Tag: aura

  • Is Someone’s Energy in your Aura?

    Is Someone’s Energy in your Aura?

    Would you know if someone else’s energy is in your aura? The simple answer is, you do not feel like yourself. You may make statements such as, I do not feel like myself today, wow, I am really feeling off, I am suddenly feeling very overwhelmed, or having unusual thoughts and feelings that you know…

  • Dreamers of Dreams | May 2020

    Everything is energy, everything has an energetic frequency and an energetic signature.  As psychics and healers we grow to be attuned to knowing what frequency is the dominant frequency vibrating in your aura.  If that dominant frequency is fear, violence, shame, guilt, grief, and old trauma, then we know as healers to send healing energy…

  • The Galactic Cycle of Time! | November 2018

    Do you remember all the excitement as we approached the year 2012?  Can you believe that was only 6 years ago?  There was all this talk about the “end of times” since the information for the ancient Mayan Calendar stopped at the year 2012.  There was so much being revealed through writings, theories, YouTube videos,…

  • Endings, New beginnings and Change!

    Endings, New beginnings and Change Intuitive Mind Insights Newsletter for December  2014 I read a Native American teaching once that said; “knowing when to stop, when to be finished is an important step in your healing”. This really spoke to me when I had attended a workshop about medicine wheels. The entire weekend was wonderful, uplifting…

  • Ancient Ireland

      Ancient Ireland November 2014 Newsletter Ireland a land of the ancient Celtic mystery, magic and lore. A culture built on the art of oral traditions through storytelling, songs and music. Celtic people who consider trees to be the wise ones. Where ancestors include nature, nature spirits as well as faeries and giants. In September…