic Center of our Universe. Within that Galactic Center is the Great Attractor and Shapley’s cluster of 8,000 plus galaxies. The most recent full moon in Sagittarius heralds (calls us to) a time when the great attractor is pulling at our earthly frequencies in stronger ways. Exploring the…
November Frequency 2021 Forecast!
The November Frequency Forecast 2021, promises to be a disorienting time as we move from a 3D duality world way of thinking to unity being.
Top 10 – Physical Symptoms of the Ascension process!
You are a soul, who has chosen to be on this earth, in a physical human body, at this time! Your physical body is an energy field. It is a denser, slower frequency so that it can see, touch, express and manifest on this 3rd dimensional earthly plane. Ascension is a word used often right…